Ford Fusion... Are You Kidding?

Brilliant post. . . I totally believe it. This is why I will probably get a Fusion and why my life really does suck. I sold my soul to these douchebag gold-digging companies and here you have it. Thanks for the wake-up called. You just made me feel a lot better about leaving even though I'm old. You're never too old to make better choices that make the world a more positive place. No wonder I come everyday with a bad attitude. Praise to you my friend for your wisdom and thoughtful post.

Not so fast with the brilliant accolade for painting pharma and defense industries with a negative brush. Certainly both of these industries are far from perfect, some more so than others. However, you cannot deny that good and great good have come from them as well. Just about anything can be used for good or bad and we must always strive for good. When greed and power becomes the driving force behind anything, then bad always follows. I left the industry when our marketing people felt VIOXX should be first line anti-imflammatory pain pill for everybody, not just those at greatest risk for gi bleeds. Look what happened. Go figure.

Look at it this way: The more corrupt it gets on top, the more the C-suite brings home and the more they tighten the screws on us middle class, the worse the U.S. will become. It was a strong middle class that made this country great! While a small 10 percent rake in millions, maybe billions, we get jerked around with crap cars, no tuition, favoritism, garbage for studies, no new data to hand out, no truly marketable web presence, no CME's of value, nothing for the nurses except maybe in diabetes, research that is questionable and on and on. . . as long as the executive team and stock holders have total control, all of America is doomed to a slow painful death while a small percent gets richer and richer. I would not even begin to know where to go to find Integrity in corporate America - it sure isn't here. . . just more smoke and mirrors.

yep it's a big bad world. priests prey on children. teachers molest students. surgeons do un-necessary procedures. elected officials are corrupt. who do you think was worse, the obama administration for soliciting a bribe from pharma so the drug companies would be exempt from price controls in the new health plan, or big pharma for paying off the administration? sure there have been some drug recall disasters and out and out fraud but can you imgaine a world without antibiotics or say a polio vaccine, ect. ect. ect. for every blond bimbo (male and female) marketing drone that you describe there was a legitimate rep that explained to a doctor a new therapy for heart disease or diabetes.and big tobacco,booze and mcdonalds kill more people than guns. anyway, my first boss told me almost 30 years ago: "never forget that the pen is in the doctors hand." for good or ill the world is what we make of it, with the tools given to us. caveat emptor.

I've only been in the backwards a@@ company for a short time and I've gotta say, this place is so messed up it's not even funny. I came from a sales division at SP that was light on top and paid well for results. We in turn had fun and worked very hard to provide those results. We had it pretty good until about a year before the merger was anounced (when Fred went looking for a buyer)

Now I'm looking at over 50K less per year, absurd and unrealistic goals, much less bonus paid out only once per year, a crappy merck flip phone that's still in the box, a POS car, a rediculous amount of totally worthless conference calls. Top it off with 40% of my bonus tied to busywork, forced ranking, and checking the boxes.

We have meetings about meetings. Everyone needs a few point assignments so their mgr can look good and so you put something down for your review. I laughed when the advise I got from district members was that I'd be fine if I just smile and act as if everything was great and to fake the BS surveys.

I've basically gone from a good rep that worked hard to someone who is miserable, depressed, and reminded of it daily.

<<And dont use the economy BS, good people are getting hired.>>

I am a good rep, 4 time pres club, respect throughout my sales territory. Laid off by SP as were all my SP counterparts and several of my Merck counterparts. So, can't find a job, barely getting to a face to face opportunity to sell my self and my skills - why??

Answer - over 60, female - but in good shape - but over 60 - duh!

Slice the resume in half or go back only 10-20 yrs. No dates on graduation. Too bad you have to diminish all you have to offer. This may open some doors and its what placement people suggest. Good luck.

yep it's a big bad world. priests prey on children. teachers molest students. surgeons do un-necessary procedures. elected officials are corrupt. who do you think was worse, the obama administration for soliciting a bribe from pharma so the drug companies would be exempt from price controls in the new health plan, or big pharma for paying off the administration? sure there have been some drug recall disasters and out and out fraud but can you imgaine a world without antibiotics or say a polio vaccine, ect. ect. ect. for every blond bimbo (male and female) marketing drone that you describe there was a legitimate rep that explained to a doctor a new therapy for heart disease or diabetes.and big tobacco,booze and mcdonalds kill more people than guns. anyway, my first boss told me almost 30 years ago: "never forget that the pen is in the doctors hand." for good or ill the world is what we make of it, with the tools given to us. caveat emptor.

Ahh, No doctor NEEDS us to explain some new therapy. They can get it on the PDA and online or from their own educators or clinical inhouse PharmDs. . . and they can get it faster before it will EVER be in our hands thanks to regulatory. By the time we are trained on something new and get a handout, it has probably been around the net for about a year. That is reality. Sure the dumb doctors who never read a thing still like to be told by some BA what the best clinical choice is for his/her dying patient - He is NOT ever going to be MY doctor. LOL The advances from which you speak came from the science side and NOT sales and often from public health and NOT some corporation.

I've only been in the backwards a@@ company for a short time and I've gotta say, this place is so messed up it's not even funny. I came from a sales division at SP that was light on top and paid well for results. We in turn had fun and worked very hard to provide those results. We had it pretty good until about a year before the merger was anounced (when Fred went looking for a buyer)

Now I'm looking at over 50K less per year, absurd and unrealistic goals, much less bonus paid out only once per year, a crappy merck flip phone that's still in the box, a POS car, a rediculous amount of totally worthless conference calls. Top it off with 40% of my bonus tied to busywork, forced ranking, and checking the boxes.

We have meetings about meetings. Everyone needs a few point assignments so their mgr can look good and so you put something down for your review. I laughed when the advise I got from district members was that I'd be fine if I just smile and act as if everything was great and to fake the BS surveys.

I've basically gone from a good rep that worked hard to someone who is miserable, depressed, and reminded of it daily.

Happens to the best (rest?) of us. You knew job satisfaction and now that has vanished so it's no wonder you're depressed and miserable. Any sane person would be. The best advice I can give you is to cease taking anything about your work seriously and treat it strictly as the game it is. Making it a game may reward you with feeling less miserable and possibly even inject some fun into our joke of a job and company. At least it seems to work for me.

The great pharmaceutical marketing machine requires front-line soldiers -- highly-paid hucksters who sway doctors into prescribing their high-priced brand-name drugs, even when dirt-cheap generic drugs do the job just as well. In the drug marketing industry, those front-line soldiers are pharmaceutical reps. The caricature of a pharmaceutical rep is a young, hot-looking blond girl, fresh out of college, with no medical training, who's good at memorizing sales lines and wooing male doctors with her physical attractiveness.
Why do pharmaceutical reps sell drugs in the first place? To pay the mortgage, of course. Or the student loans. Or to support a lifestyle with a nice car, trendy clothes and a house that's far more expensive than they could otherwise afford. Pushing drugs onto doctors, you see, pays good money. Well, actually "good" is a misnomer. It pays dirty money, because most of the drug pushing is based on lies, such as the lie that all the newer brand-name drugs are better than the older, generic drugs that treat the same symptoms. Truth is, the vast majority of new drugs launched each year are "me too" drugs that offer no new benefits whatsoever (and many actually introduce new health risks to patients).

Every system of profit-generating evil needs front-line soldiers. The Nazis had their punch card prisoner inventory systems sold to them by IBM sales reps (yes, it's an historical fact). Enron had its young, persuasive phone sales monkeys who pushed fictitious "energy futures" onto unsuspecting investors. And Big Pharma has its female pharmaceutical reps that peddle overpriced drugs to physicians and measure their "success" by what quantity of toxic chemicals they can help shove down the throats of children, adults and senior citizens.

It's all in a day's work. Some people, it seems, will do anything to pay the mortgage. As long as the money's good, their ethics are flexible.

Now, the funny part about this comic is not that pharmaceutical reps are compared with murderers and animal abusers. It's that the bimbo blond rep girl is so clueless about reality that she's still wondering if this is where she gets her bonus check. In the drug pushing business, it's all about the dough...

Will drug reps actually go to hell? That all depends on what you believe about the afterlife. But it is generally understood by people of all religions that there is some type of karmic effect that follows from our actions and choices in daily life. Most people agree that we should all strive to take up careers that create a positive impact upon others: educators, artists, inventors and healers, for example. Our individual choices have a ripple effect, and the way in which we choose to direct our energy and intention directly shapes the world around us.

If we are involved in constructive things (education, healing, compassion, etc.), then we help create a more positive world. But if we are involved in destructive things (defense industry, Big Pharma, disease mongering, etc.) then we inevitably share in the co-creation of a more destructive world with unnecessary pain and suffering. Pharmaceutical reps, by pushing whatever chemicals they're told to push, are essentially "chemical mercenaries" who place such a low value on their own honor that they lease it out to drug companies for a weekly check.

When the money is too easy, it's always a good idea to ask yourself why. There's easy money to be made in riverboat casinos, selling cigarettes to Asia and pushing drugs to doctors. Ever wonder why? Because they're all destructive industries that prey upon the financial resources of countless victims. Gambling, tobacco and conventional medicine all have systems of consumer exploitation designed to extract the maximum dollars possible. And any person who is part of that machine is partially responsible for the 100,000 Americans killed each year by prescription drugs, and the 2,000,000 who are injured each year.

For every grandmother who took Vioxx and died of a heart attack, for every grandfather who bled to death on the toilet after taking prescription painkillers, and for every child doped up on antidepressant drugs who put a gun to his mouth and pulled the trigger, there's a pharmaceutical rep behind the scenes who looked a doctor in the eye and told them that drug was perfectly safe.

Pharmaceutical reps can lie to themselves, and to each other, claiming, "it's only a job," but I do not think they can lie to the universe. Karma has a way of coming back around and giving you exactly what you truly deserve.

WOW JACKASS! What about the 10 years of research done to get a drug FDA approved ? What about the BILLIONS of people that live longer and save their lives from prescription drugs? That's what science is, you research and theorize and then after proving your theory you get to chose do the benefits outweigh the risks or you can FREELY chose to do not take the damn drug. Noone says that any drug is 100% safe or efficient. There is ALWAYS a risk. There's risks taking vitamins and risks of eating the wrong foods. So, take your head out of your ass and chose to either A. take a drug that's been studied or B. do something that hasn't been studied. Either way you take a risk which is better? Next time you get into an accident and need pain killers be thankful they exist. Next time you get strep throat or bronchitis be thankful there is something that exists to eradicate it in 7-10 days. Next time you blame a pharmaceutical company for killing a cancer patient or HIV patient or any other patient with a disease why don't you thank pharmaceuticals for trying to come up with a solution and spending billions of dollars trying to save their life in the first place. What have you done? What have you sacrificed? Who have you saved lately?

Ahh, No doctor NEEDS us to explain some new therapy. They can get it on the PDA and online or from their own educators or clinical inhouse PharmDs. . . and they can get it faster before it will EVER be in our hands thanks to regulatory. By the time we are trained on something new and get a handout, it has probably been around the net for about a year. That is reality. Sure the dumb doctors who never read a thing still like to be told by some BA what the best clinical choice is for his/her dying patient - He is NOT ever going to be MY doctor. LOL The advances from which you speak came from the science side and NOT sales and often from public health and NOT some corporation.

as with most observations this one is partly right. there are no absolutes in medicine. IF they would only consult with pharmacy, IF they would only read a journal article. IF they would only use hypocrates. When I first launched januvia about 10% of docs had read about it online. the other 90% were clueless. it took alot of education on diabetes for them to get it. all the while my "so-called manager" was on my ass for scripts-she put us on a recovery plan after 2 weeks of launch. almost 30% of prescriptions are written wrong. wrong dosage,wrong patient ect. life really is a bell curve (which is why merck loves the bell curve, and weilds it with a vengence during "displacement"-safest place is the middle). the doctor that graduated last in his class is still a doctor. the uneducated doctor is the one who never sees a rep. having said all that, it's a shame and maybe a crime that drug co.'s are metrics driven, money grubbing, marketing machines. George Merck's quote is as true today as when he wrote it in the 50's. But the paperhangers and lawyers, far far removed from the realities of medicine don't believe in "good science makes good medicine which makes good business". all they can see is profits,patients be damned.That's why you no longer see the quote in "merck world." I can still remember the days when we were more educators and let the doctor choose therapy. now drug companies have too many mba's with marginal maketing degrees and no science backgrounds running around trying to practice medicine for the doctor. when drug companies tipped in this direction, oh say about 15 years ago (can you say "share of voice") that's when we lost all credibilty (along with a few vioxx fiascos and other dubious science experiments) and smart doctors went elsewere for information. when companies began to listen to "marketing mouseketers" instead of physicians and stockholders more than patients, thats when pharma crossed the threshold and began the long downward slid. it ain't right. it ain't wrong. it just is. nature abhors a vacume and we are being replaced by, well, something else.

WOW JACKASS! What about the 10 years of research done to get a drug FDA approved ? What about the BILLIONS of people that live longer and save their lives from prescription drugs? That's what science is, you research and theorize and then after proving your theory you get to chose do the benefits outweigh the risks or you can FREELY chose to do not take the damn drug. Noone says that any drug is 100% safe or efficient. There is ALWAYS a risk. There's risks taking vitamins and risks of eating the wrong foods. So, take your head out of your ass and chose to either A. take a drug that's been studied or B. do something that hasn't been studied. Either way you take a risk which is better? Next time you get into an accident and need pain killers be thankful they exist. Next time you get strep throat or bronchitis be thankful there is something that exists to eradicate it in 7-10 days. Next time you blame a pharmaceutical company for killing a cancer patient or HIV patient or any other patient with a disease why don't you thank pharmaceuticals for trying to come up with a solution and spending billions of dollars trying to save their life in the first place. What have you done? What have you sacrificed? Who have you saved lately?

OK, you have made a valid point for ACUTE care but the reality is much worse than you know. I speak from what I know to be absolutely the truth: 1. The FDA is bought and paid out by lobbyists with crossover employees from some of the biggest most corrupt corporations in the U.S. They approve drugs and foods they know are harmful and even killing us. 2. We do need certain drugs but my life and that of my parents are perfect examples of how little we actually DO NEED. If people really knew what was in their food, their vitamins, their water - they could make better choices and would NOT need MOST of the drugs they have come to rely upon (including pain killers, BP/statin meds, infections, etc) or believe they need courtesy of DTC advertising and the BIG drug companies. These companies push the drugs on the doctors over lifestyle choices and better (more time-consuming) prevention education. The doctors feel trapped to Rx or piss the patient off because God-forbid you leave the doctor's office WITHOUT a prescription! 3. Cures of cancer and HIV and other horrible diseases are NOT encouraged by big pharma because pharma and device make too much money treating them. Example: Any company that developes an HIV vaccination would make about 15 dollars per person as opposed to 15,000 per year to treat it. You do the math. Plus, that company would be expected to provide freebees to the third world. This equals virtually NO incentive. 4. The GREATEST discoveries and betterments to human health have NOT come from any company but from public health!!! Oh, they are the low paid groups of people with the big degrees that have been stifled by our capitalistic society when they go against the grain.

I could keep going but I think you get my point. This thread is more about a big corporation treating their employees poorly in a bad economy while the executive team gets HUGE bonuses . . . again and again - you like that feeling? Just say bend over! Why doesn't Dick announce he will only take a dollar a week for the next two years to ensure WE have jobs! Maybe then I would believe something at the top has changed.

Ahh, No doctor NEEDS us to explain some new therapy. They can get it on the PDA and online or from their own educators or clinical inhouse PharmDs. . . and they can get it faster before it will EVER be in our hands thanks to regulatory. By the time we are trained on something new and get a handout, it has probably been around the net for about a year. That is reality. Sure the dumb doctors who never read a thing still like to be told by some BA what the best clinical choice is for his/her dying patient - He is NOT ever going to be MY doctor. LOL The advances from which you speak came from the science side and NOT sales and often from public health and NOT some corporation.

The smart Merck scientists may come up with a product. But if the current medical thinking is not there yet. Then what? I did a lot of market research before Mevacor came out. They were frustrated at the choices for cholesterol treatment. Many simply opted not to treat even though they know that would be bad for the patients. Mevacor did finally give them a viable option to start treating. As sales reps we get to figure out who are the good doctors and who are the not so good doctors. But a typical patient would not know as much. Personally I would prefer to take a once a day ARB or ACEI with minimal side effects than a diuretics 4 times/day, lose potassium and make me pee all the time. When Merck came out with Fosamax for osteoporosis, I remember some doctors said that is normal aging. I don't treat that. I told the patients to go home and drink more milk. Now they are looking for it and treating. If it is your mother, would you like her to have strong bones and live a good life. Or would you tell the Evil Pharma to go away and let your Mom continues to lose height, develop a hunch back, and pray she would never trip and shatter something?

If the doctor is smart. He/she would listen to the rep but look at his PDA and other sources before making a decision. He should try something out, look at the results, and decide if a product really is helpful and worth it.

WOW JACKASS! What about the 10 years of research done to get a drug FDA approved ? What about the BILLIONS of people that live longer and save their lives from prescription drugs? That's what science is, you research and theorize and then after proving your theory you get to chose do the benefits outweigh the risks or you can FREELY chose to do not take the damn drug. Noone says that any drug is 100% safe or efficient. There is ALWAYS a risk. There's risks taking vitamins and risks of eating the wrong foods. So, take your head out of your ass and chose to either A. take a drug that's been studied or B. do something that hasn't been studied. Either way you take a risk which is better? Next time you get into an accident and need pain killers be thankful they exist. Next time you get strep throat or bronchitis be thankful there is something that exists to eradicate it in 7-10 days. Next time you blame a pharmaceutical company for killing a cancer patient or HIV patient or any other patient with a disease why don't you thank pharmaceuticals for trying to come up with a solution and spending billions of dollars trying to save their life in the first place. What have you done? What have you sacrificed? Who have you saved lately?

The poster of that holier than thou message one day may find himself with an illness treatable by an orphan drug like Wilson's Disease. Then he would be thankful an Evil Pharma is still producing it with hardly any profit. Or he would step into a river in Central Africa as a tourist and came home with River Blindness. He would be thankful Merck has an obscure product for him. Or his kid was vaccinated with the MMR vaccine and he would be grateful that the baby did not become the usual victim of mumps, measles or rubella as common before the vaccine was available.

Oh yes, drinking too much water can be fatal too.

Slice the resume in half or go back only 10-20 yrs. No dates on graduation. Too bad you have to diminish all you have to offer. This may open some doors and its what placement people suggest. Good luck.

Yes, thank you, did all that. (and I did go to all the placement classes available to me upon separation)
What's funny is that once I "sanitized" my resume with respect to years of experience, I did get more phone screens. But eventually I would get a question, innocently asked, that I knew would reveal the truth about my longevity! So, do I not answer the question about the year I won my first Pres Club, or when I was at "X" college (interviewer claimed she knew people who went there) and raise suspicions??

Then there was the one face to face I got...walked briskly into the room, exuding all kinds of "go get 'em" energy and knew within 30 sec that I was not what they were "looking" for, it was all over their faces, no interest in interviewing me and ended it within 15 mins.

Its not fun, beleive me.

I do appreciate you caring enough to share some advice with me - and I'll just keep plugging away.
One day I will meet with a manager who I am NOT old enough to be their mother (or god forbid - grandmother!!). Someone who has experience equal to or greater than mine, knows what I know and experienced what I experienced in this industry, someone who has gone through all the changes and is STILL successful.......

One day......

The smart Merck scientists may come up with a product. But if the current medical thinking is not there yet. Then what? I did a lot of market research before Mevacor came out. They were frustrated at the choices for cholesterol treatment. Many simply opted not to treat even though they know that would be bad for the patients. Mevacor did finally give them a viable option to start treating. As sales reps we get to figure out who are the good doctors and who are the not so good doctors. But a typical patient would not know as much. Personally I would prefer to take a once a day ARB or ACEI with minimal side effects than a diuretics 4 times/day, lose potassium and make me pee all the time. When Merck came out with Fosamax for osteoporosis, I remember some doctors said that is normal aging. I don't treat that. I told the patients to go home and drink more milk. Now they are looking for it and treating. If it is your mother, would you like her to have strong bones and live a good life. Or would you tell the Evil Pharma to go away and let your Mom continues to lose height, develop a hunch back, and pray she would never trip and shatter something?

If the doctor is smart. He/she would listen to the rep but look at his PDA and other sources before making a decision. He should try something out, look at the results, and decide if a product really is helpful and worth it.

I do not think we are back in the "dark ages" before the age of information technology. Only brand new classes or unique drugs with excellent efficacy have any benefit to be promoted live.

Now, let's get to the business at hand. I will acknowledge the Orphan drug status and benefits pharmaceuticals have, and will continue to have, in the real world. There, happy?

Hypertension is caused by our Western diets (sodium and sugar intake) as is stroke/heart disease and many other issues. Milk is one of the worst CAUSES of osteoporsis and NOT of any benefit at all. The countries with the highest diary consumption have the worst rates - go figure. In fact, some of my friends with the worst cases of the disease drink the most milk. I have not touched any dairy in 20 years and my bones are all perfect!!! On this alone, I could go on and on. However, just notice how you don't get to hear those "milk builds strong bones" advertisments. The dairy industry was allowed to promote to us for years while the FDA looked the other way thanks to lobbyists. The FDA knew the industry had no data to support their claims. In fact, data were opposite to the promotion. We live in a totally corrupt society and don't for a moment think Merck or any other large company is clean.

The point of this thread was the crap car Merck thinks ALL of their salesforce should drive unless, of couse, you can cough up the medical excuse. They don't care and that IS my point! But I think another poster aleady pointed out that Merck could care less about any of us at the "bottom". I always say: You cannot legislate ethical behavior - someone or thing will always find a way around it to make a profit at the cost of human life or to pinch the middle class just a little more so a few at the top get filthy rich. How wonderful to step in and then also be the same companies that claim to have all the answers. Frankly, I do not know which pharmaceutical company is worse or if this industry is worse than the banking industry. I do know that chemical and biotech companies are some of the worst offenders because of their powerful lobbyists/size/money and type of necessary products (or perceived necessity). Maybe everything Man touches is good and also evil. You have the one side of greed, lying and twisting data and the other side creating Orphan drugs (companies get a perk from the government for doing this BTW) and donating to victims of some disaster or providing Rxs for the poor. . .

Perhaps we should take this discussion to another board such as the Healthcare or Political topics under General Discussions at CP.

...edited...Milk is one of the worst CAUSES of osteoporsis and NOT of any benefit at all. The countries with the highest diary consumption have the worst rates - go figure. ..

I am not picky. Ford Fusion is fine. It is a tool that get me from Point A to Point B. I know too many choices can mess up the budget. Since we lease our vehicles from another company, they may have a say in the choices too. Or Merck say we will give you this much, now what do you have? The answer: Ford Fusion. I don't look at what kind of vehicle I drive or what brand of laptop they give me as a sign if Mother Merck has any love for me at all. I work hard and then I have my own life and fun stuff to do. Working for Merck is a pay check. I don't let them define me as a human being.

BTW, Asians don't drink much milk. Many claiming intolerant and yet they also have a high percentage of osteoporosis. Being overweight may actually make your bones stronger. I guess being obese is like doing weight bearing exercise all day long. So you don't get fractures as much but more likely to drop dead from stroke, hypertension and something else. Go figure.

I am not picky. Ford Fusion is fine. It is a tool that get me from Point A to Point B. I know too many choices can mess up the budget. Since we lease our vehicles from another company, they may have a say in the choices too. Or Merck say we will give you this much, now what do you have? The answer: Ford Fusion. I don't look at what kind of vehicle I drive or what brand of laptop they give me as a sign if Mother Merck has any love for me at all. I work hard and then I have my own life and fun stuff to do. Working for Merck is a pay check. I don't let them define me as a human being.

BTW, Asians don't drink much milk. Many claiming intolerant and yet they also have a high percentage of osteoporosis. Being overweight may actually make your bones stronger. I guess being obese is like doing weight bearing exercise all day long. So you don't get fractures as much but more likely to drop dead from stroke, hypertension and something else. Go figure.

Not to burst your bubble here, but data you have used did not sort for age. There are a lot of Asians on the planet and they are also some of the oldest people, population-wise. This alone would give them MORE people with osteo. If they consume a lot of animal protein, that would make this data worse. The highest rates once you adjust for age belong to the U.S., Great Britain, Norway. . .

Interesting link:

I was totally guilty of ripping on the Fusion but after test driving it I completely changed my tune! This is definitely a good car - a little on the small side for me since I'm tall, but a very good car. I can see why it's Car of the Year.

Next topic please.

Not to burst your bubble here, but data you have used did not sort for age. There are a lot of Asians on the planet and they are also some of the oldest people, population-wise. This alone would give them MORE people with osteo. If they consume a lot of animal protein, that would make this data worse. The highest rates once you adjust for age belong to the U.S., Great Britain, Norway. . .

Interesting link:

This is going way off topic. I don't usually consider these kind of web sites as credible. My observation is based on living in areas with a large Asian population for many decades. There are many causes for osteoporosis: genetics, lack of calcium intake, not believing in even treating it, lack of exercise, lack of sun exposure, small frame, etc.

Here is my obligatory comment to stay on topic: The Ford Fusion looks real good. You should see and ride in my old Ford Escort.