Yeah, keep telling yourself that. NEWS (FKING) FLASH: Tough times do NOT make a person stronger and better, living through the depression did NOT make everything else seem sunny and wonderful afterward. I think you need to take this whole car, bonus, no tuition, lack of anything good to hand out and all the BS "feel" good crp from the top as a sign. . . not a good sign. Companies do this when they know they can F you over and get away with it because the times suck so damn bad what else are you going to do but bend over and take it? Yeah, reall nice! I know I feel special and appreciated by mother. Actually, that pretty sums up most of these "Oh, stop now" posts by a bunch of beat-up Merckies and their mindset. I cannot believe someone is posting about their "dad" and the Great Depression!!! LMAO! FU! I personally demand to be treated better. You can go pound sand.
Wow. Seek help dude. Use your EAP. A little anger management might do wonders for you. So you "personally demand to be treated better" do you? I'm sure Merck or any other corporation would appreciate and respond appropriately to your demands of "better" treatment. You sound like quite the Little Lord Fauntleroy. I can hear every door that you walk out of locking.....