I'm not sure when the joy of visiting this site will fade, but for now, I still get a great amount of satisfaction to read these threads. The peace that comes with having a real job where peers and management work together for something is compounded by the reminder of how humiliating being a rep at Merck was. Besides being dismissed and looked down upon by physicians (Yes, all reps are.) and being at the mercy of power happy minimum-wage receptionist, you have Merck itself working against you.
There are the managers who will kill careers at the drop of a hat to protect their own, upper management who view sales reps as peons, and peers who hang by a thread, willing to throw anyone under the bus if it means taking heat off themselves. It's a poisonous cesspool and a dog-eat-dog fight for survival. Before joining Merck, I worked professionally for years, and I had never even heard of a PIP. My current employer doesn't utilize them either. Believe it or not, other industries use positive motivation! Merck not only uses them, they use them recklessly to thin the herd. So it's the constant threat of being laid-off and/or a contrived PIP that is always hanging over your head. Sure there have been lay-offs in industries across the board, but this has never been about the economy with Merck. It's about a company being a shadow of its former self that no longer sees the need for numbers in the field that it used to.
We ex-Merck brethren have an understanding of each other. We know what it's like to endure that misery and escape it!