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Eye Care Launch Chaos

Can we take a second and try and understand how we are promising doctors samples in January and territories that have “KOL”s are getting them now and flaunting them on social media and word is getting out? Why even get the samples to specific doctors? So they scan get patient feedback? So those territories can get more scripts than the rest of us? Who even chose all of them, some make zero sense. It makes the rest of the reps appear to be liars. Every territory should have been given the opportunity with their chosen doctors to allocate them. Does Allergan not trust us as reps whatsoever? And where is the marketing reinforcement or presence? We need more materials than a QR code. Offices are hungry for them. It makes us look like we aren’t prepared and upper management has been completely quiet. How are we even going to know how it’s performing unless we can get weekly Rx data? So many action items to list here.

Can we take a second and try and understand how we are promising doctors samples in January and territories that have “KOL”s are getting them now and flaunting them on social media and word is getting out? Why even get the samples to specific doctors? So they scan get patient feedback? So those territories can get more scripts than the rest of us? Who even chose all of them, some make zero sense. It makes the rest of the reps appear to be liars. Every territory should have been given the opportunity with their chosen doctors to allocate them. Does Allergan not trust us as reps whatsoever? And where is the marketing reinforcement or presence? We need more materials than a QR code. Offices are hungry for them. It makes us look like we aren’t prepared and upper management has been completely quiet. How are we even going to know how it’s performing unless we can get weekly Rx data? So many action items to list here.

Negativity! Materials will meet your needs. If you know your customers you know who is writing. That is just silly to complain about. You are obviously on part 2 of the complaint rant from earlier this year when you got extra help. You will be given what you need when you need it. Good day!

Negativity! Materials will meet your needs. If you know your customers you know who is writing. That is just silly to complain about. You are obviously on part 2 of the complaint rant from earlier this year when you got extra help. You will be given what you need when you need it. Good day!

you obviously have no idea what we have available for resources and the scope of the clinic demands to make it successful. If we’re not heard that we need more, the offices won’t be able to meet the patient demands. Wouldn’t it be best to have max resources rather than minimal in order to effectively launch? We get one shot. Definitely behind the 8 ball with resource support. This is a controllable factor.

you obviously have no idea what we have available for resources and the scope of the clinic demands to make it successful. If we’re not heard that we need more, the offices won’t be able to meet the patient demands. Wouldn’t it be best to have max resources rather than minimal in order to effectively launch? We get one shot. Definitely behind the 8 ball with resource support. This is a controllable factor.
Oh Please silly goat-feel the beard and lick down hard on stamps

Half my scheduled appts/lunches have already cancelled indefinitely. Allergan, do not hold us to these stupid productivity reports when Covid numbers are beyond our control.

Half my scheduled appts/lunches have already cancelled indefinitely. Allergan, do not hold us to these stupid productivity reports when Covid numbers are beyond our control.[/QUOTE

Let’s not be so defeatist! Representatives that have been bringing value to their customers will have access. That is something that you cannot deny. Attitude and confidence when you approach your customers with a new product that is in demand and that they are eager to learn about will put you in the driver’s seat. Good day.

I’m sorry that you feel a product launch trumps a doctor’s fear and concern for their lives, their families, and their patients’ lives. That is truly sad. Check the Covid numbers. No relationship or trust is going to get you past a pandemic.

When is the company going to start sending reps Covid tests? If they’re expecting us to walk back into the rising numbers like nothing has even happened, where are our kits? Can’t even buy them locally and sold out online most places. If we feel sick and can’t even get a test, there go our vacation days for being cautionary until we get a test while walking into health clinics? Where is the direction from Abbvie considering the current situation?

bringing value and having confidence doesn’t trump the Drs’ Covid fears and how they shut down their practice to reps and extra guests during a surging pandemic, good day moron.

I’m sorry that you feel a product launch trumps a doctor’s fear and concern for their lives, their families, and their patients’ lives. That is truly sad. Check the Covid numbers. No relationship or trust is going to get you past a pandemic.

Get back to work Chicken little. This is not March 2020 not even remotely close. Significantly less hospitalizations and deaths. Oh and a vaccine that at a minimum reduces severity AND now therapeutics courtesy of the industry that feeds you. Don’t like it here? then leave!!!

When is the company going to start sending reps Covid tests? If they’re expecting us to walk back into the rising numbers like nothing has even happened, where are our kits? Can’t even buy them locally and sold out online most places. If we feel sick and can’t even get a test, there go our vacation days for being cautionary until we get a test while walking into health clinics? Where is the direction from Abbvie considering the current situation?

Based on the irresponsible handling of Covid cases contracted at meetings, my guess will be that they do absolutely nothing. They follow Covid protocols when it makes them look good but will put people’s lives in danger just to have bodies on the street selling. Covid cases swept under the rug rampantly. Shhhh…don’t tell anyone you have Covid snd exposed many at the meeting.

Get back to work Chicken little. This is not March 2020 not even remotely close. Significantly less hospitalizations and deaths. Oh and a vaccine that at a minimum reduces severity AND now therapeutics courtesy of the industry that feeds you. Don’t like it here? then leave!!!

work at home office, eh? Think you’d feel different if you actually carried a bag.

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