• IMPORTANT: We will be performing server maintenance Saturday morning June 22 at approximately 10:00 AM EDT. We don't expect more than an hour or so of downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Remember Sales VP Mick Mosebrook? At national sales meetings, he would sit in his limo outside of the auditorium until time for his brief presentation, then go in and speak to the sales force for about 30 minutes and return to his limo - so that he did not have to interact with the lowly employees! Sally Sussman has her position because of her father. All of these people were/ are losers and it is time to dismantle Pfizer.
Very untrue about Mick. Just completely false, my experiences were the exact opposite.

AB tried the simple, mindless and age-old tactics of price increases and cost reductions. He spins the product launches and acquisitions without a clue about how to turn those into commercial value. He is now down to blame, deflection and running off his once loyal sycophants. None of it has changed the opinion of investors.

The board has to do their job and replace him with someone who can take valuable pieces and make them something greater than the sum of the parts. It’s not AB. Investors know that and are going elsewhere until change is made.

In Barron’s today AB bets his pension in PFE stock. $10M bought at $26.63. Neat trick for an abysmal CEO to drive down company value over 30% during his tenure, buy in at decade lows and use buy backs to increase price per share.
How does the board or SEC allow this? 375000 shares bought at a price drove down by his “leadership” and in a position to benefit from buy backs? Price increases, cost cutting and buy backs are the lowest denominator actions for a CEO to take. And he stands to personally profit from driving down this once proud company.

In Barron’s today AB bets his pension in PFE stock. $10M bought at $26.63. Neat trick for an abysmal CEO to drive down company value over 30% during his tenure, buy in at decade lows and use buy backs to increase price per share.
How does the board or SEC allow this? 375000 shares bought at a price drove down by his “leadership” and in a position to benefit from buy backs? Price increases, cost cutting and buy backs are the lowest denominator actions for a CEO to take. And he stands to personally profit from driving down this once proud company.
In the related video interview, AB comes up with the jewel “buy low, sell high”. Insightful, since he has done both. Sold at pandemic highs, buying in after driving down the value of the company.
His rationale for buying is that we are at a low price and have a good dividend. Great story if you haven’t already lost 40% in the last year.

Anyone remember the best book of all written by a Pfizer employee, “Hard Sell”? It was written by a Viagra salesman. Absolutely hilarious. They based the movie “Love and Other Drugs” on this book. A great perspective of the company

Easy to buy at 52 week low and collect 6pct dividend and bid up through share buy backs and AB can change the mix of investments later in the unlikely event this safe bet starts to go sour. Not fooling any investor with this move.

Q4 earnings call tomorrow. If the stock doesn’t react positively to whatever is explained, the board has to act. AB, the CFO and Investor Relations all over their heads. How much further will this sorry lot be able to muddle along?

The earnings call today should be a doozy. What a confused mess this company has become. We have already adjusted up the earnings after just announcing a steep downgrade in expect earnings a few weeks ago? Is there anyone at the top who has their finger on the pulse of the business operation? It is absolutely no wonder that investors don’t know how to read the prospects with PFE. Hell, our leadership can’t read it for themselves. Or even worse, this was a know insider opportunity and why AB pushed his pension $$ into PFE ahead of the call. If so, the SEC should come down HARD.

PFE is expected to say Covid products performed better than expected. Not due to better sales but due to lower returns. How do we not know this just a few weeks ago when we announced the lower guidance.

Other vaccine sales are to be reported as down due to “purchase timing issues”. This is a great follow up question opportunity for the financial media. If it was a purchase timing issue, should we expect a banner Q1 2024?

Anyone remember the best book of all written by a Pfizer employee, “Hard Sell”? It was written by a Viagra salesman. Absolutely hilarious. They based the movie “Love and Other Drugs” on this book. A great perspective of the company
Yes, I remember it well. But more scandalous than the book was the reality of the Viagra salespersons' job in those days.
My uncle was a Pfizer "detail man" in the 80s and 90s after he left a teaching job. The drug rep reality that he described to me was very, very different than the world I experienced when I started during the Viagra hay-day.

The earnings call today should be a doozy. What a confused mess this company has become. We have already adjusted up the earnings after just announcing a steep downgrade in expect earnings a few weeks ago? Is there anyone at the top who has their finger on the pulse of the business operation? It is absolutely no wonder that investors don’t know how to read the prospects with PFE. Hell, our leadership can’t read it for themselves. Or even worse, this was a know insider opportunity and why AB pushed his pension $$ into PFE ahead of the call. If so, the SEC should come down HARD.

PFE is expected to say Covid products performed better than expected. Not due to better sales but due to lower returns. How do we not know this just a few weeks ago when we announced the lower guidance.

Other vaccine sales are to be reported as down due to “purchase timing issues”. This is a great follow up question opportunity for the financial media. If it was a purchase timing issue, should we expect a banner Q1 2024?
Down nearly 2%. The market doesn’t like surprises, even good ones. Shows incompetence

The earnings call today should be a doozy. What a confused mess this company has become. We have already adjusted up the earnings after just announcing a steep downgrade in expect earnings a few weeks ago? Is there anyone at the top who has their finger on the pulse of the business operation? It is absolutely no wonder that investors don’t know how to read the prospects with PFE. Hell, our leadership can’t read it for themselves. Or even worse, this was a know insider opportunity and why AB pushed his pension $$ into PFE ahead of the call. If so, the SEC should come down HARD.

PFE is expected to say Covid products performed better than expected. Not due to better sales but due to lower returns. How do we not know this just a few weeks ago when we announced the lower guidance.

Other vaccine sales are to be reported as down due to “purchase timing issues”. This is a great follow up question opportunity for the financial media. If it was a purchase timing issue, should we expect a banner Q1 2024?

Spot on...SEC should at least look into this...a couple of months before writing down all that Covid inventory AB could have set up the stock purchase plan...then they sink the guidance and now surprise on the upside by fewer returns...could be all pure coincidence but worth a look. If you look at his investor call transcripts you can see he fibs and fudges on minor things (and possibly also material matters?)...on the lowering of guidance call he was asked about the leaders of the US and Intl divisions and AB made a statement that the guy was "poached" from Pfizer by Saofi. The guy re-joins Pfizer and says the reason he left the last time was to care for elderly parents. Not a material issue for the street perhaps but being truthful still matters. Also rather ironic that he sent that email about "year of execution" with errors and had to re-send with correction.

It will take a day or two to digest the call today, perhaps. First response is in -1.7% today. The earnings call transcript is on line. You should read the whole bumbling mess.
He talks about five priorities. I would prefer that he talked about one priority: shareholder value. Then detail how the other four sub-priorities uphold the driving priority of shareholder value.
He talks about the millions of patients impacted by Pfizer meds. He talks about being number one in pharma revenue. He talks about approvals and 175 years of history. None of these matter to investors and I doubt any of them cared. It is like the easy to count but meaningless metrics assigned elsewhere. Unless they contribute directly to business and add value to customers and shareholders, who cares. Just noise in the way of true value.
The closing paragraphs are the real tell. It’s the opportunity to tell a memorable message that resonates with investors. It’s a muddy mess that rambles and bumbles along. A decent DM would give that sales close a failing mark

How much longer before Count Chocula gets escorted out of the building? This company has lost 1/2 of its market cap in 2 years because of incompetence, horrible leadership, missed projections, shitty pipeline, etc. Pfizer is a shell of what it once was. Sad.

If anyone from the BOD is reading this, please vote soon on replacing AB.


The Entire Company

AB says Seagen is the anchor we need to turn things around. Well, he knows anchors. Just not the type he describes. His anchors are leaden and with a short line that drags the ship under in the currents.
Seriously, why does he need some silly metaphor that doesn’t translate well. Whoever writes for him is a knucklehead. Or an evil genius who trolls his dumb butt at every interview. Either way, he lacks awareness to see it. Koalemos.

AB LinkedIn post on YE results is a classic, read it, reread it and could not tell anything about the companies actual financial performance in 2023. Guy is an attention seeking clown, an industry joke.

It will take a day or two to digest the call today, perhaps. First response is in -1.7% today. The earnings call transcript is on line. You should read the whole bumbling mess.
He talks about five priorities. I would prefer that he talked about one priority: shareholder value. Then detail how the other four sub-priorities uphold the driving priority of shareholder value.
He talks about the millions of patients impacted by Pfizer meds. He talks about being number one in pharma revenue. He talks about approvals and 175 years of history. None of these matter to investors and I doubt any of them cared. It is like the easy to count but meaningless metrics assigned elsewhere. Unless they contribute directly to business and add value to customers and shareholders, who cares. Just noise in the way of true value.
The closing paragraphs are the real tell. It’s the opportunity to tell a memorable message that resonates with investors. It’s a muddy mess that rambles and bumbles along. A decent DM would give that sales close a failing mark

Well said. Give us a tracker to track our trackers or have us actually do meaningful work?

I’m no Merck fan but i can acknowledge they are operating at a much higher level than PFE. Up over 4% today on stellar results. Go read their earnings call transcript. Tight message, business focused. As an organization, they seemed to have toned down the social focus, turned up the business focus with a new CEO. They got out of the covid race early and focused on core strengths. If they get V116 approved for adults, they could decimate Prevnar with focus and bundles. Our hubris level is too high to see it coming.

On a side note AB is one an AI panel at Davos. Says trust and humanity have to be at the forefront. That’s a rich statement from a CEO that allowed positive vaccine narrative to crumble as we never adequately built knowledge or comfort in how mRNA works. Vaccine trust is down overall and childhood diseases are creeping back up. It’s shameful as it happens and asinine that he talks about trust.