That sucks...sorry you had to go through all that. Any reason why you weren't chosen? Do you have a lot of pain experience?
Recruiter told me I was screened because I am black.
That sucks...sorry you had to go through all that. Any reason why you weren't chosen? Do you have a lot of pain experience?
Has anyone been given an offer after the interviews this week in Dallas?
Recruiter told me I was screened because I am black.
havent heard anything. i was there on monday.
I was told by recruiter that no final offers will be made until new drug gets final approval which is later this month. Keep the faith.
Why do we need to wait?? Thats not fair!!
Any idea what the size of the territories are? I was just contacted for phone screen! Thanks!
Fairly small for the most part.. Example: Some states have 3/4 reps presently and will have up to 10-11 after the expansion with no overlap.
Thank you so much! Greatly appreciated!
Any laid off Endo contract reps or Endo reps make it onward to the 2nd IV
& told it was yours? Through Tuesday none made it despite help
From TB, director for this contract? Yep, selling V Gel & Opana ER
To top performance must be intimindating for the inexperienced
Mallinckrodt mgrs. I thought InVentiv brags about using good reps
Again. Nope! Not here or for Iroko!