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Galderma Aesthetics has been a nightmare

bha ha ha ! Do EB and KH really think the salesforce is this dumb? This ludacris forecast bonus pay pennies on the dollars compared to what the old comp plan paid. Boot EB and get Alisa back in here to fix things

People are leaving, but where to? I also fell victim to the overpromise of earnings as a new hire. With unrealistic goals, changing of comp plan and constant uncertainty, this place is a sinking ship in my opinion.

People are leaving, but where to? I also fell victim to the overpromise of earnings as a new hire. With unrealistic goals, changing of comp plan and constant uncertainty, this place is a sinking ship in my opinion.
Your judgement is fully accurate. Galderma is a sinking ship. Go elsewhere if you can.

They need to be exposed for how they’re treating the salesforce. None of us are mentally or physically healthy because of the stress. Not a good way to run a business.

anywhere except Galderma. This place is hell. The BS on the Friday call only reinforced how most of us are feeling right now. Never addressed Q2 performance and threw out another bullshit way to get us to go out there and slave away in the field.

anywhere except Galderma. This place is hell. The BS on the Friday call only reinforced how most of us are feeling right now. Never addressed Q2 performance and threw out another bullshit way to get us to go out there and slave away in the field.

They could offer 50k in bonus opportunity if they wanted but the reality is on Monday or Tuesday when the quotas come these bonuses won’t be achievable. Pushback and they say “so much money we’re offering you to do this.” Yeah just because you play the lottery doesn’t mean you’re really going to win.

They could offer 50k in bonus opportunity if they wanted but the reality is on Monday or Tuesday when the quotas come these bonuses won’t be achievable. Pushback and they say “so much money we’re offering you to do this.” Yeah just because you play the lottery doesn’t mean you’re really going to win.
A joke

Galderma always wants more from the employee and the customer- raise the price again and again. Raise the goals again and again. The customers will wise up and the entire thing is going to fall apart sooner than EB and EQT can respond. Then what? They can’t lower prices? So they’ll blame the sales force and start getting rid of people to balance profits. As a rep, do we even see how corrupt the entire tier pricing structure is? It’s embarrassing. Allergan is falling apart for the same reasons and Galderma is next. The price of x-pres-han technology is a complete joke. There is nothing amazing about this OLD technology that does not do great around the world, plenty of AE’s, and sticker shock. It’s too expensive! EB and company feed the sales force the cherry picked information and sell this crap as gold nuggets. Come to find out- it’s all marketing bullshit. Thankfully, not as bad as vycross. But really, we are on the verge of a recession and galderma keeps pricing everyone out. Keep copying allergan- not working out well for them.

Allergan, Merz, Revance, companies with energy based devices. Any company but Galderma.

None of these companies are good. It’s constant stress. Managers lead by fear. The reps have more and more tasks that have nothing to do with selling. Every department punts everything to the rep. The greed kills ever culture. Selling an RX is a better option. Skip this space is over saturated.

The startups bring over the Allergan and Galderma folks, the same faces, the same old comp plans, same role plays, same marketing ideas, same fear based management style, same insane goals. Time to mix it up.