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Eye/Respiratory combined

Heard same thing from our ABL. Everything in EC is good. No selling Xiidra, no reps cut and Novartis isn’t merging with anyone. Guess the higher ups read the boards here and wanted to shut down all the rumors lol

Heard same thing from our ABL. Everything in EC is good. No selling Xiidra, no reps cut and Novartis isn’t merging with anyone. Guess the higher ups read the boards here and wanted to shut down all the rumors lol
You guys are turds if you believe any of that BS. What do you think they are gonna say? They need us to keep selling regardless of their plans.

You guys are turds if you believe any of that BS. What do you think they are gonna say? They need us to keep selling regardless of their plans.

Yes! Anyone who believes the "transparent" answers, aka lies, that we're being told is a complete and utter idiot drunk on the kool-aid. If you've worked in this industry for more than a minute you know something is up. Let's add it all up shall we:
1. "Talent profiles" (codename for internal resume) that ask if you're willing to relocate and what all your previous experience is? +
2. Cutting MSLs, MDAs and TLLs (even if they were doing nothing its still a resource lost to this group now), +
3. Not moving forward with failed clinical trials +
4. Sam retiring and filling his role with a part-time respiro guy +
5. Basically saying we have to hit a goal or else.... +
6. Not being one of the 5 priority therapeutic areas
7. No pipeline and no intention of buying another product +
8. Running a contest the last half way through T3 as a last ditch attempt to finish big +
9. Cutting Cell phone/internet expenses until further notice +
10. Too many rumors to count =

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Yes! Anyone who believes the "transparent" answers, aka lies, that we're being told is a complete and utter idiot drunk on the kool-aid. If you've worked in this industry for more than a minute you know something is up. Let's add it all up shall we:
1. "Talent profiles" (codename for internal resume) that ask if you're willing to relocate and what all your previous experience is? +
2. Cutting MSLs, MDAs and TLLs (even if they were doing nothing its still a resource lost to this group now), +
3. Not moving forward with failed clinical trials +
4. Sam retiring and filling his role with a part-time respiro guy +
5. Basically saying we have to hit a goal or else.... +
6. Not being one of the 5 priority therapeutic areas
7. No pipeline and no intention of buying another product +
8. Running a contest the last half way through T3 as a last ditch attempt to finish big +
9. Cutting Cell phone/internet expenses until further notice +
10. Too many rumors to count =

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Yes! Anyone who believes the "transparent" answers, aka lies, that we're being told is a complete and utter idiot drunk on the kool-aid. If you've worked in this industry for more than a minute you know something is up. Let's add it all up shall we:
1. "Talent profiles" (codename for internal resume) that ask if you're willing to relocate and what all your previous experience is? +
2. Cutting MSLs, MDAs and TLLs (even if they were doing nothing its still a resource lost to this group now), +
3. Not moving forward with failed clinical trials +
4. Sam retiring and filling his role with a part-time respiro guy +
5. Basically saying we have to hit a goal or else.... +
6. Not being one of the 5 priority therapeutic areas
7. No pipeline and no intention of buying another product +
8. Running a contest the last half way through T3 as a last ditch attempt to finish big +
9. Cutting Cell phone/internet expenses until further notice +
10. Too many rumors to count =

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

You friggin' nailed it dude! What I've been saying all along. Too many coincidences for there not to be something more happening. Also btw here's my question for Tad. If its so far fetched or so not true that Alcon (or anyone else) is buying Xiidra why can't he just shut down that rumor. Drop the mike on it Tad. Instead of dancing around it saying I don't buy into the rumor mill etc. I get you can't share details, but if its just simply not true then say unequivically that there is zero truth to the rumors that Xiidra is being sold. I can't say it will never happen, but for now there is absolutely no way that is happening and it's not even on the horizon. I guess it's what he's not saying that's saying it all.

Yes! Anyone who believes the "transparent" answers, aka lies, that we're being told is a complete and utter idiot drunk on the kool-aid. If you've worked in this industry for more than a minute you know something is up. Let's add it all up shall we:
1. "Talent profiles" (codename for internal resume) that ask if you're willing to relocate and what all your previous experience is? +
2. Cutting MSLs, MDAs and TLLs (even if they were doing nothing its still a resource lost to this group now), +
3. Not moving forward with failed clinical trials +
4. Sam retiring and filling his role with a part-time respiro guy +
5. Basically saying we have to hit a goal or else.... +
6. Not being one of the 5 priority therapeutic areas
7. No pipeline and no intention of buying another product +
8. Running a contest the last half way through T3 as a last ditch attempt to finish big +
9. Cutting Cell phone/internet expenses until further notice +
10. Too many rumors to count =

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
Seriously, at minimum salesforce cuts and place it on maintenance. Not sure who would want to be part of that.

All good and valid points in that list. I forgot about that stupid talent profile lol. I'll admit I was wasn't worried until the call we had with Tad. All those answers were complete BS. If Alcon or whoever isn't buy Xiidra why not just shut down the rumor? I get that can't tell us if they're selling, but if they're not, why not make a firm statement about it. Say while we envision more changes coming, I can unequivocally say Xiidra is not being sold now and in fact it's not even an option on the horizon? Will there be changes, yes, but that's not one of them. Instead we've got Tad saying "don't believe rumor mills and Austin saying "I talked to legal and we can't really say much about that." Ok never mind, I guess what they are not saying really says it all.

Still nothing to help us figure out whats going on with this division. When will the uncertainty end?
You still getting a paycheck every other week? What else do you need to know? Now go sell something to keep this joint running. If the entire sales force put in an honest 40 hours a week, we wouldn’t have to do layoffs

You still getting a paycheck every other week? What else do you need to know? Now go sell something to keep this joint running. If the entire sales force put in an honest 40 hours a week, we wouldn’t have to do layoffs
Thats like saying all the tax money the govt collects we should never have a deficit. We bring in plenty of money and an astronomically high ROI for what we are paid. Layoffs aren’t because of the sales force they are because of decisions the company makes that don't please the shareholders.