Fall Meeting Location? CVMD

Dates are to be Oct 21-25. Not sure where. Saw Baltimore above but Never been to a meeting in Baltimore in all my years in a Pharma sales. That sounds weird.

It is a part of the AZ diversity plan to hold our meetings in places that society has left behind. Why not bring some money into these areas to help the economy and to show that AZ cares.

First of all, AZ hasn't had a "5 day" meeting in years. This isn't a Crestor launch for goodness sake. Reality is more like a M-W, M-Th at best. There's not that much to talk about.

How much longer do you anticipate the diabetes sales team will have jobs? How much time do these new indications buy us considering our U.S. market share position trails Jardiance by a mile?

Don't worry about it. AZ never plays to win. They only play just to play. As long as diabetes is on the positive side of the ledger everything will be just fine. Keep on with the all day lie and no-one will know the difference.

Don't worry about it. AZ never plays to win. They only play just to play. As long as diabetes is on the positive side of the ledger everything will be just fine. Keep on with the all day lie and no-one will know the difference.

AZ never take the lead in Pharma. They will cut the sales force when other companies begin cutting theirs. So watch Pfizer, Glaxo, Lilly for clues to what AZ will do.

As a DSA going through the training, there is a lot of stuff. No time during days for training so it falls on family time. Once again, AZ speaks one way and acts another.
And why are all the DSM's going to Vegas from Resp? There are no more than three DSA's per district in our region, w/ most being one of two. Penny wise and pound foolish. And yes, was hoping to get a few days away from them. Micro-managing PoS.