Current employee here. Yes there has been some big changes since mid / late 2018, but IMO for the better. There is now a focussed plan in place that if executed correctly, will have us in very good position. Reimbursement is a part of that plan, although I still feel we need to dedicate 10x the resources towards that effort than our current state.
All in all, there are still unanswered questions about the future of Genomind (and really PGX altogether). That being said, I'm making good money and have a great quality of life doing it. Within psychiatry, this is by the far the best PGX option on the market, especially now that Genesight dropped two of their panels (which I feel was reimbursement related).
If you want cushy job that allows you to kick back and blend in with the crowd, go work for big pharma. If you want the opportunity to truly impact a growing market (while making some decent coin doing it), I would definitely consider Genomind.