Favorite Novartis Phrase or lie


Ever notice this place has its own language? Post the best Novo phrases here!
I will kick it off my favorite is Laser Focus. Seriously what the hell is that. Used anywhere else we sound like complete blubbering morons!

Now for the lies. The biggest lie is that Tekturna was the future of the company. Hilarious !


Ever notice this place has its own language? Post the best Novo phrases here!
I will kick it off my favorite is Laser Focus. Seriously what the hell is that. Used anywhere else we sound like complete blubbering morons!

Now for the lies. The biggest lie is that Tekturna was the future of the company. Hilarious !

We surveyed the field force and we are giving you the tools....... or WE surveyed the field and we are giving you what you were asking for......

Ever notice this place has its own language? Post the best Novo phrases here!
I will kick it off my favorite is Laser Focus. Seriously what the hell is that. Used anywhere else we sound like complete blubbering morons!

Now for the lies. The biggest lie is that Tekturna was the future of the company. Hilarious !

If it is good for you it is good for Novartis.

"peformance frontier selling" - how many decades will they continue to to recycle the same repackaged Dale Carnegie esque anachronistic methods because leadership is clueless of how to actually sell anything ?

When I first heard the term I thought we were hitching the wagons heading out west
with our Kentucky Long Rifles ready to battle apaches

'performance frontier' is actually management
selling a bill of goods , empty hollow promises or essentially
shoveling the proverbial meaningless vapid inane shit down our throats
but hey it gives the DM's something to scribble on FCR's

Ever notice this place has its own language? Post the best Novo phrases here!
I will kick it off my favorite is Laser Focus. Seriously what the hell is that. Used anywhere else we sound like complete blubbering morons!

Now for the lies. The biggest lie is that Tekturna was the future of the company. Hilarious !

Buss Word Bingo like high level, trust me, its a beautiful thing and its all about values and behaviors not sales.

"Launch Machine"
"Most respected pharmaceutical company in America"
"Our People are our most valuable asset"
"there's been a problem with IMS data. You'll need to send a check back to the company to cover the overpayment"

I also like the lie that your manager tells you regarding goals.

When you don't do well and are not hitting goals, managers say that the amount of volume that you are short is just added to your next quarter's goal so that is why your goal is not reduced and actually increased.

When you do well and you are over your goal, managers say that because you did well and your trend is positive, the goals are going to go up to reflect that trendline.

In either case, your goals go up, but it is always hilarious to hear the exact opposite explanation given in relation to goals. It would be better for the manager to admit they have absolutely no clue how goals are made.