• IMPORTANT: We will be performing server maintenance Saturday morning June 22 at approximately 10:00 AM EDT. We don't expect more than an hour or so of downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience.


These expansions and IT investments in I&I, Rare Disease and Vaccines line up with leadership’s focus on the 12 growth brands mentioned on a couple of calls. 10 of the 12 brands are in these BUs with the addition of Eliquis and Nurtec ODT.
My guess is in the next 2-3 years, we will be a completely different company. We will probably be focused on specialty care with Oncology, Rare Disease, I&I and Vaccines. All of them focus on smaller populations with high $$$ treatments.
If that's true, then we are in trouble. Typical to how we do things here, upper level management in those divisions are hand-picked sycophants

AB now pushing for industry leadership in AI. No metrics behind this shared - presumably because it includes job losses. This is happening everywhere but wonder why we couldn't use AI to take a better version of some of the decisions AB himself took - like assuming that the pandemic and paxlovid sales would go gangbusters for ever.... Some of AB's stupid decisions could have been improved with just common sense - no need of AI.

Link? AB is now repeatedly trying to show how bad he feels about all the employee impacts...but I think he has lost all trust. Remains to be seen how the stock does but even if that recovers, restructuring every year and having a permanent state of crisis isn't good for employee morale and sooner or later stock will sink, even if it recovers now. Will be hard for him to win back trust and no matter how much he sucks up to Adobe, hoping rest of BoD/investors push to get rid of him.

Thanks AB and crew for cratering stock options...real good work

AB is addicted to the political class. How about cutting out the political trips, stay in NY to run the damn business and get the company value moving in the right direction?

Time magazine is a joke and has been for years. Now they have PFE as one of the most influential companies, also a joke.
Here’s what they say about ol’AB
“Now CEO Albert Bourla is turning to a program he began just before COVID-19 hit in 2019: Accord for a Healthier World, which aims to increase the number of people around the world who can afford Pfizer’s medicines. In 2022, the company provided 23 medicines and vaccines at cost to 45 countries, and last year expanded the program to include Pfizer’s entire drug portfolio. “In the disease heat map of the world, we hope that the red [countries] will be way less,” Bourla says.”

How about your work on building business, growing revenues and company value. The enterprise is not your piggy bank to scratch your do-gooder itch. Show me how this Accord for a Healthier World grows value without further soaking the healthcare systems of the developed world.

Want to be a politician? Run for office. Until the board wakes up and gets rid of this underperforming knucklehead, he should focus on the company he is RICHLY paid to lead

Just bought $50,000 of PFE at $28.20 Has to go up! Rolling the proverbial dice.
Don't know if your manager shared the engagement survey results. Shows the extent of how AB has wrecked the culture of the company - even 6 months after RCB. Hope gets good news on danu or something soon...otherwise a couple of quarters of current performance and hard to see how a leader who has lost all trust of majority of employees can continue to lead.

AB says in the Goldman Sachs interview that 2024 is a “year of execution” and that PFE isn’t looking for major deals or acquisitions.
I know acquisitions and mergers are incredibly complex, and that PFE historically has not done them well. Pfizer acquisitions seem to be sum of the parts rather than multiplying value.

But still, shouldn’t we be able to manage running the business and integrating new opportunities at the same time? We harp about being flexible and agile but then have to silo thinking around execution and opportunity?
I think the board needs to focus on the execution of a severance agreement for many at the top of this steaming pile