
Lies lies lies yeah! How can Genomind keep a VP of sales that constantly lies to her employees? Why doesn’t she get the boot? She is a waste of company resources and has zero idea how to do her job! Luckily I don’t work for her but the gossip mill is spinning...but spinning facts not lies!

Current employee here. Yes there has been some big changes since mid / late 2018, but IMO for the better. There is now a focussed plan in place that if executed correctly, will have us in very good position. Reimbursement is a part of that plan, although I still feel we need to dedicate 10x the resources towards that effort than our current state.
All in all, there are still unanswered questions about the future of Genomind (and really PGX altogether). That being said, I'm making good money and have a great quality of life doing it. Within psychiatry, this is by the far the best PGX option on the market, especially now that Genesight dropped two of their panels (which I feel was reimbursement related).
If you want cushy job that allows you to kick back and blend in with the crowd, go work for big pharma. If you want the opportunity to truly impact a growing market (while making some decent coin doing it), I would definitely consider Genomind.

Current employee here. Yes there has been some big changes since mid / late 2018, but IMO for the better. There is now a focussed plan in place that if executed correctly, will have us in very good position. Reimbursement is a part of that plan, although I still feel we need to dedicate 10x the resources towards that effort than our current state.
All in all, there are still unanswered questions about the future of Genomind (and really PGX altogether). That being said, I'm making good money and have a great quality of life doing it. Within psychiatry, this is by the far the best PGX option on the market, especially now that Genesight dropped two of their panels (which I feel was reimbursement related).
If you want cushy job that allows you to kick back and blend in with the crowd, go work for big pharma. If you want the opportunity to truly impact a growing market (while making some decent coin doing it), I would definitely consider Genomind.

Current employee here. Yes there has been some big changes since mid / late 2018, but IMO for the better. There is now a focussed plan in place that if executed correctly, will have us in very good position. Reimbursement is a part of that plan, although I still feel we need to dedicate 10x the resources towards that effort than our current state.
All in all, there are still unanswered questions about the future of Genomind (and really PGX altogether). That being said, I'm making good money and have a great quality of life doing it. Within psychiatry, this is by the far the best PGX option on the market, especially now that Genesight dropped two of their panels (which I feel was reimbursement related).
If you want cushy job that allows you to kick back and blend in with the crowd, go work for big pharma. If you want the opportunity to truly impact a growing market (while making some decent coin doing it), I would definitely consider Genomind.

This company won’t be around much longer as some other competitors enter the market, they can’t figure out reimbursement and have the same people who have no clue how to sell in VP positions. This is a good temp job until you find a company that will be around for the long haul. Most employees not happy and it IS becoming like big pharma as one of the leaders came from that camp. I would stay away..

Tick tock tick tock you better get out before the doors get locked! More lay-offs and incompetent people in leadership roles. You are on the Titanic heading towards the iceberg! Good luck!

LOL, at least they have clinical studies validating their claims.... Genomind has nothing which is why no insurance companies will touch them.... bogus gene reporting as well with no clinical relevance or utility.

Myriad does have a large RCT trial. True. They also happen to be one of the most unethical companies on the planet.