Ex-Merck posts

Ex-Merck here, and the reason I come back? I love a good train wreck, especially when I'm not on the train! I have a great job in Medical Management, and it adds to my joy to come back and remember the hell that my 15 year career had become under the thumb of Mother Merck. Every thread here is a glaring reminder.

Ever since Vioxx-gate, the culture changed from one of a team to one of distrust. You couldn't trust anyone from peers to your manager to upper-management. And always around your neck was the noose in the form of a threat that you could be displaced in a wave of layoffs. It's amazing that lay-offs continue to happen, and still so many reps stick their heads in the sand or just continue to roll the dice. The thing is, if you stay at the table long enough, you're going to lose. I don't understand the mind of the person who's willing to wait for Merck to do it instead of taking matters into his/her own hands. Do you think it's less stressful to look for a job after you're laid off or while you have an income?

And it's all because Merck reps think they have such a cherry gig. They think there can't be anything as good. They put up with all the micro-managing and backstabbing along with being used by ungrateful customers who have no respect for pharma reps. "Oh, no! My doctors appreciate me, because I'm good at what I do!"

No. No, they don't. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else.
Merck is hell...It is amazing more people don't leave...even if they don't have another job lined up...Live off of savings for awhile for crying out loud!! But just get out...the job is a waste of time...

Merck is hell...It is amazing more people don't leave...even if they don't have another job lined up...Live off of savings for awhile for crying out loud!! But just get out...the job is a waste of time...

Only a waste of time if you are not using it to your advantage. Other means of generating income is absolutely a must for one to remain in the job, however. At a minimum, one needs to be engaged in a full-time job hunt while working at Merck. Never should one rely on Merck, or any single employer for that matter, as a sole source of income. Call it income diversification - just as important as investment diversification.

Ex-Merck here, and the reason I come back? I love a good train wreck, especially when I'm not on the train! I have a great job in Medical Management, and it adds to my joy to come back and remember the hell that my 15 year career had become under the thumb of Mother Merck. Every thread here is a glaring reminder.

Ever since Vioxx-gate, the culture changed from one of a team to one of distrust. You couldn't trust anyone from peers to your manager to upper-management. And always around your neck was the noose in the form of a threat that you could be displaced in a wave of layoffs. It's amazing that lay-offs continue to happen, and still so many reps stick their heads in the sand or just continue to roll the dice. The thing is, if you stay at the table long enough, you're going to lose. I don't understand the mind of the person who's willing to wait for Merck to do it instead of taking matters into his/her own hands. Do you think it's less stressful to look for a job after you're laid off or while you have an income?

And it's all because Merck reps think they have such a cherry gig. They think there can't be anything as good. They put up with all the micro-managing and backstabbing along with being used by ungrateful customers who have no respect for pharma reps. "Oh, no! My doctors appreciate me, because I'm good at what I do!"

No. No, they don't. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else.

My addition as an Ex-Merckie. Do not let the manager convinces you that your self worth and whatever are all dependent on what he rates you as a rep. Nor let them get you to the point when your income/livelihood is entirely in his control. So true about looking for another more meaningful job while still working for Merck. No reason to be demeaned and micromanaged on a daily basis. All the perks, if any, are not worth the daily onslaught on your intelligence and self respect.

The Merck Universe is actually very small. The rest of the real world with more fun is huge. I am typing this in my PJ with a cup of coffee, relax and rested. A few years ago I would be sitting across the table from the drill sergeant in a coffee shop right now, being quizzed and analyzed to death about my plan of the day and strategy for each customer and may even role play in the car before each call. I would be explaining the 0.005% dip in sales the month before to no avail. I am laughing because my former manager is probably doing the same right now to another rep, thinking he is accomplishing the Merck NCM Mission to its fullest.

All the perks, if any, are not worth the daily onslaught on your intelligence and self respect.

That's what reps still out there don't want to hear or don't believe. They have a company car, computer set up, a phone, flexibility (when not on field visits), they're not in an office, and they think this outweighs all the stress, childish treatment from management, demeaning treatment for customers, etc.

Unless a person is let go without a job, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who has left and regrets it. These people know what current reps can't comprehend. Merck makes you believe this when you're caught up in all the hype. I still talk with old friends who are there. No one I knew by the time I left liked their job, and the same is true of ones still there. They ranged from "persevering" to outright miserable. It's sad that they still believe the lie.

I really feel for my friends still stuck at Merck. It's sad that their misery seems to prevent them from being able to socialize with those of us on the outside now. I think it is too painful for them to see how well others do who have left and deal with their misery.

Its incredible how shitty things have become at Merck and in pharma. Back in the day, nobody I knew was unhappy or dissatisfied by working at Merck. They might not have liked their current job or boss but they saw the company as a real opportunity to develop a career and overall, a pretty damn good place in which to have a job and work. I'm sure there are some who may still feel this way but they are far fewer these days.

All you still in Merck's stranglehold!

More roll-playing!!
What's your call plan?!!
What are the obstacles, and what's your plan to counter them?!!
More roll-playing!!
Who else can you sell to in the office?!! I want a total office call!!
How did your last call go?!! How did you leave the doc?!!

Jump through this hoop!! Jump through that hoop!! Now, roll over!! Sit!! Stay!!
Remember, this is why you went to college!!

Retired a few years ago after 30 yrs.
Left just before layoffs; was lucky to get great retirement benefits. But here is a bit of truth--Merck is now trying to reduce the health care benefits for people who worked hard for them and tolerated a lot to retire well. They are doing it by raising the monthly payments and reducing what you get each year. However, upper management is paying themselves more and more.
The company is ill; the industry is ill.
I miss nothing about Merck; life is better without Merck.
From what I hear, Merck has really gone down as a place to work.
Merck has given it all away....it's reputation, it's work environment, it's research capability.
Too bad. It was once a great place to work.

You are very lucky! You got out of the industry just in time. It is pathetic, the whole industry. I am no longer with Merck, but believe me it is better than contract sales. When my latest contract ends so will my career in pharma. I hate it…I need to find something where I get my self respect back. This industry will eat you alive.

All you still in Merck's stranglehold!

More roll-playing!!
What's your call plan?!!
What are the obstacles, and what's your plan to counter them?!!
More roll-playing!!
Who else can you sell to in the office?!! I want a total office call!!
How did your last call go?!! How did you leave the doc?!!

Jump through this hoop!! Jump through that hoop!! Now, roll over!! Sit!! Stay!!
Remember, this is why you went to college!!

Oh, so sad. And so true. I don't know what price to put on dignity, but it's more than Merck is willing to pay.

Drove by a restaurant that I used to take customers to "educational" lunches before. The food there is really good and Merck paid for it. Then I remember you were never completely relaxed when doing business over lunch. Now I go out for lunch there is no rush. I don't miss those lunches with my retentive manager either because he would use the time and opportunity to say, "Who are we seeing this afternoon?" "What is your plan for this customer?" "Where is he on the continuum?" "Did you move the rock with the last call?"

The food there is really good and Merck paid for it. Then I remember you were never completely relaxed when doing business over lunch...I don't miss those lunches with my retentive manager either because he would use the time and opportunity to say, "Who are we seeing this afternoon?" "What is your plan for this customer?" "Where is he on the continuum?" "Did you move the rock with the last call?"

This is what pharma sales is like today. Pharma used to be more of a gravy train. Not as much now with fewer managers willing to play the game with their reports. Reps still have some autonomy with their day to day schedule when not working with manager, attending meetings, or on some conference call. Just not as much. This is the price we now pay for working in pharma sales where one's compensation is more base than bonus. Real sales jobs aren't like this so if you are skilled and good at selling, don't like having to put up with babysitter management, do yourself a big favor and go get a real sales job where your sales will be the only thing that matters. Otherwise, put up and shut up.

If you need to work, it seems that the only thing worse than working at Merck is not working at all.
I beg to differ...Not working at all with no savings to live off of is worse than working at Merck...Every rep should prepare a 1-2 year emergency fund to live off of, for when the day comes that they can take no more of Merck's crap...Even Suse Orman says that you should use savings in the event you are stuck in a terrible job, and need to get out to save your sanity...

Merck qualifies as terrible job...and an even worse place to work

If you need to work, it seems that the only thing worse than working at Merck is not working at all.

Unless you are old and decrepit as some of us ex-Merckies are. Then we simply not working and living off the retirement money. Trust me, I thought my GI problems were normal until I retired. In a few months it completely disappear. Also no more dreams about how to strangle my manager if he asks about the NCM and how is it related to my personal mission with Mother Merck. Ambien used to be my bedtime snack until I retired. Now I hit the sack and promptly fall asleep.

I have a friend who is on the board of one of the big contract sales companies. In addition to further internal pharma sales force downsizing, the contract industry expects to provide almost 50% of total sales people for big pharma within 5 years.

Unless you are old and decrepit as some of us ex-Merckies are. Then we simply not working and living off the retirement money. Trust me, I thought my GI problems were normal until I retired. In a few months it completely disappear. Also no more dreams about how to strangle my manager if he asks about the NCM and how is it related to my personal mission with Mother Merck. Ambien used to be my bedtime snack until I retired. Now I hit the sack and promptly fall asleep.

Ain't life grand!

Raised my hand and this shit bag company keep me! That was the worst day I had at Mrk! Left for biotech last year and I made twice my Mrk target bonus in 6 months. Best move I've ever made just wish I would have got the six figure going away gift!

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