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Eye/Respiratory combined

They need to just tell us wth is going on already. This attempt to just continue business as usual is an insult to everyone in the field that has given there all to novartis and growing their business.

No doubt both optha and respiratory will experience something within the next 6 months. Nobody has commented on the town hall from this week when there was no mention of either brand for the future. And then the CE head tries to tell everyone how much they are needed even if you don’t see the products listed. It was a nice try but we aren’t dumb

As far as EC goes the writing is on the wall and it's obvious. They need us to hit our goal so they can make Xiidra more attractive to whomever is planning to buy it. Everyone is saying Alcon and maybe that's true, but if not Alcon they need Xiidra to finish big to make it appealing to sell. Whoever is trying to buy it probably has it in writing somewhere that the deal will only close if.... Then if the goal isn't hit, heads will roll. There's no way they keep 170+ reps and VSS reps for a product and division and isn't a priority and can't even hit goal (no matter how unrealistic the goals are!)

Yo lets just call a spade a spade and say it since ol' Taddy boy is being about as transparent as the blackout curtains in my bedroom. EC is F*ck'd. If you don't see that then you're blind as Mr. Magoo. First they merge with respiro, then they're told they're not a priority just essential-whatever the f that means. Then they have to fill out "talent profiles". Then they have to justify why they haven't hit certain T1s enough times during a tri. Then they get rid of TLLs, MDA, MSLs and the only peer ed guy. They're putting no resources into this division only taking stuff away. Next they are told not to expense phone and internet. Here's a lifevest sonny. You better put it on cuz the ship is going down!

Yo lets just call a spade a spade and say it since ol' Taddy boy is being about as transparent as the blackout curtains in my bedroom. EC is F*ck'd. If you don't see that then you're blind as Mr. Magoo. First they merge with respiro, then they're told they're not a priority just essential-whatever the f that means. Then they have to fill out "talent profiles". Then they have to justify why they haven't hit certain T1s enough times during a tri. Then they get rid of TLLs, MDA, MSLs and the only peer ed guy. They're putting no resources into this division only taking stuff away. Next they are told not to expense phone and internet. Here's a lifevest sonny. You better put it on cuz the ship is going down!

We do talent profiles every year. They may be a different format but don’t read anything into that.

Yo lets just call a spade a spade and say it since ol' Taddy boy is being about as transparent as the blackout curtains in my bedroom. EC is F*ck'd. If you don't see that then you're blind as Mr. Magoo. First they merge with respiro, then they're told they're not a priority just essential-whatever the f that means. Then they have to fill out "talent profiles". Then they have to justify why they haven't hit certain T1s enough times during a tri. Then they get rid of TLLs, MDA, MSLs and the only peer ed guy. They're putting no resources into this division only taking stuff away. Next they are told not to expense phone and internet. Here's a lifevest sonny. You better put it on cuz the ship is going down!
We do talent profiles every year but they don’t look like this

We do talent profiles every year but they don’t look like this
We have never done a talent profile. Let alone one that was completed and never discussed ever again. There is no way on earth that the people selling today will be here in 2 months. The managers are going to this meeting to learn how to manage through “change”. When asked directly what this change was on the EC call all we got was a political answer about the never ending evolving done. If you haven't updated your resume you are doing a disservice to yourself and family.

Yo lets just call a spade a spade and say it since ol' Taddy boy is being about as transparent as the blackout curtains in my bedroom. EC is F*ck'd. If you don't see that then you're blind as Mr. Magoo. First they merge with respiro, then they're told they're not a priority just essential-whatever the f that means. Then they have to fill out "talent profiles". Then they have to justify why they haven't hit certain T1s enough times during a tri. Then they get rid of TLLs, MDA, MSLs and the only peer ed guy. They're putting no resources into this division only taking stuff away. Next they are told not to expense phone and internet. Here's a lifevest sonny. You better put it on cuz the ship is going down!

You have the worst TLL, MSL and MDA team in eyecare.

Eyecare will be through next summer. After that it's anyone's guess. Pray Novartis picks up some other brands. They are working on two things. 1. expanding eyecare with new products if they can find one or two. 2. Letting us all go by next summer, most likely through a buy out to another company especially if we lose anymore managed care coverage (Med D).

And now another change in marketing leadership for respiratory and EyeCare. Who think optha will be selling Xolair next year and respi will be selling Xiidra and combine all? Thoughts?

Eyecare will be through next summer. After that it's anyone's guess. Pray Novartis picks up some other brands. They are working on two things. 1. expanding eyecare with new products if they can find one or two. 2. Letting us all go by next summer, most likely through a buy out to another company especially if we lose anymore managed care coverage (Med D).
Where do people even get scenarios like this. Makes absolutely no sense. Wishful thinking at best.

And now another change in marketing leadership for respiratory and EyeCare. Who think optha will be selling Xolair next year and respi will be selling Xiidra and combine all? Thoughts?

I’ve heard from much much higher pay grades that there is absolutely no plan to cross bag Xolair and Xiidra. Xolair sales force is already small and bringing in TONS of cash for the company, (best ROI novartis has right now) with a potentially new game changing indication to come so they won’t take any focus off the brand and add Xiidra to the respiratory team. Where that leaves eye care, I don’t know.

That’s what they thought a few years ago and then they all lost their roles and had to re interview for their jobs. Cut the team by around 30%. We have all also heard that Novartis wants their reps carrying multiple brands which is why I’m speculating the cross product promotion