Former CNS manager now in primary care. The future is slightly better!

I was happy to land in primary care. Symbicort and Crestor at least have some patent life left. Yes, I realize the pipeline is dry. However, compare primary care with the remaining CNS division.

This is my honest opinion. The best CNS reps were moved to primary care. Why? CNS in general is considered by Senior management to be the best sales force historically. I can see it first hand. I had some great CNS reps moved into my primary care district.

Senior management realizes Seroquel XR will tank in 6 months once Seroquel IR, Zyprexa, and Geodon generics all gain traction in the pharma wholesalers.

The remaining CNS franchise will be the first to go in 9-12 months unless AZ can in license a new product or we buy/merge with another company.

All of these concepts were discussed in the calibration meetings regarding which reps would be retained. If you are a retained CNS rep, you ranked at the low end of CNS. The highly ranked CNS reps were moved to primary care in case the company survives in its current format for one or more years.

If you are retained CNS, or retained Diabetes, you really should continue your job search with vigor.

I share this because I know some of the folks I managed are good people, but not the highest ranked sales reps. Use this stay of execution to find your future!

I am sure there are exceptions to the rule, but in my area the OP appears to be correct. The higher ranked CNS reps were moved to primary care. The lower ranked CNS reps stayed CNS and the lowest ranked CNS were displaced. I am not saying this to offend anyone, just posting my observations.

Sad thing is that you could be the most skilled rep but if lack managed care coverage, limited access, etc your sales will suffer. Performance is based on "subjective" behaviors. True "objective" data does not exist for a rep. If Dr. Jones wrote 50 new rxs who made that happen? Which one of the 4 reps calling on him made the impact? What happens when there is a formulary win and sales increase? Many reps with poor skills have won COE.

Perception is reality in this industry. If your manager, and their manager thinks your good then you will be fine. So many reps hurt themselves by complaining all the time to the wrong people (DM). This job has become a field marketing position where reps provide 30 second mini commercials. It is all about signatures, Reach and frequency.

You could teach a monkey to go into the field and detail verbatim off of the computer. It takes no skill and no sales ability. Contract sales forces are the future with this dumbed down approach.

Former CNS rep in California. I am glad to be in primary care. Lets get real, Seroquel generic IR will devastate Seroquel XR.

I just don't see a future for CNS. You basically are hanging on hoping for an acquisition of a new product. Will it happen? What is out there?

Moving from CNS to PC sucks because you lose bonus potential. It's not lateral, it's a downward move!!! Your 24k bonus at 100% just went down to 20k. Good luck making that 4k up with that portfolio!
 if "bonus" potential really matters...seriously, are you serious with that comment??? Bonus is so subjective, and they are going to make it difficult for everyone to get good bonus money going forward. I can't believe that they have not taken that away yet....A 4k difference after taxes is not like you hit the lottery, and on paper saying 4K difference, and actually "making" that 4k is a BIG difference. generic IR will rule, and your 4k difference will not matter at that point....I have a decent salary, and i kept it, and that is all i have counted on for the end, who cares what products, or the bonus (nice but not necessary) ---salary and med benefits are what count to me....the other stuff is just gravy....i hope you make the 4K difference...but i would not use that to rationalize that one position is better than the other...that is weak considering all other market is nice to say, and maybe your manager and rsd can reinforce that you are special in that regard, but in the real word, it does not mean very much in my opinion..but i am not that "status" oriented either.......we have a job....that is how we both "win"....hope we can keep our jobs for a little while....

Self-IDer here -

If you CNS reps thought your job sucked prior to January 30th, just wait until you experience the wrath of primary care.

It is a like a living hell for most. No access, fat chicks wanting more gravy on their fries, doctors that have no idea what they are treating, etc, etc, etc.

Think of primary care as a purgatory for you to camp-out in until your recruiter calls you with the better job opportunity.

Primary Care = Hell. You will see..

Self-IDer here -

If you CNS reps thought your job sucked prior to January 30th, just wait until you experience the wrath of primary care.

It is a like a living hell for most. No access, fat chicks wanting more gravy on their fries, doctors that have no idea what they are treating, etc, etc, etc.

Think of primary care as a purgatory for you to camp-out in until your recruiter calls you with the better job opportunity.

Primary Care = Hell. You will see..

You guys are a joke. Do you think that technology will not replace you in within the next five years. Docs will go to a portal to order sample/rebates and get their approved drug messages there. Check the box that says they understand the details; or click a tab to answer their questions; there will be a live chat option and yes they can choose to speak to someone live. That live person will make less than $45,000 a year and will not have to take doctors out after hours. Their electronic record will alert them when a script will not be paid for by the PBM; and you will have to buy your own damn car. Hopefully, all of the above will keep the drugs price from increasing every four months (so you do not have to keep the price increase a secret). You better get some skills. This profession is shrinking and evolving. It happens with all industry. Look at the jobs of the future and evolve or you will become obsolete.

You work for AZ. You are a rep with sub-standard does not matter if you are in primary care, CNS or any other specialty at this company. You are not as well trained as other big pharma reps......AND YOU KNOW THAT.

Your lucky you have a job! You should have taken your ego and self identified your ass!

Lucky? Lucky to work with 9 twenty something year old's. Fuck You, I didn't want the damn job listening to all the bullshit of bimbo moms talking and laughing about how fat the window witches are compared to them. Or the new DSM drone on about the great market opportunity for Kreastor and our new direction for long term growth. Or the stupid BSC and IDP that means more forced metrics you have no control over and is used like a fucking hammer against you at the end of the year. Excited about the IDP, yeah buddy. I hate meeting at Starbucks (should be six bucks) for weekly cheer-leading sessions of what we are going to do different this week. When it is the same damn thing day in and day out.

If I knew there was half a chance of being on a primary care team my ego and I would have self ID.

Lucky? Lucky to work with 9 twenty something year old's. Fuck You, I didn't want the damn job listening to all the bullshit of bimbo moms talking and laughing about how fat the window witches are compared to them. Or the new DSM drone on about the great market opportunity for Kreastor and our new direction for long term growth. Or the stupid BSC and IDP that means more forced metrics you have no control over and is used like a fucking hammer against you at the end of the year. Excited about the IDP, yeah buddy. I hate meeting at Starbucks (should be six bucks) for weekly cheer-leading sessions of what we are going to do different this week. When it is the same damn thing day in and day out.

If I knew there was half a chance of being on a primary care team my ego and I would have self ID.

OMG we are in the same pod!!!! The jersey shore crowd for sure. Maybe we will get to see snookie this week at star boobs.

Symbicort and Crestor. So you've got what, two years tops (if that) till 2014 unless AZ buys another company or product?

Yes, so what if it is only two years! Base plus bonus that means I make 115k times two. So, over the next two years I make 230k plus 401k contribution and retirement contribution from AZ. I will take that! You can can me in two years with a package and I still just milked two more good years out of this ride!

Yes, so what if it is only two years! Base plus bonus that means I make 115k times two. So, over the next two years I make 230k plus 401k contribution and retirement contribution from AZ. I will take that! You can can me in two years with a package and I still just milked two more good years out of this ride!

good for you. I just couldn't do it any longer. Had my fill.

Former CNS rep in California. I am glad to be in primary care. Lets get real, Seroquel generic IR will devastate Seroquel XR.

I just don't see a future for CNS. You basically are hanging on hoping for an acquisition of a new product. Will it happen? What is out there?

Same here, former CNS in the Midwest. I felt fortunate to land in Crestor, Symbicort land! So what if it is primary care. I see zero future for Seroquel XR!

No disrespect to my former CNS colleagues, but lets honestly see how XR is doing in September!

Let's now lose sight of the fact that it is a JOB...Given that i thought i would be unemployed...i am pleased with the move from CNS to PC. If nothing else it is an opportunity to expand my "circle". I have been in CNS for almost 10 years as well...CNS is dead. PC may not be far behind it, but really, what hope does CNS have? And only 1 product is not a very efficient use of all of those salaries. They are investing time and money in training us, so that says something...who really knows what it says, but again, it is a job. Bottom line is crestor is important to this company, regardless of the generic status of the big L. Seroquel IR status is much more problematic that Lipitor to me...both are difficult...but Seroquel IR is the same molecule as XR...that is problematic (period). My biggest fear is the DSMs for these positions, and who is going to out shine whom. I have been treated as an adult for the past 10 years, for the most part...hopefully i have not landed with some immature micromanaging "child"....It is a darn good pay check and benefits, so i will manage! I am heart-broken that some of my dear friends did not make it....

I am in the same boat. I just hope my new manager understands that I have over 15 years experience in CNS sales. I do understand how to call on a Doctor.