
Do you guys still see Jay Lombard or Ron Dozoretz?
Jay and Dr. D are really not involved in any function of the business anymore. Jay showed up when he had a book out but that was the last time we saw him. Dr. D has severe carpal tunnel from all the check writing to bail is out time and time again.

I wouldn't join this organization unless you are desperate. The direction and leadership have rapidly gone downhill since the new year. We put all of our eggs in the UHC basket, and they haven't paid even half our claims. Leadership has told us we are guaranteed to be in-network soon with UHC "any day now" (been saying that since January). Plus, we just got our incentive comp plan for Q1 last week, and the goals for Q2 won't be available for "a couple more weeks". Almost no one is making any significant commission, hence almost all the top reps and managers have left in the last 4-5 months. Everyone else is looking and will probably leave after they pay our commission this Friday (fingers crossed).

As predicted over a year ago... this place has always been focused on the wrong things. They should have been interested in ensuring reimbursement. You should have seen the signs and left long ago.

Hope you don't have to write a check to cover your stock options when it goes under...

Genomind will get bought one way or another. It may be failing, but that’s because of the piss poor leadership. If a pharma or biotech company wanted to add a pharmaco-genetics arm to their business, this would be a smart acquisition.

As a current employee in the sales department, it does seem that every decision is being made for a potential buyout. Volume is down, but revenue hasn't taken such a hit because of the prepayment strategy.

No one wants to buy a money drain... hope you are looking for a new gig!
Failing businesses are bought all the time. The fact that the current business structure is failing does not mean the platform wouldn't be profitable under the right leadership and business model. High probability that if Genomind is acquired, it will be for bottom dollar and they will lay waste to essentially the entire organization and start fresh.

I have to think this has all been by design but certainly at the expense of a positive company culture. This place is the most toxic environment there is. lies after lies, bait and switch and spin factor is ALL Genomind is based on from comp plans, company calls, to new policies and services and ridiculous marketing campaigns that create our clients to run to the competition and the sales team has to clean up the mess time after time. And you better be onboard with leadership direction and pretend this is the "happiest place on earth" or you're out and it's a complete smear campaign until they kick you out if you resist the cult. Creativity, new ideas, different ideas, disagreement with alternative solutions is viewed as opposition meanwhile leadership is shocked by high attrition rates and loss of customers. The "stab you in the back" culture and smoke and mirrors is the foundation of Genomind thanks to KO. Less than 15 reps on the sales team, operating at 30% of volume compared to last year, no insurance reimbursement and the founder has passed, easy math if you're considering joining this organization. Everyone on the inside (sales) is looking to leave - and those who may not be are brainwashed or a part of this toxic culture.Great product but really only available to the elite. price increased during covid with pay up front model and no medicaid in almost all 50 states doesn't service majority of the mental health community. AND New DTC product repurposes 5-7 genes for $500. Get real. An acquisition is imminent but for pennies or the doors may close. Bye Genomind.

I have to think this has all been by design but certainly at the expense of a positive company culture. This place is the most toxic environment there is. lies after lies, bait and switch and spin factor is ALL Genomind is based on from comp plans, company calls, to new policies and services and ridiculous marketing campaigns that create our clients to run to the competition and the sales team has to clean up the mess time after time. And you better be onboard with leadership direction and pretend this is the "happiest place on earth" or you're out and it's a complete smear campaign until they kick you out if you resist the cult. Creativity, new ideas, different ideas, disagreement with alternative solutions is viewed as opposition meanwhile leadership is shocked by high attrition rates and loss of customers. The "stab you in the back" culture and smoke and mirrors is the foundation of Genomind thanks to KO. Less than 15 reps on the sales team, operating at 30% of volume compared to last year, no insurance reimbursement and the founder has passed, easy math if you're considering joining this organization. Everyone on the inside (sales) is looking to leave - and those who may not be are brainwashed or a part of this toxic culture.Great product but really only available to the elite. price increased during covid with pay up front model and no medicaid in almost all 50 states doesn't service majority of the mental health community. AND New DTC product repurposes 5-7 genes for $500. Get real. An acquisition is imminent but for pennies or the doors may close. Bye Genomind.

Preach!!! This was my impression a few years ago when I was there. The worst is LM and the negative culture she promotes. If you are not a favorite of hers you are screwed. Funny enough most of her hires sucked and she ran out the good ones. BUH-BYE GM

The tipping point was when MK left and that entitled moron Tom Hess took over for the interim. Although is was short lived, that jackass paved the way for future failure. W

Just saw your new RCT. Talk about a fail. Completed in 2017 and now just published.

No statically significant outcomes is amazing.

Great job Genomind

We know, we know. But hey, Genecept didn't perform WORSE than TAU! Ha! All the, "but our product is great" comments make me laugh. THEY are right. WE have no science! Just hanging on until decent companies start hiring again, and I can find something better.

OMG Mindful DNA, that was such a joke of a product that never left the ground, but yet we had to pull our resources and efforts to focus on a test that would AGAIN not pan out in the end. This place was and still continues to be a joke, all the good people laid off or left by their own volition and yet the incompetent management, mainly CFO HESS and VP Sales MILES ARE STILL THERE!!! When is the money well drying up and HOW THE HECK is there still any one in sales thinking this S*&T Show of a company will go on??????