
Talked to recruiter yesterday - was told the manager did not follow protocol in my area and moved his own people forward that Inventiv recruiters had not even screened? How is that possible? Oh well, guess we'll keep on interviewing

Any laid off Endo contract reps or Endo reps make it onward to the 2nd IV
& told it was yours? Through Tuesday none made it despite help
From TB, director for this contract? Yep, selling V Gel & Opana ER
To top performance must be intimindating for the inexperienced
Mallinckrodt mgrs. I thought InVentiv brags about using good reps
Again. Nope! Not here or for Iroko!

Ex-Endo Rep from the Jersey/PA area... no word for a f-t-f interview. Got screened with positive feedback. Who's to say how selection process will turn out. Experience and $$$$ usually tells who gets called. I agree with previous posts that hiring DSMs usually give edge to who they worked with and networking with other DSMs on contract. Being on the outside of Ventiv looking to get in it would appear a long shot no matter if you have opioid launch experience or pain experience. Lots and lots of high performing reps will be over-looked. Good luck to all.

Any laid off Endo contract reps or Endo reps make it onward to the 2nd IV
& told it was yours? Through Tuesday none made it despite help
From TB, director for this contract? Yep, selling V Gel & Opana ER
To top performance must be intimindating for the inexperienced
Mallinckrodt mgrs. I thought InVentiv brags about using good reps
Again. Nope! Not here or for Iroko!

I was told that we will hear next week.