That really is the typical HR practice in Florida. I personally complained to HR about some of the above mentioned issues myself, not about a skit but about discrminatory issues and I was black balled by the same people......not to mention nothing was done internally about my concerns. I eventually quit.

page 9, notation # 9 of Plantiff MB SJ paper is more telling; This sounds very similar to BB and the concerns mentioned about KS and her "perjured testimony,"

9 In her deposition, KS denied having any knowledge of MB having complained of gender discrimination prior to her termination. In fact, according to KS, she does not recall receiving the skit memo from MB, where gender discrimination was expressly mentioned, nor could she recall discussing the discrimination complaint with TFand MB despite the fact that she was carbon copied. Conversely, both TF and MB both testified that a meeting to discuss MB gender discrimination did in fact occur, and that KS was even in attendance.

You know, I've had it with that tub of lard - that poor excuse for an HR professional - lying under oath and getting away with it. She's been caught TWICE.

Aside from filing a complaint against her HR certification, I'm not sure how else to nail her. I can't stand KS and would burn every bridge just to get at her.

She has lied more than twice! There have been a number of employee's who have gone to her in Florida reaching out for "help" related to several specific male supervisors in Florida. She has then taken the information back to that supervisor despite the policy to conduct an "investigation" and allowed further retaliation to continue. If anyone then takes their issues to JG in Burlington, he hired her and will simply take the information back to KS which only ensures you will be further retaliated against. It is a GURANTEE. Your only chance is to file with EEOC and hire an attorney!

Oh, almost forgot........the head of employment labor law at LCA is just as bad....

I would not be so quick to say that KS is going to "get away" with her perjured testimony. KS days are numbered. As for the head of LCA'S labor law department, don't know them. I would think that all of these issues in Florida are a direct reflection of what they have allowed to occur. This should pose a huge "red flag" for DK!

Rumor has it that there is about to be a "class action" lawsuit in Florida.

I would not be so quick to say that KS is going to "get away" with her perjured testimony. KS days are numbered. As for the head of LCA'S labor law department, don't know them. I would think that all of these issues in Florida are a direct reflection of what they have allowed to occur. This should pose a huge "red flag" for DK!

Rumor has it that there is about to be a "class action" lawsuit in Florida.

Well, let us know if you hear anything else. I'll be the first one in line.

Wonder if Wallstreet is aware of this???

From February through June 2007, operational concerns with hospital accounts such as the BHD account persisted. [JF Dep. Ex. 1-9]. Also, MB, having received a number of complaints from her direct reports, raised concerns to TF regarding Defendant requiring sales representatives to travel to the Bahamas to solicit and sell Lab Corp services, without LabCorp having obtained a local business license or permits for its sales representatives. [MB Dep. p. 177-78]. Of particular concern was TF'S insistence that Defendant’s sales force fabricate the reason for their travels to the Bahamas in order to circumvent Bahamian law with respect to their business activities in the Bahamas.

They are now sending US lab Reps to the Bahama's and they too have to LIE to officers when entering the country. The customers are starting to get word on the island and will soon be asking for verification of licensure in order to avoid being fined themseleves.

Yes, there was some classic "mud slinging" primarly on the lca side of the case based on the papers. If the previous "fired" law firm ParkerP had stayed on the case, it would have been one big lie after the other. When you defend a "guilty client" one has to lie to some degree. It looks like a newly filed "sanctions paper" against lca has been filed by mb side for destruction of evidence. More to come after a closer review..........

I have a job, and unfort. it's at LCA. We are looking into filing a "class action" in FL. We have a useless HR Director who hides everything. She pretends to be stupid, but she isn't. She is just a liar!

OFCCP would like to hear from those who have been discriminated against based on a protected characteristic. (personal info removed) A formal recommendation has been made for an investigation of LCA Florida. Those who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, write:

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

or call:

(904) 351-0551


All correspondence is confidential

If your new to US labs in Florida, you should go back to your previous employer if possible. Call them and tell them you made a horrible mistake and would be willing to take your old job back, even for less money. It will be worth it.

The jerk off who runs our sales for US labs will screw you out of commissions. I hear from reps that it is no different from the VP sales in Florida. Just read these posts, its quite obvious they have screwed some of their best sales people. It will do you no good to transfer within.

As for the class action suit, rumor is that it is related to a "hostile work environment" under a certain RMBD and his VP.

USDC Middle District Of Florida- Jacksonville
Ms. G .Z. Vs. Laboratory Corporation Of America 04/16/2010

Employment discrimination claim- One of the defendant’s FLORIDA based current MALE Management Employee’s discriminated against the Plaintiff because she was 49, referring to the plaintiff as an “old hag.” The Plaintiff was fired less than three months before her 50th birthday- Current Plaintiff’s counsel, “Leonard Magid Magid & Williams”

USDC Middle District Of Florida- Jacksonville
Ms. G .Z. Vs. Laboratory Corporation Of America 04/16/2010

Employment discrimination claim- One of the defendant’s FLORIDA based current MALE Management Employee’s discriminated against the Plaintiff because she was 49, referring to the plaintiff as an “old hag.” The Plaintiff was fired less than three months before her 50th birthday- Current Plaintiff’s counsel, “Leonard Magid Magid & Williams”

Now WHO would have POSSIBLY said something like that?????

USDC Middle District Of Florida- Jacksonville
Ms. G .Z. Vs. Laboratory Corporation Of America 04/16/2010

Employment discrimination claim- One of the defendant’s FLORIDA based current MALE Management Employee’s discriminated against the Plaintiff because she was 49, referring to the plaintiff as an “old hag.” The Plaintiff was fired less than three months before her 50th birthday- Current Plaintiff’s counsel, “Leonard Magid Magid & Williams”

This has become so typical of LabCorp. Cut older, experienced employees who were a part of building the company up in the first place. Tell me how the younger and less experienced sales team is putting record breaking increases on the books. Oh, wait! They aren't because service has suffered with RIFs of experienced leaders and short staffing.

How about succession planning? Ha! Florida hired an outsider with NO lab experience.

Rumor has it that FL had to bring in a NON WHITE person due to current pending investigations surrounding FL. If the US Department of Labor finds that the company has been discrminating against females and blacks, they could lose their right to bid on government contracts. This could mean the loss of several hundred MILLION.

Wonder how the "good ole white boys club" likes this in Fl. Look around, notice any recent "female promotions?"

You would be soooo surprised how many "Good Old Boy" clubs their are in the whole medical field of sales,especially the privately owned companies who think they don't have to answer to anyone!!
This type of behavior has been going on for decades. The answer these companies came up as to not get sued is to either make up sh*t about the employee or to make the job so difficult by any means as to make the employee quit. The only way to stop this is to eliminate the "AT WILL" employee status is the company provide a contract like management gets, along with a severence to the sales force. That way they will think twice before starting any sh*t with their lies etc!