I’ve worked at BIO for 16 years. Looking back, I’ve experienced several cringy incidents dating back to the days when most of the reps in my area were independent. As a single mom, I pushed through it because I had to. They job paid well and it still does for my area. Thankfully, my team now is really respectful and supportive, but it is distressing to hear that sexism and harassment is still happening in parts of the company. I would encourage anyone dealing with this to not do what I did. Don’t put up with it. Find allies. If HR is not giving you more than lip service, file a complaint with your state labor relations office or the EEOC. And don’t be scared by your employment contract and the arbitration language. Depending on your state that might not be enforceable anyway. BIO has never liked the publicity that comes from lawsuits, so there’s a good chance they’ll settle quickly if you feel you’ve been harmed.