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Galderma Aesthetics CA positions

You should absolutely reach out to the former rep in the territory. Not too hard to do. Just a quick LinkedIn search. Better yet- ask the hiring g manager for their cell and see if they want you to talk to them. Do your research. Galderma will do a background check on you. You need to do one on them.
wise words. 100% endorse this. this company doesnt understand the number of good candidates that dont apply because folks do their background check. I have received a couple of calls myself from people and lets just say I had a few things to say about this horrible company

Bk should be running Galderma. She gets it. She should have brenners job. She’s hard core but at least a decent person. KH is a bad human as well as EB. Flemming is a waste of space and would be better off as a janitor at Taco Bell.

Let’s be clear. There are zero leaders at Galderma. AD’s EB, KH are all followers and pawns of flemming. It’s a loose car on the freeway going 100 mph with no driver. This place continually crashes and burns. Best part is that nobody cares. Hang onto your Galderma job, work as little as possible, collect a paycheck and passively look for work elsewhere. That’s the key to maximizing your remaining months with this magical company.

Considering applying for Galderma aesthetics position but have heard rumblings that outgoing reps left bc no money could be made, seems like Botox reps are saying the same. Is this true? Happy for a challenge with difficult goals, just worried everyone is jumping ship bc they’re unattainable.
Yeah and apparently reps in so cal are resorting to selling samples out of their trunks to fund their travel plans. BM just got caught doing it. Fucking compliance