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It is really hard to understand such lack of compassion on the part of management, even at AZ. There is no way people will be able to focus on ANYTHING until this is over, then all they will focus on is how to get the hell out. No, this is a bad idea that's reached a new level of stupid even by AZ's standards.

The REAL sad thing is that it is just another waste of time and money that AZ has very little of to waste, especially starting in 2012.

You couldn't be more wrong. The only known layoffs will be the self ID people and they will not attend the meeting. After the holidays, they will look at the holes left by the self ID people and begin to build the new teams with the leftovers. These meetings will be one step in the process of deciding between two or three people as to who goes and who stays. But if you don't believe me then don't practice. Who the fuck else will care if you fail the test and are the one who goes?

Spot on.

This meeting determines the fate of the people who survived the cuts. The pressure is on, if you can't present to a group, you'd better sign up for Toastmasters or Dale Carnegie and start practicing quick. It's all about poise under pressure. (It's not sales or a sales meeting, but do you think for a second the people running things know the first thing about sales?)

Spot on.

This meeting determines the fate of the people who survived the cuts. The pressure is on, if you can't present to a group, you'd better sign up for Toastmasters or Dale Carnegie and start practicing quick. It's all about poise under pressure. (It's not sales or a sales meeting, but do you think for a second the people running things know the first thing about sales?)
Insider here and can confirm this is 100% correct. The most significant cuts will come from MCL and MCR because some CNS people will be moved over. They will come to these meetings with a list of people on the bubble and how you perform will make the final determination. They have to do it this way since the people making the decisions on final cuts don't know anything about these people. You had better be ready. If you suffer from stage fright then you had better find a cure really quick because there will be no safety net or escape route from this.

Insider here and can confirm this is 100% correct. The most significant cuts will come from MCL and MCR because some CNS people will be moved over. They will come to these meetings with a list of people on the bubble and how you perform will make the final determination. They have to do it this way since the people making the decisions on final cuts don't know anything about these people. You had better be ready. If you suffer from stage fright then you had better find a cure really quick because there will be no safety net or escape route from this.

HORSESH*T!!!! The decision who will be cut has been made.

You left out the McMansion in the suburbs, the luxury SUV in the driveway, and the annual vacation extended by taking off the Friday before and Monday after and mostly paid for with the money made from cheating on expenses. Oh, and family meals once or more per week all on the company dime. And these people have the onions to bitch constantly about how badly the company treats THEM.

Apparently you don't actually do this job.

Don't live in a McMansion, but do in the burbs. Do not have a luxury SUV, the other car is used. Do not dare take off Friday's or Mondays because you are constantly looking over your shoulder and Touchstone call recording is time stamped. Have not taken the family out for meals on the company dime. Cheating and getting caught on AZER, a policy violation, is the easiest way to get fired. We are required to put in all expense reports with prescriber and staff names signed on a list with all meal receipts.

You sound like a Pharma wannabe.

HORSESH*T!!!! The decision who will be cut has been made.
Now who is living in the land of OZ. They can't decide who gets cut until the dust settles on the self i.d. people. Believe me, they will week out the people within days of making the final decisions. Why would they wait 60 days if they already have the new teams in place?

So is there an MCL meeting as well -- at the same time?
The log jam is not on the MCL side and they are not as concerned about keeping the very best people on MCL b/c anyone can do that job. MCR is critical because of Crestor and Brilinta. It will be only the survival of the fittest and meetings may only be held where several people are tied for one opening and they need a tie breaker.

The log jam is not on the MCL side and they are not as concerned about keeping the very best people on MCL b/c anyone can do that job. MCR is critical because of Crestor and Brilinta. It will be only the survival of the fittest and meetings may only be held where several people are tied for one opening and they need a tie breaker.
As the number of self i.d. people are coming in, it appears more forced cuts are necessary. Look for MCL meetings coming to a theatre near you too.

Insider here and can confirm this is 100% correct. The most significant cuts will come from MCL and MCR because some CNS people will be moved over. They will come to these meetings with a list of people on the bubble and how you perform will make the final determination. They have to do it this way since the people making the decisions on final cuts don't know anything about these people. You had better be ready. If you suffer from stage fright then you had better find a cure really quick because there will be no safety net or escape route from this.

What an idiot. These useless things have nothing to do with who gets fired or not. It's just another AZ check-the-box. These idiots never learn and I mean, never.

What an idiot. These useless things have nothing to do with who gets fired or not. It's just another AZ check-the-box. These idiots never learn and I mean, never.
OK if that is what you want to believe then I hope you are competing with me for an open spot. If not me, then someone else will be the lucky winner. The RSDs and someone from HQ will be at our meetings to observe the performance of the DSM if they are on the bubble and also any PSSs on the bubble for an opening.

OK if that is what you want to believe then I hope you are competing with me for an open spot. If not me, then someone else will be the lucky winner. The RSDs and someone from HQ will be at our meetings to observe the performance of the DSM if they are on the bubble and also any PSSs on the bubble for an opening.

Guess what? There is no such thing as a rep or dm on the bubble. All the decisions have been made by a consultant. Criteria are fed into the computer and out pops names. This minimizes AZ's liability. Quit your idiotic ranting about these meetings....

Dude, you just described dozens of counterparts I have had over the years not to mention some of my DSMs as well. It seems like the people who complain the most have the least to complain about. The reason I hate meetings is because I know I will have to listen to these a-holes complaining constantly, "the room is too cold, the food is shitty, the rooms have bugs, why do we have to get here so early and leave so late, all we ever do is role play, why don't they at least give us a half day off for fun, can you believe they raised our objective again, the sales data sucks, why do we have to work between Christmas and New Years, wahahawawa

What happened to the drunk parties on the beach or New Orleans and the B Seitzer band. The work hard play hard mentality. Show me your new tata's you blew that bonus on. Come on man Tired of the winning BS. Lets make this meeting a blow out. Toga whatever its almost christmas time. To much vodka little carried away but you know what i'm talking bout. Hell i checked out years ago just getting paid brothers

Funny how sales and growth were there when they treated you well, and dhowed you that you were valued. Meetings weren't just about rolling out some brand strategy and role plays, but were also an opportunity for HQ to show their appreciation for a job well done... Brian Setzer in New Orleans, Orlando, FL and MGM etc..

DM told us that it will be more role playing than anything! I mean they just fucked up 2 more of our pipeline drugs which will cost us $381.5 million in write offs! Analyst's are saying we're screwed and what do we do...WE CALL A DAMN ROLE PLAY MEETING!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously people, what moron gives the go ahead to waste MORE MONEY on crap like this??? Think about sitting there for a whole damn day pretending to be "engaged", when there's a good chance you will be fired in 2 weeks!!!

We have become not only THE worst managed company in the industry, but THE most bizarre!

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