After reading the SJ briefs in the MB vs. LabCorp case, I can't help and wonder how LCA will attempt to "wiggle" outta this one?

Plantiff’s partial SJ paper; Moreover, the notion of a perceived conflict of interest as a basis to support TF'S decision to summarily terminate MB was contrary to his own personal conduct. In this regard, TF admits that the Code applies to all Lab Corp employees, including himself, and that he would not enforce the Code any differently for MB than he would himself. Notwithstanding TF testimony in this respect, TF initially denied under oath having any outside business interests at the time he contemplated terminating MB.

Moreover, following this Court’s Order, granting Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel, Defendant signed a sworn supplemental answer to interrogatories specifically denying that TF was involved in an outside business interest. When presented with evidence that he was, in fact, an officer and director of an unrelated company named L.P. Lewis, he begrudgingly admitted that he was involved in an outside business interest, and that he did not seek defendant’s consent to engage in such activity, in clear violation of Defendant’s code.

More troubling is the fact, Farrell acknowledges that while sitting on the board of directors of L.P. Lewis, he was involved in and approved the decision for LP Lewis to file suit against Baycare and St. Anthony’s Hospital existing customers of LabCorp. Both the suit and TF'S involvement with L.P. Lewis were clearly in the public domain, and even TF concedes that such activity violated Defendant’s conflict of interest policy.

After reading the SJ briefs in the MB vs. LabCorp case, I can't help and wonder how LCA will attempt to "wiggle" outta this one?

Plantiff’s partial SJ paper; Moreover, the notion of a perceived conflict of interest as a basis to support TF'S decision to summarily terminate MB was contrary to his own personal conduct. In this regard, TF admits that the Code applies to all Lab Corp employees, including himself, and that he would not enforce the Code any differently for MB than he would himself. Notwithstanding TF testimony in this respect, TF initially denied under oath having any outside business interests at the time he contemplated terminating MB.

Moreover, following this Court’s Order, granting Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel, Defendant signed a sworn supplemental answer to interrogatories specifically denying that TF was involved in an outside business interest. When presented with evidence that he was, in fact, an officer and director of an unrelated company named L.P. Lewis, he begrudgingly admitted that he was involved in an outside business interest, and that he did not seek defendant’s consent to engage in such activity, in clear violation of Defendant’s code.

More troubling is the fact, Farrell acknowledges that while sitting on the board of directors of L.P. Lewis, he was involved in and approved the decision for LP Lewis to file suit against Baycare and St. Anthony’s Hospital existing customers of LabCorp. Both the suit and TF'S involvement with L.P. Lewis were clearly in the public domain, and even TF concedes that such activity violated Defendant’s conflict of interest policy.

Wow! They all lie, don't they?

WOW- Our sales VP is on the board of directors of another healthcare company that SUED BAYCARE right in our own back yard? No wonder we can't get in there to get all of the business. I wouldn't be surprised if they drop us completely when they hear about this.

What a complete SHAM

you really have some issues.i mean who posts to thier own post 500+ times??
I picture you in your parents basement with LabCorp newspaper clippings form the last ten years papering the walls and a desk with life size dolls of the LCA Board with red lipstick all over them. Oh yea the complete DVD collection of Perry Mason and LA Law on a continuous loop. seriously I am pretty close arent i?

you really have some issues.i mean who posts to thier own post 500+ times??
I picture you in your parents basement with LabCorp newspaper clippings form the last ten years papering the walls and a desk with life size dolls of the LCA Board with red lipstick all over them. Oh yea the complete DVD collection of Perry Mason and LA Law on a continuous loop. seriously I am pretty close arent i?

This is about the stupidest post I think I've ever seen!

cmon how close am I really? was I wrong about the basement because I almost said attic? its OK to share I mean Ted Kosinski obsessed less than you.
These are just a couple of detals gnawing at your adoring public.

Actually, you were totally wrong. I wasn't even born when Perry Mason was famous. I was in Elementary School when LA Law last aired.

Surprised? I'm well educated (Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees), I'm single, I own a couple of properties in and around Tampa, and I'm making upwards of 80k. Not bad for the economy.

I'm definitely not LCA scum and while others may hate TF and TN, my sights are on Medusa herself, KS.

Looks like with the help of LCA legal...... you may have your wish, Medusa is about to be "taken down." Just read the sanctions paper on pacer in the mb case. She appears to be the "scape goat" right now....wonder if she even knows it?

New to Fl. division. I'm concerned I have made a huge mistake. Can someone shed some light on what it is like to work in Florida, and please....no jokes. I'm in sales and everyone says to expect to get ripped outta my commissions and based on these posts, looks like HR is no help out all?

Have you not bothered to read this thread? Start at the beginning and read....that will tell you what you need to know. Rumor on the street is that they are bringing in a new sales leader and possibly getting rid of Mudusa!

you really have some issues.i mean who posts to thier own post 500+ times??
I picture you in your parents basement with LabCorp newspaper clippings form the last ten years papering the walls and a desk with life size dolls of the LCA Board with red lipstick all over them. Oh yea the complete DVD collection of Perry Mason and LA Law on a continuous loop. seriously I am pretty close arent i?

I see him as a Norman Bates type of guy.

This speaks volumes of our company leaders.....
The fact that LCA keeps someone who has on multiple occassions provided "perjured testimony" ( Medusa), while allowing TF to remain an employee of the company after her obviouslly lied himself under oath and to LCA about being an officer in a different company that SUED BAYCARE?? The company policy is CLEAR, which he CLEARLY violated.

This speaks volumes of our company leaders.....
The fact that LCA keeps someone who has on multiple occassions provided "perjured testimony" ( Medusa), while allowing TF to remain an employee of the company after her obviouslly lied himself under oath and to LCA about being an officer in a different company that SUED BAYCARE?? The company policy is CLEAR, which he CLEARLY violated.

And that's why they get the big bucks!

Doesn't BMiller have to be accountable for his sales #'s? Don't you think he would take the clear oppt. to get rid of these issues while the #'s are so bad? He better jump on the oppt......it's his "easy way out!" I am sure he has to answer to the King man about why Florida is doing so poorly?

someone's way of attempting to take the "heat" off of the real subject matter in this thread. The fact that there are some "dirty rotten scandrals" in Florida- better start looking for a new job Medusa- and quick! As far as TF, will.....looks like he already has another job-he is busy suing our customers!