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Eye/Respiratory combined

So when does the bomb drop

You know they aren’t vested in Eyecare anymore if they let the TLL’s go that have great relationships with the KOL’s. Think about it…they are the ones getting the doctors on advisory boards etc…

Million dollar question. Has anyone heard about the eye care sales team? We have hear about the MSL, TLL and market access only
Just had a call and they couldn’t answer a straight question. At least people had the guts to ask about downsizing and selloffs. Just wish they could really answer the question and not be a politician.

So why would they put a VP in place over both eye care and respiratory if they are only going to divest Xiidra

seriously? Is it possible that maybe if they were serious in Xiidra they wouldn’t combine respiratory and eye care into one “franchise” or whatever the hell we are calling them these days? SR ran this division into the ground.

seriously? Is it possible that maybe if they were serious in Xiidra they wouldn’t combine respiratory and eye care into one “franchise” or whatever the hell we are calling them these days? SR ran this division into the ground.
Ever hear of a placeholder? He’s head of respiratory as well so what happens when eye care goes bye bye? Ill take go back to respiratory for 200 alex. Hes just here to oversee whatever they have planned.

I never heard of a place holder sorry. And for the msl’s etc there are places for them to go to. Typically employees are given a set amount of time to look internally for a position. 3.4,6 months sometimes it could be longer. If they can’t find anything internally there is a set separation date and then severance kicks in. But it seems like every position is different so I’m just going based off what I know from past reorganization’s