Field medical implosion has begun.

How many MSLs will walk away? If I were a betting person, I'd day more than half. Good luck finding people and training them in 2020 to support the upcoming ecosystems. Rumor has it leadership knows this and does not care. This is beyond insane.

PH has just about, single-handedly, destroyed the entire MSL organization at GNE, playing off the naiveté of people like Lance and JF - which tells you a lot about them.

it’s beyond fk’ing ridiculous and on par with Tiger King.

Medical leadership needs to stop marketing how great they are at saving the world from COVID-19, no glossy head-shots, and mind the damn store. Hope your leadership accountable to the how they are botching you’re organization. Many FMT folks are leaving but not because they aren’t good and would have stayed longer. They can’t tolerate the lack of accountability of senior leaders who serve self first. They tout the operating principles and people first but actions speak much louder than words.

How many MSLs will walk away? If I were a betting person, I'd day more than half. Good luck finding people and training them in 2020 to support the upcoming ecosystems. Rumor has it leadership knows this and does not care. This is beyond insane.

No idea. Some teams don’t have a severance option but of those that do, I suspect teams will have a lot of turnover and new hires.

That said, all the “protected MSL teams” are going to pulled into the ecosystems sooner than planned so now all those MSLs get to enjoy the fun. I suspect they will try to restrict offering packages I’ll call bullsh*t on that.

Medical leadership is all double talk and full of big fancy words to make themselves sound important. What happened to everyone deserves a great manager? You promote people who clearly aren't. Fair warning to anyone thinking of coming here. Don't.

Medical leadership is all double talk and full of big fancy words to make themselves sound important. What happened to everyone deserves a great manager? You promote people who clearly aren't. Fair warning to anyone thinking of coming here. Don't.

Ha. Right. They can read a script ok but ask them questions and they are like...duh?

Good to high performing individual contributors don’t typically have the skill set to be great managers without training and time. Look at existing folks now that have hopped quickly around and now in ‘head jobs’. Leader with position and power but without skill means employees will suffer. Ask anyone that has worked under PH and more recently KH. Amplify that with new externals.

Lyra benefits may be helpful for those that can’t opt to take the package and leave. I spoke to them a few times. The guy laughed that yah they were busy and you couldn’t make the shut up they were hearing. It was ecosystem stuff and minimal on Covid19

Interesting posts....just curious why any good medical folks would want to work here, especially in the field. It's clear that commercial is calling ALL the shots. One full ecosystems are in place and everyone is fully empowered to jockey for their own areas it gonna be messy.

Seems many field folks don't think the operating principles apply to them....they rarely consider the 'whole' but sure do consider me/mine/me me me in trying to leverage things for their area.

Interesting posts....just curious why any good medical folks would want to work here, especially in the field. It's clear that commercial is calling ALL the shots. One full ecosystems are in place and everyone is fully empowered to jockey for their own areas it gonna be messy.

Seems many field folks don't think the operating principles apply to them....they rarely consider the 'whole' but sure do consider me/mine/me me me in trying to leverage things for their area.
Seems you're forgetting - Commercial pays ALL the bills. It's the entire GNE way that is a problem. Drain the swamp. Corporate arrogance and greed has gotten us here. It's time we restructured and got back to work hard play hard. Many forgot the first part

... and, if you're lucky, they will take 4 weeks post your interview to let you know if you will be offered a position or not. This is how they treated the candidates for the field medical director roles.

I suspect you mean Field Directors. Medical Directors are never in the field, literally and figuratively.