Galderma's Comp Plan & Bogus Quotas are Destroying AX


How many more people need to quit before Galderma changes their sales compensation plan?
There is literally no reason to sell a single penny for those under 85% to goal which is the majority of the company at this point. The company is clearly not going to hit 85% as a nation this quarter for either bucket. Half of the company is NOT selling right now as there is no point. Revance became smart and adjusted to the times. They are paying 4% commission on all orders from dollar #1. Galderma pays zero dollars until you hit a random goal that was pulled out of an elephants anus. Funny how not a single person in senior leadership or analytics can tell you exactly how they came up with your goal. We are getting crushed here on the east coast with no end in sight. My girlfriend at Merz is making bank now that they adjusted quotas at their crappy company. Before I joined Galderma I thought this company was polished and ran itself like a well oiled machine. It was the "destination company". Now I understand why there is so much negativity in this company. There is zero leadership, zero vision, zero understanding of the market, zero common sense and people who give zero sh.t about anything around here.


How many more people need to quit before Galderma changes their sales compensation plan?
There is literally no reason to sell a single penny for those under 85% to goal which is the majority of the company at this point. The company is clearly not going to hit 85% as a nation this quarter for either bucket. Half of the company is NOT selling right now as there is no point. Revance became smart and adjusted to the times. They are paying 4% commission on all orders from dollar #1. Galderma pays zero dollars until you hit a random goal that was pulled out of an elephants anus. Funny how not a single person in senior leadership or analytics can tell you exactly how they came up with your goal. We are getting crushed here on the east coast with no end in sight. My girlfriend at Merz is making bank now that they adjusted quotas at their crappy company. Before I joined Galderma I thought this company was polished and ran itself like a well oiled machine. It was the "destination company". Now I understand why there is so much negativity in this company. There is zero leadership, zero vision, zero understanding of the market, zero common sense and people who give zero sh.t about anything around here.

Veeva insights is used to determine quota and is what they will use to expand again. WTF would a company use data from veeva input! We are given a short time to guess the number of procedures an injector does weekly, we GUESS the level of Merz and Allergan to GUESS how much potential is in the practice. LOL how dumb!

How many more people need to quit before Galderma changes their sales compensation plan?
There is literally no reason to sell a single penny for those under 85% to goal which is the majority of the company at this point. The company is clearly not going to hit 85% as a nation this quarter for either bucket. Half of the company is NOT selling right now as there is no point. Revance became smart and adjusted to the times. They are paying 4% commission on all orders from dollar #1. Galderma pays zero dollars until you hit a random goal that was pulled out of an elephants anus. Funny how not a single person in senior leadership or analytics can tell you exactly how they came up with your goal. We are getting crushed here on the east coast with no end in sight. My girlfriend at Merz is making bank now that they adjusted quotas at their crappy company. Before I joined Galderma I thought this company was polished and ran itself like a well oiled machine. It was the "destination company". Now I understand why there is so much negativity in this company. There is zero leadership, zero vision, zero understanding of the market, zero common sense and people who give zero sh.t about anything around here.

How many more people need to quit before Galderma changes their sales compensation plan?
There is literally no reason to sell a single penny for those under 85% to goal which is the majority of the company at this point. The company is clearly not going to hit 85% as a nation this quarter for either bucket. Half of the company is NOT selling right now as there is no point. Revance became smart and adjusted to the times. They are paying 4% commission on all orders from dollar #1. Galderma pays zero dollars until you hit a random goal that was pulled out of an elephants anus. Funny how not a single person in senior leadership or analytics can tell you exactly how they came up with your goal. We are getting crushed here on the east coast with no end in sight. My girlfriend at Merz is making bank now that they adjusted quotas at their crappy company. Before I joined Galderma I thought this company was polished and ran itself like a well oiled machine. It was the "destination company". Now I understand why there is so much negativity in this company. There is zero leadership, zero vision, zero understanding of the market, zero common sense and people who give zero sh.t about anything around here.

you are right, at Revance we are smart have a better product, culture and comp. Come here, if you can’t beat us, join us! Or stay at this current shithole that I used to be a part of.

I'm literally fighting with one of the corporate account managers right now because of comp. My CAM is trying to get my account to place a $200k+ order that I won't get paid on because of our lame comp plan. Of course I'm gonna de-rail those plans and squash that order because I get nothing out of it and need to move through it the following quarter. We are fighting ourselves in this company because we are run by baboons that just don't get it. Change the comp plan now or sales will continue to slide. We are literally talking people out of orders because of this broken system. Leadership needs to go. Galderma makes Revance look like the place to be right now.

I'm literally fighting with one of the corporate account managers right now because of comp. My CAM is trying to get my account to place a $200k+ order that I won't get paid on because of our lame comp plan. Of course I'm gonna de-rail those plans and squash that order because I get nothing out of it and need to move through it the following quarter. We are fighting ourselves in this company because we are run by baboons that just don't get it. Change the comp plan now or sales will continue to slide. We are literally talking people out of orders because of this broken system. Leadership needs to go. Galderma makes Revance look like the place to be right now.
It’s not about you. You work for the company. They pay your salary and benefits. If the order is right for the company, don’t be a douche bag.

How many more people need to quit before Galderma changes their sales compensation plan?
There is literally no reason to sell a single penny for those under 85% to goal which is the majority of the company at this point. The company is clearly not going to hit 85% as a nation this quarter for either bucket. Half of the company is NOT selling right now as there is no point. Revance became smart and adjusted to the times. They are paying 4% commission on all orders from dollar #1. Galderma pays zero dollars until you hit a random goal that was pulled out of an elephants anus. Funny how not a single person in senior leadership or analytics can tell you exactly how they came up with your goal. We are getting crushed here on the east coast with no end in sight. My girlfriend at Merz is making bank now that they adjusted quotas at their crappy company. Before I joined Galderma I thought this company was polished and ran itself like a well oiled machine. It was the "destination company". Now I understand why there is so much negativity in this company. There is zero leadership, zero vision, zero understanding of the market, zero common sense and people who give zero sh.t about anything around here.

Spot on. Galderma used to be a destination company. Back when everyone was making $50k min per quarter and quotas were realistic. If something doesn’t change soon, they won’t have any reps left.

It’s not about you. You work for the company. They pay your salary and benefits. If the order is right for the company, don’t be a douche bag.

ok corporate manager kool aid drinker. Yes, I’m going to turn in a $200k order in Q3 where I get paid $0 on it. Or I turn it in one day later and get paid on it. Either way, the company gets $200k in sales. You think I’m here for the “do gooder” in me? Galderma makes tons of money based off their COGS.

And you Mr. “Turn it in and don’t be a douche bag” it’s easy for you to say w your high salary. What is it for you now, $180k base? Easy to tell us what to do when our base is low and our comish is zero. Fuck off!

The stress is wicked. Does KH think that we don't want to hit our number? Stop with these elaborate contests and threats. Give us a number and comp plan that is fair. The last year has been absurd

ok corporate manager kool aid drinker. Yes, I’m going to turn in a $200k order in Q3 where I get paid $0 on it. Or I turn it in one day later and get paid on it. Either way, the company gets $200k in sales. You think I’m here for the “do gooder” in me? Galderma makes tons of money based off their COGS.

And you Mr. “Turn it in and don’t be a douche bag” it’s easy for you to say w your high salary. What is it for you now, $180k base? Easy to tell us what to do when our base is low and our comish is zero. Fuck off!
This is why you are just a dumb rep. Don’t you think that the company has quarterly goals they have committed to?

BB would not say that. BB wants to get paid. He is a friend of the salesforce. Put him in charge of the comp plan and we will rise again.

Yes! We’ll rise again like a Phoenix from the fire. Shaddddappp! Brian is a company chump and you’re a fool if you believe he’s a friend to the Salesforce.

This is why you are just a dumb rep. Don’t you think that the company has quarterly goals they have committed to?

This is why all of our senior leadership is dumb. We have lied to EQT and overpromised what we are going to sell. Galdermas leadership has committed to bogus goals because they are afraid to push back on Fleming and crew. Senior leadership is 100% aware that the goals are a complete and utter sham. This coupled with the fact that they know our comp plan is broken and have done nothing to fix it. The comp plan is an instruction manual handed down by senior leadership that tells the reps the kind of behavior needed to make money. The comp plan tells us that if we aren't at 85% we get nothing. Thus Galderma's comp plan tells us to not sell and take a knee if we can't get to 85% (and make $3,500 WTF). Just imagine if Galderma's senior leadership paid reps generously from dollar #1 and didn't have an imaginary line we need to cross before we earn a payout. We would have the entire salesforce pounding the street and hustling for orders each and every day. Unfortunately, Galderma has committed to BS goals to EQT and can't pivot and change things on the fly like it should. This is why we are a leaderless organization. We keep making the same mistakes over and over expecting a different result, this is insanity. Now I'm off to get my nails done and enjoy a spa day with my girls because thats what Galderma's comp plan is telling me to do

It’s not about you. You work for the company. They pay your salary and benefits. If the order is right for the company, don’t be a douche bag.

It's entirely about me! Yes, I work for the company but the company wouldn't exist without us. I sold over $2 million this quarter and still won't hit my quota. That $2mil will pay my salary and benefits for the next decade you douch bag! The company needs to do whats right for its employees. If the company takes care of us we will take care of it. Its this us against them mentality that is sinking this place. This place is a circus right now with this type of mentality. Just make a comp plan where we get paid all day, every day and we would all be aligned and have the same interests. Why on earth would there be a situation where a CAM gets paid on an order, but the rep who is doing all the work won't get paid on that exact same order? Now imagine if everyone got paid on that order, problem solved! Its 100% about the comp plan. So do whats right for the company, home office employees, and the salesforce so everyone can make money and live their lives without all of this nonsense.

The arrogance. Do you think your territory would stop generating Restylane sales with you not in it? The brand has a better relationship with your accounts than you do. If you left we’d be fine.