Fast Start Meetings


Let's discuss. Been at this game for a long time. Have attended many of these as a rep and a manager. So, after all the hoopla and rah-rah, what gets done differently?
It's two to three days out of the field with minimal changes to CVA's with marketing acting like these things are game changers.
After the meeting, we all go back to biz as usual. Don't we?

Let's discuss. Been at this game for a long time. Have attended many of these as a rep and a manager. So, after all the hoopla and rah-rah, what gets done differently?
It's two to three days out of the field with minimal changes to CVA's with marketing acting like these things are game changers.
After the meeting, we all go back to biz as usual. Don't we?

Totally agree! There's no way that you can have more than one day of content. If it's multiple days, that's crazy. I hope they are ready to move to virtual. COVID is out of control. No reason to expose anyone if you don't have to.

Let's discuss. Been at this game for a long time. Have attended many of these as a rep and a manager. So, after all the hoopla and rah-rah, what gets done differently?
It's two to three days out of the field with minimal changes to CVA's with marketing acting like these things are game changers.
After the meeting, we all go back to biz as usual. Don't we?
Who cares!!!!! Just play the game, shut your pie-hole and collect your paycheck! Damn, I am sick and tired of ass-wipes like YOU complaining, BUT are happy twice a month when that account gets bigger.

I've been around better than 20 years. Primary care rep, hospital rep, trainer, currently DM. It's such a joke. They had "fast start" meetings 15 years ago. Same sh*t different year. Pharma management is so laughable. The last new idea created by anyone in this company was in 2001. Everything recycled. The above poster has the right idea. Stop thinking, play the game and cash your check. My advice to all--just give them whatever they ask for. They want a confrontive sales model. Fine. They want ten calls a day. DONE! Don't make waves. NEVER cheat on your expenses. Get all assignments in on time. Never talk negative about anything to anyone in the company. Too many back stabbers. You have a manager that gives tons of extra work. Pull into Panara and get it done. It's all simple if you know the game. This job is nothing to stress about. Oh and yes...I use the "I have a conference call today have to leave you early" excuse all the time.

I've been around better than 20 years. Primary care rep, hospital rep, trainer, currently DM. It's such a joke. They had "fast start" meetings 15 years ago. Same sh*t different year. Pharma management is so laughable. The last new idea created by anyone in this company was in 2001. Everything recycled. The above poster has the right idea. Stop thinking, play the game and cash your check. My advice to all--just give them whatever they ask for. They want a confrontive sales model. Fine. They want ten calls a day. DONE! Don't make waves. NEVER cheat on your expenses. Get all assignments in on time. Never talk negative about anything to anyone in the company. Too many back stabbers. You have a manager that gives tons of extra work. Pull into Panara and get it done. It's all simple if you know the game. This job is nothing to stress about. Oh and yes...I use the "I have a conference call today have to leave you early" excuse all the time.

BINGO!!!! You nailed it. I spent 40 years in pharma sales; the more things tried to change, the more they stayed the same. Whether you are a newbie or lifer in this business, just play the game. BTW, the advice about not saying anything negative will keep your ass out of trouble every time.

Personally, I like these get togethers. Gives us a chance to size up the new young tail.
Ha ha. Pharma companies quit hiring talent over a decade ago. We decided to go the route of the airlines with flight attendants. Now flying sucks, and sales meetings are even worse. The good ole days of the Vegas hook up are dead and gone, friends. Now if you want to get a little knobber, she has to take her dentures out. Oh well, that’s why we have light switches.

Who cares!!!!! Just play the game, shut your pie-hole and collect your paycheck! Damn, I am sick and tired of ass-wipes like YOU complaining, BUT are happy twice a month when that account gets bigger.

Re-read the OP's post. Not sure he/she was complaining. Just asking questions based on their own observations. I will say though that you appear a bit defensive. I'll assume you work for a brand team.

Ha ha. Pharma companies quit hiring talent over a decade ago. We decided to go the route of the airlines with flight attendants. Now flying sucks, and sales meetings are even worse. The good ole days of the Vegas hook up are dead and gone, friends. Now if you want to get a little knobber, she has to take her dentures out. Oh well, that’s why we have light switches.

Not for long...The "generational diversity" HR was pushing has allowed a new crop of young talent to enter the ranks. We know now that the term is DOA because some of the more "tenured" employees saw it as age discrimination and leadership freaked about lawsuits (which they should because it is). That doesn't mean managers aren't actively following the original orders. Sshhh, it's a secret.

Who cares!!!!! Just play the game, shut your pie-hole and collect your paycheck! Damn, I am sick and tired of ass-wipes like YOU complaining, BUT are happy twice a month when that account gets bigger.

Amen brother! Omicron is nothing more than a mild cold, yet these little AZ pussies are scared to death if it! They use it as an excuse for everything!

Please tell me why we are having this meeting

You don't know why you are having this meeting? The answer is simple and has been explained in one of the posts above. You are having this meeting because since the summer of 1954 when a certain regional sales manager at Merck Sharpe and Dome said "Hey let's have a fast start meeting to get sales on the right track in the new year!" Since that time, since the pharma industry is so inbred, all companies have these types of meetings. Yes, they might call it a different name but it's the same old shit. My advice--during the meeting learn how to yawn with your mouth closed and when some so called "leader" comes up with some silly idea that's been tried 1000 times claim it is brilliant and will revolutionize pharma sales. If you don't know how to play "pharma bullsh*t bingo" during the meeting ask one of the senior reps.

You don't know why you are having this meeting? The answer is simple and has been explained in one of the posts above. You are having this meeting because since the summer of 1954 when a certain regional sales manager at Merck Sharpe and Dome said "Hey let's have a fast start meeting to get sales on the right track in the new year!" Since that time, since the pharma industry is so inbred, all companies have these types of meetings. Yes, they might call it a different name but it's the same old shit. My advice--during the meeting learn how to yawn with your mouth closed and when some so called "leader" comes up with some silly idea that's been tried 1000 times claim it is brilliant and will revolutionize pharma sales. If you don't know how to play "pharma bullsh*t bingo" during the meeting ask one of the senior reps.

LOL great satire but oh so true. One question...what is pharma bullsh*t bingo? Anyone have any ideas what this is?

Re-read the OP's post. Not sure he/she was complaining. Just asking questions based on their own observations. I will say though that you appear a bit defensive. I'll assume you work for a brand team.
Wrong wiz-kid, I was merely saying that the gig is a great one, and someone like this lazy piece of doo-doo should be happy on the 15 and end of the month. The whining and complaining just piss me off.

Ha ha. Pharma companies quit hiring talent over a decade ago. We decided to go the route of the airlines with flight attendants. Now flying sucks, and sales meetings are even worse. The good ole days of the Vegas hook up are dead and gone, friends. Now if you want to get a little knobber, she has to take her dentures out. Oh well, that’s why we have light switches.

A little gumming won't hurt 'ya big boy!

Wrong wiz-kid, I was merely saying that the gig is a great one, and someone like this lazy piece of doo-doo should be happy on the 15 and end of the month. The whining and complaining just piss me off.

Two posts that were not directed with hate or name calling, yet you do so on both your responses. So, GFY you PoS. :p

The only fast start anyone seems to be anticipating is how fast they can start at a new company.

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6637095"]Let's discuss. Been at this game for a long time. Have attended many of these as a rep and a manager. So, after all the hoopla and rah-rah, what gets done differently?
It's two to three days out of the field with minimal changes to CVA's with marketing acting like these things are game changers.
After the meeting, we all go back to biz as usual. Don't we?[/QUOTE]