Former CNS manager now in primary care. The future is slightly better!

Well, I am selling Symbicort now. Pretty much a sample drop call most of the time. The Docs know all about Advair and Symbicort. Of course, the CSA reps samples Symbicort too, and makes no attempt to sell. He has conditioned the Docs to sign and wave for Symbicort!

Of course, the CSA reps samples Symbicort too, and makes no attempt to sell. He has conditioned the Docs to sign and wave for Symbicort!

This is precisely what I figured Docs would get used to. Why waste time when you can get what you really want for patients without a detail.

Pharma could cut off its nose to spite its face.

Let's now lose sight of the fact that it is a JOB...Given that i thought i would be unemployed...i am pleased with the move from CNS to PC. If nothing else it is an opportunity to expand my "circle". I have been in CNS for almost 10 years as well...CNS is dead. PC may not be far behind it, but really, what hope does CNS have? And only 1 product is not a very efficient use of all of those salaries. They are investing time and money in training us, so that says something...who really knows what it says, but again, it is a job. Bottom line is crestor is important to this company, regardless of the generic status of the big L. Seroquel IR status is much more problematic that Lipitor to me...both are difficult...but Seroquel IR is the same molecule as XR...that is problematic (period). My biggest fear is the DSMs for these positions, and who is going to out shine whom. I have been treated as an adult for the past 10 years, for the most part...hopefully i have not landed with some immature micromanaging "child"....It is a darn good pay check and benefits, so i will manage! I am heart-broken that some of my dear friends did not make it....

So far, so good. At least my DSM has quite a few years of experience. He "gets" it. We sell when we can, and don't rock the boat otherwise. Keep the customer happy since they are already using Symbicort anyway!

Well, the loss of TC 5214 (antidepressant) seems to validate the original post in this thread! Really, what is left for CNS unless AZ can in license something for them to sell?

So If I understand correctly you are saying that since I remain in CNS specialty force, I'm what, dog food, not the creme de la creme?! And that I should vigorously job search or soon face the executioner?

I'm sure your DSM "colleagues" are lovin' you.

Although there could be a ring of truth to it, this still sounds like a self-congratulatory pat on the back if you ask me. In the meantime, you might remember where you are and watch yours.

Senior management knew the Targacept drug had a very minor chance of success at the time of the layoff. This is why the best CNS reps were moved to primary care. They also knew that the UK courts might invalidate the Seroquel XR patent. Both of these events have now come to pass. If you are still with CNS, you are now a part of a skeleton sales force that has no reason to exist unless AZ can in license a new CNS product. Be honest, what are the odds that will happen in the next 6-12 months?

The OP was right. You should be looking for a job right now. Think of it as a blessing that you probably have till December 2012 to find a new job. The Seroquel XR numbers are going to start declining every month starting in about August, and even your boss knows it is not your fault. Use your time wisely and get out! Of course, if you just want the package, stay till December 2012.

Senior management knew the Targacept drug had a very minor chance of success at the time of the layoff. This is why the best CNS reps were moved to primary care. They also knew that the UK courts might invalidate the Seroquel XR patent. Both of these events have now come to pass. If you are still with CNS, you are now a part of a skeleton sales force that has no reason to exist unless AZ can in license a new CNS product. Be honest, what are the odds that will happen in the next 6-12 months?

The OP was right. You should be looking for a job right now. Think of it as a blessing that you probably have till December 2012 to find a new job. The Seroquel XR numbers are going to start declining every month starting in about August, and even your boss knows it is not your fault. Use your time wisely and get out! Of course, if you just want the package, stay till December 2012.

I am still in CNS. However, I can't really disagree with anything you have said. I think the Targacept drug was our last hope.

Just one more reason I am glad I was rolled into Primary Care from CNS. Yes, I know the ship is sinking, but Symbicort alone might give me two more years with the company.

I do feel sorry for my cohorts that were laid off. Some certainly did not deserve it. However, since I was not, two more years is two more years. Two more years of salary, bonus, 401 k, company matching, benefits, car, and the freedom to look for a new job should a good opportunity pop up.

Two years from now when I am laid off, maybe the job market is in better shape. You never know.............

I have to admit I was disappointed to go back to primary care. However, now that the Targacept drug is DOA, I just don't think CNS has much of a future. Still, not a lot new to talk about regarding Symbicort. Will I be completely brain dead in a year?

And you royal top notch primary care reps probably have until december as well ! I mean how many monkeys does it take to'sell Crestor since the objective is not to lose? Can this company float 7 or 8 reps in the same offices? Get a life this company is doomed unless they merge or license in something. It's not just CNS

In six months xr will be dead unless it comes sooner (if medicaid cuts xr). Primary care will die in 4 months when other generic manufactures enter the market.

The only hope is that the generic companies are just as greedy as we are and price their products to high.

The originators of performance management need to be removed from the company along with those that condone it. These plans create a false economy and simply cover the failure of management. How many ways can you be coached to read the damn screen? It has all become a joke, just like busy work of pre-call planning or studying the constant barrage of spread sheets and data. How is any of that going to change what you can read off the screen?

Capped calls and metrics in a business that is dynamic and opportunistic? Really????

Stop the madness and have a fire sale already!

Are you guys in touch with reality! I was harrassed out 1 month before my 10th year at AZ. Good numbers , good track record, too much tenure.
I can't believe anyone is being treated with respect anymore. You will be throw under the bus whenever necessary.

Looks like CNS will be selling Pristiq soon. Kind of a band aid if you ask me. Pristiq is tough to sell with so many generics out there. Is this really job security?

No, it is not. Pristiq is a very mild player in that market. Ask yourself this question: "If Pristiq is such a great drug, then why would Pfizer give it away?"

All you mofos who remember going to the 'library' and 'reading' the latest 'journals' why dont you paint the complete picture? I suppose golf clubhouses and cruises have libraries too. Or is this where you replace 'journal' with single malt scotch and 'library' with strip club. Tell us about the good old days...this should be relevant to PC most especially

As for the Advair patent, once the molecule patent has run its course, do you think the delivery device will matter? Even symbicotr is available in dry powder in europe.