Ford Fusion... Are You Kidding?

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. NEWS (FKING) FLASH: Tough times do NOT make a person stronger and better, living through the depression did NOT make everything else seem sunny and wonderful afterward. I think you need to take this whole car, bonus, no tuition, lack of anything good to hand out and all the BS "feel" good crp from the top as a sign. . . not a good sign. Companies do this when they know they can F you over and get away with it because the times suck so damn bad what else are you going to do but bend over and take it? Yeah, reall nice! I know I feel special and appreciated by mother. Actually, that pretty sums up most of these "Oh, stop now" posts by a bunch of beat-up Merckies and their mindset. I cannot believe someone is posting about their "dad" and the Great Depression!!! LMAO! FU! I personally demand to be treated better. You can go pound sand.

Wow. Seek help dude. Use your EAP. A little anger management might do wonders for you. So you "personally demand to be treated better" do you? I'm sure Merck or any other corporation would appreciate and respond appropriately to your demands of "better" treatment. You sound like quite the Little Lord Fauntleroy. I can hear every door that you walk out of locking.....

Wow. Seek help dude. Use your EAP. A little anger management might do wonders for you. So you "personally demand to be treated better" do you? I'm sure Merck or any other corporation would appreciate and respond appropriately to your demands of "better" treatment. You sound like quite the Little Lord Fauntleroy. I can hear every door that you walk out of locking.....

Dude, I am a chick and you NEED to grow a set. I bet my set is even bigger than yours. No one and I mean NO ONE that includes your employer can treat you like shit without your approval and permission. Sorry, but Merck ought to be glad to have me and if they are not, I WILL take a hike and probably make 30K more. Of this, I'm certain. Truth is that I don't really like to change and would LIKE very much to find a company with some integrity. Did you know the MERCK reps - even the primary care make as much as 20K more in salary MORE than the SP hospital reps - no one cares at the top - that is HOW much WE at SP are appreciated? (Oh, do not bring up that stupid "grid of trust" they showoff at meetings. Their stats are so screwed it's a joke!) You wonder why we are all PO'd? There is no advancement, no tuition, crp cars, crp bonus, long, long, GOD-awful - long days in field. . . about the only thing Merck does that is even remotely nice is give us our own rooms at meetings. Other than that, I really cannot wait to get picked-up by another company that truly does value and trust their salesforce and they show it by spreading some of that weath that Dick is shoving into his pockets right now.

The next step is to update the policy to allow samples in the back of the car. My former SP counterparts all do this just to make it through the day! Great choice, Bobby Mac ;)

Dude, I am a chick and you NEED to grow a set. I bet my set is even bigger than yours. No one and I mean NO ONE that includes your employer can treat you like shit without your approval and permission. Sorry, but Merck ought to be glad to have me and if they are not, I WILL take a hike and probably make 30K more. Of this, I'm certain. Truth is that I don't really like to change and would LIKE very much to find a company with some integrity. Did you know the MERCK reps - even the primary care make as much as 20K more in salary MORE than the SP hospital reps - no one cares at the top - that is HOW much WE at SP are appreciated? (Oh, do not bring up that stupid "grid of trust" they showoff at meetings. Their stats are so screwed it's a joke!) You wonder why we are all PO'd? There is no advancement, no tuition, crp cars, crp bonus, long, long, GOD-awful - long days in field. . . about the only thing Merck does that is even remotely nice is give us our own rooms at meetings. Other than that, I really cannot wait to get picked-up by another company that truly does value and trust their salesforce and they show it by spreading some of that weath that Dick is shoving into his pockets right now.

I knew you were but I couldn't bring myself to use the term dudette, ok? Besides, I knew you were much more dudish and indeed you surely must have a big set. And more power to you in finding a company that satisfies all your major complaints against mother. Let us know if you do. I could not agree with you more about desiring a company with some integrity. Merck is pathetic. Having my own room at some POS meeting isn't nice. Anything less would be unacceptable.

Wow. Seek help dude. Use your EAP. A little anger management might do wonders for you. So you "personally demand to be treated better" do you? I'm sure Merck or any other corporation would appreciate and respond appropriately to your demands of "better" treatment. You sound like quite the Little Lord Fauntleroy. I can hear every door that you walk out of locking.....

"Be Well" also means be treat others well.

Dude, I am a chick and you NEED to grow a set. I bet my set is even bigger than yours. No one and I mean NO ONE that includes your employer can treat you like shit without your approval and permission. Sorry, but Merck ought to be glad to have me and if they are not, I WILL take a hike and probably make 30K more. Of this, I'm certain. Truth is that I don't really like to change and would LIKE very much to find a company with some integrity. Did you know the MERCK reps - even the primary care make as much as 20K more in salary MORE than the SP hospital reps - no one cares at the top - that is HOW much WE at SP are appreciated? (Oh, do not bring up that stupid "grid of trust" they showoff at meetings. Their stats are so screwed it's a joke!) You wonder why we are all PO'd? There is no advancement, no tuition, crp cars, crp bonus, long, long, GOD-awful - long days in field. . . about the only thing Merck does that is even remotely nice is give us our own rooms at meetings. Other than that, I really cannot wait to get picked-up by another company that truly does value and trust their salesforce and they show it by spreading some of that weath that Dick is shoving into his pockets right now.

What a bitch! Take your surgical pair and leave the damn company already. No one wants you whining around here. Yeah, you'll probably spread wide to get your next job. So-open wide.

Dude, I am a chick and you NEED to grow a set. I bet my set is even bigger than yours. No one and I mean NO ONE that includes your employer can treat you like shit without your approval and permission. Sorry, but Merck ought to be glad to have me and if they are not, I WILL take a hike and probably make 30K more. Of this, I'm certain. Truth is that I don't really like to change and would LIKE very much to find a company with some integrity. Did you know the MERCK reps - even the primary care make as much as 20K more in salary MORE than the SP hospital reps - no one cares at the top - that is HOW much WE at SP are appreciated? (Oh, do not bring up that stupid "grid of trust" they showoff at meetings. Their stats are so screwed it's a joke!) You wonder why we are all PO'd? There is no advancement, no tuition, crp cars, crp bonus, long, long, GOD-awful - long days in field. . . about the only thing Merck does that is even remotely nice is give us our own rooms at meetings. Other than that, I really cannot wait to get picked-up by another company that truly does value and trust their sales force and they show it by spreading some of that wealth that Dick is shoving into his pockets right now.

The best option for you is to look for another employer before you start popping Prilosec and SSRI like candies which are free under the Merck Medical Plan. The trend is we will continue to lose more perks. Merck is thinking what's the minimal we can do to get the most out of the reps. Merck thinks as a business entity. You want Merck to act as a caring person and it is not going to happen. There are many factors that may explain why your Merck counterparts are making more. Possibilities are tenure, job title, past pay raises, etc. With my tenure I am making more than a spanking new manager in base pay. Merck will never be "nice", "caring", nor "appreciative". You are looking for love from the wrong guy. He is an a**. He is not going to change.

The best option for you is to look for another employer before you start popping Prilosec and SSRI like candies which are free under the Merck Medical Plan. The trend is we will continue to lose more perks. Merck is thinking what's the minimal we can do to get the most out of the reps. Merck thinks as a business entity. You want Merck to act as a caring person and it is not going to happen. There are many factors that may explain why your Merck counterparts are making more. Possibilities are tenure, job title, past pay raises, etc. With my tenure I am making more than a spanking new manager in base pay. Merck will never be "nice", "caring", nor "appreciative". You are looking for love from the wrong guy. He is an a**. He is not going to change.

Probably a slap in the face to wake me up. But I remember when employers treated their employers with respect and worth. We produced and had loyality back then. America was strong and we made good products and had great service industries; we were innovative. When employers decided paying some CEO was more important than paying their employees and pleasing a board was more important than pleasing clients, we failed. Now all of our products pretty much are me toos. I do not think asking to be treated fairly for the same tenure or more than a Merck counterpart is unreasonable by any stretch. Do you realize there are many companies that POST everyone's pay so that everyone can see the company is fair? This company just plays favorites, there is no accounting for tenure, for experience and not even for performance - too much jerking around for that. . . but your comment is true nonetheless. Does not make it the right thing to do or be.

Probably a slap in the face to wake me up. But I remember when employers treated their employers with respect and worth. We produced and had loyality back then. America was strong and we made good products and had great service industries; we were innovative. When employers decided paying some CEO was more important than paying their employees and pleasing a board was more important than pleasing clients, we failed. Now all of our products pretty much are me toos. I do not think asking to be treated fairly for the same tenure or more than a Merck counterpart is unreasonable by any stretch. Do you realize there are many companies that POST everyone's pay so that everyone can see the company is fair? This company just plays favorites, there is no accounting for tenure, for experience and not even for performance - too much jerking around for that. . . but your comment is true nonetheless. Does not make it the right thing to do or be.

There is not such thing as fair. Don't even expect it. People get promoted or receive merit increases for reasons you and I may never know. Merck was a family and products were innovative. The R&D people were like gods. Now we are a me-too second-class company. Hard to accept it but it is the reality. The Merck badge used to open door everywhere. Now you hope someone with too good memories would not say, "What? Merck Medco that SOB company!" I joined Merck when we would only introduce the first of a new class. Now we are second or third, or tossing something old with something new and rename it as whatever. Bonus was bonus and on time. Now calculation of bonus is like rocket science and no one understand it except we all know they scre* us again.

Like I've known for too long, Merck sucks, really sucks. At least compared to the Merck that hired me way back in the 80's. We are a 2nd class company now regardless of our size.

I don't think $118 a month is free! They raised it when gas was $4 a gallon. Now it is $250-$2.70, the car is smaller & I am still paying $118. Can you say " subsidizing Dick Clark's pay" ?


Over 3k reads on this thread already, certainly this has hit some hot bottons. Here is a simple solution other companies have adopted. Sure, save money and only offer one vehicle. We are all shareholders and are looking out for the bottom line.

For those picky employees, offer a few models which the employee would opt to pay an additional monthly fee. Whether it be a Malibu, Subaru, Impala, Escape, etc. Typically these cars cost within 3k of each other. Let the rep pay $199 - $250 or so per month to drive one of the "optional" cars instead of $118. Hopefully these vehicles could be offered free to managers or annual award winners.

If the employee leaves on their own accord they would pay the remaining fees. Maintainence and insurance are usually the same.

Instead of complaining I am offering a solution. With the current option I am sure you will be flooded for physician letters "ow, my bad back". Oh, by the way, the FUSION sucks!! Hit the gas and wait ten minutes to pass someone. Pull your samples in a trailer. If you are tall, rip out the front seat and drive from the rear seat. This car yelps "out of college shlep rep onboard".

F rugal
U gly
S low
I ncompetent
O ptionless
N onsense

FORD=fix or repair daily FORD=found on road dead

Hey fleet, you might want to consider the Ford Fiesta next, I here it is coming back. You might be able to save 65 cents per car. That should put some fuel in Clarks' plane.

Long live ye ole Impala (--)

Well, I was on of those "My back hurts" and I was able to order the Subaru Forester. I will miss my loaded Escape, but it will beat driving the Fusion. I agree with the above post who said that we should be given a choice at our own expense to drive a larger car.

After reading this thread I am ashamed of what must be a bunch of spoiled brats now working as reps for Merck. Your inflated incomes have obviously caused you to radically overestimate your importance. That bubble needs to break.

After reading this thread I am ashamed of what must be a bunch of spoiled brats now working as reps for Merck. Your inflated incomes have obviously caused you to radically overestimate your importance. That bubble needs to break.

In what way? . . . because we demand a better standard or at the very least, what other companies provide? . . . because many of us drive four hours or more per day and work 10 to 12 hours a day? . . . how is this spoiled? What do you think a trucker earns to just haul crap from point A to point B for eight to ten hours? I will tell you about 60 to 80 thousand a year. (I am 88K plus whatever godforsaken bonus Merck decides to throw at me - SP here with 11 years under my belt in specialty - we lived for a BONUS!) Now we are expected to drive like a trucker, haul like a deliver man, cater, have incredible people skills, be knowledgable in all FDA, clinical and disease-specific areas, BRING VALUE! (LOL) attend quarterly meetings away from home, be a computer wiz, write reports and give presentations, self-train and put up with being "coached".

So, I demand a car that won't kill me while I'm tired and out working from 7 am to 7 pm and you call me some self-inflated POS - go Fck yourself!

Bubble? What bubble - we are worthless and the company basically knows any one of us can be replaced with the snap of a finger. I would say most people WOULD NOT put up with a job that has so many challenges with an emloyer that demands so much and is willing to give so little. They would get a better degree to do something safer, with better hours and more worthwhile.

After reading this thread I am ashamed of what must be a bunch of spoiled brats now working as reps for Merck. Your inflated incomes have obviously caused you to radically overestimate your importance. That bubble needs to break.

I am not sure you should categorically label all as spoiled brats. Our fleet people are making sure they look "fiscally responsible" and retain their jobs. There are indeed some snow countries where a small upgrade would help. I have seen even no-name companies would give their reps in those areas like an Escape or anything that are higher off the ground with a little bit more traction. Merck would stick with a sedan regardless or you have to write a massive analysis to justify why. You don't think they can Google the info or surf over to National Weather Service to get the data? We are a cash-rich company. We ought to be careful with money. But don't overdo it. Some reps have back problem because they are putting on 40K miles of driving per year. Sitting in a cramped car and driving for 1-2 hour(s) between each town can get to you. The Fleet people, like many sitting in cubicles at West Point or Whitehouse Station, are staring at spreadsheets and have absolutely no idea of what reps have to do on a daily basis.

Bubble? What bubble - we are worthless and the company basically knows any one of us can be replaced with the snap of a finger. I would say most people WOULD NOT put up with a job that has so many challenges with an employer that demands so much and is willing to give so little. They would get a better degree to do something safer, with better hours and more worthwhile.

Yes and no. When Merck started to think everyone are disposable and replaceable a few years back, that was the beginning of our slide down to being a second-class pharma company. If you have been around long enough to ask some physicians the question about turnover in this industry, many would say they cannot remember, say, the Merck ( or Pfizer or whatever) rep of the month anymore. Since they can no longer associate a face (tenure) with a company, they have tuned the new reps out.

In what way? . . . because we demand a better standard or at the very least, what other companies provide? . . . because many of us drive four hours or more per day and work 10 to 12 hours a day? . . . how is this spoiled? What do you think a trucker earns to just haul crap from point A to point B for eight to ten hours? I will tell you about 60 to 80 thousand a year. (I am 88K plus whatever godforsaken bonus Merck decides to throw at me - SP here with 11 years under my belt in specialty - we lived for a BONUS!) Now we are expected to drive like a trucker, haul like a deliver man, cater, have incredible people skills, be knowledgable in all FDA, clinical and disease-specific areas, BRING VALUE! (LOL) attend quarterly meetings away from home, be a computer wiz, write reports and give presentations, self-train and put up with being "coached".

So, I demand a car that won't kill me while I'm tired and out working from 7 am to 7 pm and you call me some self-inflated POS - go Fck yourself!

Bubble? What bubble - we are worthless and the company basically knows any one of us can be replaced with the snap of a finger. I would say most people WOULD NOT put up with a job that has so many challenges with an emloyer that demands so much and is willing to give so little. They would get a better degree to do something safer, with better hours and more worthwhile.

wah, wah, wah...I'm a spoiled brat and I'm going to hold my breath until you give me what I want!

Demand? You're such an arrogant a@@ that you don't have a clue for the real world.


you're replaced.

Where are the diversity police??

We are supposed to have people of all races, religions, ages, both sexes, all sizes & whatever else qualifies as diversity. But only as long as we all fit in one car???
Does a 110 pound female really fit in a car the same as a 6 foot 5, 250 pound guy?? Now they force some of us to get 'doctors notes' to fit in our company car??
Offer diverse choices here also. If this is supposed to be our life (driving around for Merck) then let us live with dignity!!!