Ex Terminated Abbvie Employees

The company backs the manager 100% of the time, unless it's an outright Flagrant EEOC violation HR Is NOT your Friend The Ethics committee hotline (HR in disguise) is NOT your friend. DONT trust ANY employee. DONT trust ANY Manager or HR Representive. DONT sign PIP EVER. Immediately search for another job ASAP. See legal council if there was a law broken imvolving compliance or EEOC infractions. GIT OUT JUMP SHIP

Since a PIP relates to every Pharma company and industry I'll explain PIPS .......It's a very simple straight forward answer ....99.9% of the time (in Pharma) you are History within a year Whether through actual termination or self attrition, meaning you quit because you can't live on the edge anymore. A "Performance Improvement Plan" is about providing cover and documentation to help get rid of an employee that for some reasons (many) somebody in the management chain of command wants to move out It's a way for management to claim they did all they could to help the employee in questio while at the same time sending a message to the person that their next step is probably termination and a kick in the *** out the door it's about gathering additional evidence and setting up the framework for termination

PIP Reasons For Target On your Back

1. You uncover wrongdoing unethical or illegal activity and Speak Up

2. You voice opinions on favoritism of certain protected employees by management These Employees are usually snitch/rats and "Managers Pets" They gossip and spread rumors and lower management protects them

3. You just plain can't produce or actually reform the required position (it happens)

4. You Have excessive Absenteeism (Occurrences ) This is the only PIP that's easy to erase

5. You Call HR or Ethic Committee Hotline to report an incident under the guise of anonymity..... Bad Move Now your manager knows and their Pets know and spread the word to fellow employees

EX GLOBALLY HR ( not the fraud )

BTW any Unvested 401k Match is lost. Keep in mind
Here's a PIP gone bad that Cost Almost $10 Million... Many more like this you don't see or hear about at Abbvie and Abbott Some settled out of court Some didn't and MANY are pending Don't think for a minute Brass can get over on on everybody Ricky knew Angel and I heard he helped his case (off the record) Below is JUST ONE OF HUNDREDS ...JUMP SHIP CASH IN

Chicago Tribune
Ellen Jean Hurst Contact/Reporter

A former Hospira executive who said he was fired in 2011 after he urged the company to report issues with its infusion pumps was awarded $9.98 million in a jury verdict earlier this month. Angel Estrada, former vice president of quality systems and compliance, sued Lake Forest-based Hospira in Lake County Circuit Court in 2012. According to the suit, Hospira was "covering up" issues related to its pumps. The jury found on Nov. 4 that Estrada was fired because he reported his belief that Hospira violated U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations and that he was defamed. "Hospira strongly disagrees with the court's ruling and the characterization of the facts advanced by the plaintiff in this case," Hospira said in a statement. "We will appeal this decision and aggressively defend the company against these claims, which we continue to assert are fully without merit." THEY LOST APPEAL In May 2013, the company said it would phase out several of its pumps that inject fluids or medication into patients intravenously, spurred by FDA scrutiny about quality issues.The company said it would spend $300 million to $350 million to discontinue its Symbiq, GemStar and older Plum brand pumps, among others, during the next several years.In the lawsuit, Estrada said he tried to convince the company to report quality issues after he was hired in September 2010.Eventually, the suit stated, Estrada reported the issue to Chief Executive Officer Michael Ball on Sept. 27, 2011. On that same day, the suit said two less senior employees were fired for allegedly "altering a record during the course of an audit." Three days later, Estrada was fired "under the pretext'' of not properly investigating one of the employees.Estrada said he was unable to find a new job for more than six months and had to move out of state for employment.

These are former Abbott HPD executives trained by Gonzo who were stupid enough to have CEO Mike Ball who came from Allergan be involved in this cover up. Ball made over $90 Million TAX FREE after Pfizer deal and is now running Alcon. This is the Model Abbvie is following. If Abbvie ever gets acquired ( end goal of spin ) Gonzo and brass will hit Jackpot. ADD was
dismantled in the same way. Henry Gosebruch who jumped here from JP Morgan as Abbvie CSO is brokering potential deals That's what his specialty is. Henry was JPMorgan's top dealmaker He brokered Forest Labs sale to Actavis (Allergan) Merck's Cubist takeover AND was involved in failed Shire deal which tanked because of Obamas and DOJ inversion law. Botched shire deal was where he got foot in the door.

Since a PIP relates to every Pharma company and industry I'll explain PIPS .......It's a very simple straight forward answer ....99.9% of the time (in Pharma) you are History within a year Whether through actual termination or self attrition, meaning you quit because you can't live on the edge anymore. A "Performance Improvement Plan" is about providing cover and documentation to help get rid of an employee that for some reasons (many) somebody in the management chain of command wants to move out It's a way for management to claim they did all they could to help the employee in questio while at the same time sending a message to the person that their next step is probably termination and a kick in the *** out the door it's about gathering additional evidence and setting up the framework for termination

PIP Reasons For Target On your Back

1. You uncover wrongdoing unethical or illegal activity and Speak Up

2. You voice opinions on favoritism of certain protected employees by management These Employees are usually snitch/rats and "Managers Pets" They gossip and spread rumors and lower management protects them

3. You just plain can't produce or actually reform the required position (it happens)

4. You Have excessive Absenteeism (Occurrences ) This is the only PIP that's easy to erase

5. You Call HR or Ethic Committee Hotline to report an incident under the guise of anonymity..... Bad Move Now your manager knows and their Pets know and spread the word to fellow employees

EX GLOBALLY HR ( not the fraud )
All true, but you forgot to add that this company pays managers to select employees for the pip process when it's time to downsize. Quite a few people can silently be piped out over the course of a year. This saves the company bad press and preserves a the stock price. Think about it. It's true!
All true, but you forgot to add that this company pays managers to select employees for the pip process when it's time to downsize. Quite a few people can silently be piped out over the course of a year. This saves the company bad press and preserves a the stock price. Think about it. It's true!

Bro, There's no "Bounty" or monetary gain/bonus for head count reduction given to management This is a CP urban legend and fake news. The monies saved are funneled to brass who use at thier discretion..Translation-- They pocket it, so in that sense yes there's a bonus but NOT to lower level.
All true, but you forgot to add that this company pays managers to select employees for the pip process when it's time to downsize. Quite a few people can silently be piped out over the course of a year. This saves the company bad press and preserves a the stock price. Think about it. It's true!

I don't believe this for a minute. The BULLCRAP posted by the 'ex HR' is totally made up. The Ethics Dept relies on the Hot Line for reports from rank and file; it is always 100% confidential. If you have an issue be assured you can always use the Ethics Hot Line. And on PIPs, they are rare.
Please give it up ! You're giving real global human resources a bad name and embarrassing them.
Captain obvious, Yall's clueless. Its HILARIOUS though. JUMP SHIP NOW FOLKS !!!!!!!
I don't believe this for a minute. The BULLCRAP posted by the 'ex HR' is totally made up. The Ethics Dept relies on the Hot Line for reports from rank and file; it is always 100% confidential. If you have an issue be assured you can always use the Ethics Hot Line. And on PIPs, they are rare.

Didn't the Ethics Hotline folks cover up Gonzos false college degree statement ? They stated it was a "Clerical Error" (Hilarious). They even had this bogus Whopper of a Fairy tale plastered on Abbvie Website, BUT were forced to take the erroneous info down. They also claimed Rick was a Research Chemist BWAAAA HAAAA ....

Didn't the Ethics Hotline folks cover up Gonzos false college degree statement ? They stated it was a "Clerical Error" (Hilarious). They even had this bogus Whopper of a Fairy tale plastered on Abbvie Website, BUT were forced to take the erroneous info down. They also claimed Rick was a Research Chemist BWAAAA HAAAA ....


It was indeed a clerical error by a newbie who had no adult supervision, and in fact was totally crushed by the error. It was very unfortunate and our Leader graciously forgave her. Yes you point to ONE erroneous factoid on our Leader, that's a pretty lame rationale for trashing the Hot Line, etc ! Please no more rectal extraction of inconsequential events. A REAL HR professional does not have an attitude problem with Leadership and has a Go Go Go mindset. Makes me wonder what you really do (if anything) at our Company..
It was indeed a clerical error by a newbie who had no adult supervision, and in fact was totally crushed by the error. It was very unfortunate and our Leader graciously forgave her. Yes you point to ONE erroneous factoid on our Leader, that's a pretty lame rationale for trashing the Hot Line, etc ! Please no more rectal extraction of inconsequential events. A REAL HR professional does not have an attitude problem with Leadership and has a Go Go Go mindset. Makes me wonder what you really do (if anything) at our Company..

First of all it WASNT a newbie, It was a seasoned HR Liar protecting thier boss. Second of all WTF are you talking about ? "Adult supervision" ? You're saying Abbott hired minors a newbie is not an adult ? Are you Batshit crazy ?
CASE CLOSED ....Go tell mommy you want your bottle and get the hell off her computer Corky.
Rules were made to be broken..... I won't disparage the company HONEST .... JUMP SHIP NOW PEEPS

You agree that through January 3, ---- , you will not engage, directly or indirectly, in any activity (including but not limited to participation on any board of directors or similar governing body of any for-profit or non-profit entity), business or employment which is competitive with any businesses conducted by ****** , or that were or are under consideration by ****** You agree to notify --- ------ Corporate Vice President of Abbott Global Human Resources, in writing, of any intended activity, business or employment in which you propose to engage and the name and address of any other intended future employer. ****** shall have the right to advise such person of your obligations hereunder. If you so request, ****** will notify you, in writing, of whether it considers such activity, business or employment to be inconsistent with your obligations hereunder.
You will not disparage, and will cause your attorneys, financial advisors, agents and members of your immediate family not to disparage ******, its products, Board of Directors, personnel or persons representing them with respect to business or personal matters. You will not engage in activities that negatively affect ****** reputation or its ongoing or planned areas of operations, or its relationships with current or prospective customers and suppliers.
Ricky ALSO screwed 16,000 HPD folks over. GONZO was President of HPD division and they were whacked to Newco Hospira for being a senior division. Targeted older demographic folks as HPD was the most senior division at Abbott. The Fired Employees had class action ERISA suit with a 7 day bench trial in 7th circuit court. Abbott prevailed employees got nothing. Abbott and Ricky greased some judges and officials.They greased them so well Judge Gettleman praised and talked up Miles,Begley, Ricky and others

Corporate Greed by Rick and his Uncle Miles TISK TISK TISK

First of all it WASNT a newbie, It was a seasoned HR Liar protecting thier boss. Second of all WTF are you talking about ? "Adult supervision" ? You're saying Abbott hired minors a newbie is not an adult ? Are you Batshit crazy ?
CASE CLOSED ....Go tell mommy you want your bottle and get the hell off her computer Corky.

If you don't understand the term 'adult supervision', a metaphor for senior manager oversight then you clearly are not a manager or leader or slept thru that course, that term has been around forever since Business 101 !! LOL .....

The newbie was a new hire (mid level) who simply took liberties with his resume. SO DROP IT !! YOU ARE BASHING A GREAT LEADER WITH NONSENSICAL BS!!! Grow up.....
If you don't understand the term 'adult supervision', a metaphor for senior manager oversight then you clearly are not a manager or leader or slept thru that course, that term has been around forever since Business 101 !! LOL .....

The newbie was a new hire (mid level) who simply took liberties with his resume. SO DROP IT !! YOU ARE BASHING A GREAT LEADER WITH NONSENSICAL BS!!! Grow up.....

Keep grasping for straw. So far you've shown you have absolutely ZERO inside info and are sloppily winging it and googling public info that any troll could access.
Let's sum this up real quick like. You are a nobody, trying desperately to be a somebody.
News Flash Its NOT working. Why is soooo damn easy to rebut your insanely fraudulent misrepresentation that you are actually Human Resources or Executive. You sound like a grade 14 assembler in a manufacturing plant or a IT Dept. Geek
Keep grasping for straw. So far you've shown you have absolutely ZERO inside info and are sloppily winging it and googling public info that any troll could access.
Let's sum this up real quick like. You are a nobody, trying desperately to be a somebody.
News Flash Its NOT working. Why is soooo damn easy to rebut your insanely fraudulent misrepresentation that you are actually Human Resources or Executive. You sound like a grade 14 assembler in a manufacturing plant or a IT Dept. Geek

As a policy we DO NOT indulge in specifics of names and identities; only to correct gross misinformation of HR P&P. Your posts are what they are: a laundry list of gripes against HR sprinkled with half-truths. So be it !.
Ricky ALSO screwed 16,000 HPD folks over. GONZO was President of HPD division and they were whacked to Newco Hospira for being a senior division. Targeted older demographic folks as HPD was the most senior division at Abbott. The Fired Employees had class action ERISA suit with a 7 day bench trial in 7th circuit court. Abbott prevailed employees got nothing. Abbott and Ricky greased some judges and officials.They greased them so well Judge Gettleman praised and talked up Miles,Begley, Ricky and others

Corporate Greed by Rick and his Uncle Miles TISK TISK TISK

This is terrible, So Gonzalez conspired with White to target older employees then manipulated the 7th circuit decision ? What else is this man capable of.