Ex-Merck posts

Now, now...we're amongst friends here on cafepharma. No need to play games and act like a martyr for Merck when you're posting to other reps. We know the truth afterall. You can be honest with yourself and others here. Don't counter BS with more BS. You can't shit and shitter you know. You sure as hell aren't seeing doctors all day long every day.

Shush fool. AS far as my boss is concerned, its 8-5 minimum, everyday, with a minimum of 8 docs SEEN everyday. And thats the truth as far as Merck is concerned.

You are the one full of BS. We all know the truth. I'm sure you get 8 calls per day, too. What a dumb ass.

That's the difference between us the old farts with work ethics and you. No, I cannot make 8 calls a day. But I try to put in as much of a full day as possible. At the end of the day at least I would say I have tried. I have great days and bad days.

Got laid off with the Vioxx debacle 2004. After reading these posts I'm wondering where is the "New Merck", this "New Merck will now be laying off until 2015. Merck has changed for the worse, and my prediction is that in a few years Merck will be taken over. Buying SP was a huge mistake. SP was better off without Merck. I worked there also, the culture there was a lot better than Mercks. Merck has no drugs in the pipeline, at least no blockbusters, only drugs that are going off patent. I hated every minute I worked there. The upper management ruled depts. like military book camps. You were afraid to say anything or voice any opinion on anything. There is life outside of Merck, at lot less stress.

....I have great days and bad days.

Don't we all, don't we all....and at Merck it's been a lot more bad than great in the last 15 years for me. You want to be upbeat and positive about your company and your job by focusing on what's good. Damn hard to do when there is so very little that's good. I kept telling myself that things would improve at Merck, we were just going through some tough times. They haven't improved yet and have only become worse.

That's the difference between us the old farts with work ethics and you. No, I cannot make 8 calls a day. But I try to put in as much of a full day as possible. At the end of the day at least I would say I have tried. I have great days and bad days.

FYI, I'm one of the old farts---a 20-year man. I'm successful, have won more awards than most anyone I know and I'm not afraid to point to the truth about what a farce this job has become.

I also realize that we 40-somethings are being pushed out left and right and that my best case scenario is whatever shitty severance package they offer me in January. Sometimes the truth is hard to accept. I've learned to accept it and I'm looking forward to putting this sorry chapter of my career behind me. These days, Merck just makes me sick.

FYI, I'm one of the old farts---a 20-year man. I'm successful, have won more awards than most anyone I know and I'm not afraid to point to the truth about what a farce this job has become.

I also realize that we 40-somethings are being pushed out left and right and that my best case scenario is whatever shitty severance package they offer me in January. Sometimes the truth is hard to accept. I've learned to accept it and I'm looking forward to putting this sorry chapter of my career behind me. These days, Merck just makes me sick.

Well, they pushed a friend of mine out recently. The guy has won close to 10 VP awards under different managers over the years plus some of those premier awards too. Yet Merck decided he was not good enough.

im an ex non cool aid drinker, won many awards for mother and she cut the ties. There is no lyalty, now with a better conpany and actually a little more pay, and better benefits. Thanks Mother Merck it was tough but so glad you let me go!!!!!!!!

Well, they pushed a friend of mine out recently. The guy has won close to 10 VP awards under different managers over the years plus some of those premier awards too. Yet Merck decided he was not good enough.

It wasn't that he wasn't good enough; he was better than they need. Today's reps can be weak-minded talking heads---but most are better than that. Merck knows it only needs and wants those with low salaries and lower expectations; they want the reps who are just happy to have a job and are willing to bend over and take whatever Mother wants to doll out.

Your friend was likely overpaid for what he did. I'll bet he lands on his feet and does just fine in a position more suited to his talents. It's just a shame Mother led him to believe that being a successful career rep was OK. Mother has screwed many others in his exact position. He should probably work for himself in some 1099 position. He'd likely surpass his Merck income in one of those, anyhow.

It wasn't that he wasn't good enough; he was better than they need. Today's reps can be weak-minded talking heads---but most are better than that. Merck knows it only needs and wants those with low salaries and lower expectations; they want the reps who are just happy to have a job and are willing to bend over and take whatever Mother wants to doll out.

Your friend was likely overpaid for what he did. I'll bet he lands on his feet and does just fine in a position more suited to his talents. It's just a shame Mother led him to believe that being a successful career rep was OK. Mother has screwed many others in his exact position. He should probably work for himself in some 1099 position. He'd likely surpass his Merck income in one of those, anyhow.

We'll pay the price down the road getting rid of people with experience and tenure. Somewhere we'll need them to call on key people for a formulary battle or a product launch.

You are the one full of BS. We all know the truth. I'm sure you get 8 calls per day, too. What a dumb ass.
Working for Merck used to be a career, not a job. I was proud to work for Merck when I started 24 years ago. I put in a full day every day, worked hard and smart. It wasn't about getting away with something like it is now. It was my CAREER! That was before management decided every sales rep was a lazy, non-working liar. Interesting, isn't it? Now we think that of each other.

Ex-Merck here.....best thing that happened to me. Landed same position at another big pharma 2 months after my end date. Matched my pay and beat the living daylights out of job satisfaction. Am treated amazing and am in an environment of no BS. Never knew what existed outside of MRK until in a different environment. I kind of feel bad for the people in there now.

I too agree with this post. As a 2010 casualty I'm saddened when I look at the direction this company has taken. When I started with Merck years ago, it was like family, SRD's and managers actually cared what happened to you outside of your daily work life. I looked forward to working every day as I wanted the entire team to be successful. I remember when I was just starting out and interviewing with several companies, an interviewer from the former SKB told me that if Merck offered me a job and wanted to ship me off overseas to do it, TAKE IT, that's how great a company it was.

Now it just saddens me to talk to current merck folks (and former colleagues) and hear how demoralized and beaten down they all are. And no one in upper management cares a bit. Favoritism is rampant and blatant...Ass kissing is the norm just to keep your job. When you look at who's left or been displaced, in many cases, it is those people that everyone generally liked and respected even to some degree. All that are left in management positions are souless, clueless, hateful autobots...

I for one look on my displacement as a blessing in disguise. And have been amazed to find there are still industries where selling is fun, managing people is a pleasure and finding others that are truly interested and motivated to help you be successful. I'm healthier, sleep better and truly enjoy my time at work and away from it without any worries of repercussions. You'd be amazed how

Bravo and props to this poster. I have found a place to work since I left this hell-hole of a company and thoroughly enjoy what I am doing. My team has been ranked #1 in the Atlantic region for the past year. No, it isn't pharma sales - and actually that is a relief. No more sleepless nights - no more hearing about teammates trying to through you under the bus - no more witnessing the ass-kissing of the young reps to their managers. No more witnessing managers targeting the experienced tenured reps. Merck, a once respected company, is now Merck - a despised company.

We'll pay the price down the road getting rid of people with experience and tenure. Somewhere we'll need them to call on key people for a formulary battle or a product launch.

What is more scary than this is that this same scheme of getting rid of people with talent, experience, and tenure is at full throttle in technical areas in R&D and manufacturing. A solid core of experience is essential to exist in these areas and thnking about ever thriving is absurd without it. Merck has mortgaged its future in so many ways it is silly to believe that they harbor any serious plans to return to greatness. Merck might be the Kodak of the pharmaceutical business. But since Kodak tried to maintain their experienced core, they survived longer once the challenge was clear than Merck will. But going out of existence as we remember it is the unavoidable fate for both. Hover it is unexcusable for Merck.

??? Our pipeline is dry, what the hell has R&D done since the merger? Most sales people must make lame excuses for all the QA screw ups. If anyone thinks they will be safe if they get to 2012 they are fools. R&D and QA are the reasons why we are in this mess. Lets make that crystal clear.

Above poster tells it like it is. It's all about hanging in there until you can take it no longer. So glad to be near the end myself. What a shame to see this industry take a nosedive. It used to be a great job...one that will never be seen again.

I'll grant you that a lot of job models have been abandoned across this industry - such as the sales models which are the basis of this site. However, a lot of Merck's negativity is related to things purely Merck. I am a technical person (R&D, Operations, Technical Support). I left Merck 20 years ago because it was getting so much harder to push initiatives through the expanding gauntlet of management toadies, office leeches, and generally bureaucratic hangers-on that schemed either to get credit for someone else's work or desired to stop progress before it embarassed them. After the so-called merger, I was re-introduced to a Merck that was so bereft of capability that it would celebrating as revolutionary product extensions that the great and arrogant Merck would have derided en masse as paultry less than 10 years before. Out of Merck once again, involuntarily but with a much better severance package. On to another pharma company and lo and behold, a major that hasn't quite given up the fight to stay in control of their products, even after markets exclusivity ends. Attitude here is positive and capability and effort is admirable. The situation in the industry is less positive than it was 20 years ago for sure. But few are managing the stress as badly as Merck. Blaming "the industry" exculsively avoids placing blame where it is most deserved and where action would be most effective. I am certain that the problems at Merck are mostly Merck. That famous but ill-deserved arrogance makes for a poor preparation for real challenges. Merck is imploding into a finger-pointing, back-stabbing, sneaky negative place. What fool would elect to join that social disaster? Perhaps a not-quite-confidential survey or two could change things?

I too agree with this post. As a 2010 casualty I'm saddened when I look at the direction this company has taken. When I started with Merck years ago, it was like family, SRD's and managers actually cared what happened to you outside of your daily work life. I looked forward to working every day as I wanted the entire team to be successful. I remember when I was just starting out and interviewing with several companies, an interviewer from the former SKB told me that if Merck offered me a job and wanted to ship me off overseas to do it, TAKE IT, that's how great a company it was.

Now it just saddens me to talk to current merck folks (and former colleagues) and hear how demoralized and beaten down they all are. And no one in upper management cares a bit. Favoritism is rampant and blatant...Ass kissing is the norm just to keep your job. When you look at who's left or been displaced, in many cases, it is those people that everyone generally liked and respected even to some degree. All that are left in management positions are souless, clueless, hateful autobots...

I for one look on my displacement as a blessing in disguise. And have been amazed to find there are still industries where selling is fun, managing people is a pleasure and finding others that are truly interested and motivated to help you be successful. I'm healthier, sleep better and truly enjoy my time at work and away from it without any worries of repercussions. You'd be amazed how

Bravo and props to this poster. I have found a place to work since I left this hell-hole of a company and thoroughly enjoy what I am doing. My team has been ranked #1 in the Atlantic region for the past year. No, it isn't pharma sales - and actually that is a relief. No more sleepless nights - no more hearing about teammates trying to through you under the bus - no more witnessing the ass-kissing of the young reps to their managers. No more witnessing managers targeting the experienced tenured reps. Merck, a once respected company, is now Merck - a despised company.

Wow. This guy gets it.

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