Plus; your second line
is only six syllables.
You Haiku dumbass !!!!!!
Idiots abound.
Both of you are imbeciles.
This thread needs to go.
Plus; your second line
is only six syllables.
You Haiku dumbass !!!!!!
Idiots abound.
Both of you are imbeciles.
This thread needs to go.
Hot as hell today.
That is why I'm on the beach.
Hustle for those sigs.
Don't be so stupid !!!
This is THE most loved thread here.
You just need to die !
Don't be so stupid !!!
This is THE most loved thread here.
You just need to die !
I'm across The Pond.
The Open; guest of Rolex.
Yup, Scotland baby !!!!!
Dweeb circles farm pond.
In open field with Timex.
Yep, Missouri, friend !!!!!
You just really hate
The fact that my life is great.
I am so wealthy !!!!!
Corn State Dweeb is rich !
Has a flock of ewe girlfriends;
all the Bud he wants !!!!!
Not from the Corn State.
From N Y C - East Coast bruh.
Old Wall Street money.
Even MORE funny !!!!
Wall Street bucks doin 'Watson' !?!
Can you spell LOSER ?!?!?!!!
This gig is good pay-
for faking my calls all day-
My check is play dough !!!
'Good Pay' from Wall Street ????
C'mon. You're THE CORN STATE Dweeb !!!!
Where that's REAL Money !!!!!
I really don't work.
This gig gives me "play" money.
My wealth is immense !!!
Why in the WORLD would
You connect to 'Watson' if,
You're 'immensely' rich ?????
You're immensely dumb,
A terrible liar, and
A poor Corn State Dweeb !!!!!
I dislike Watson.
I take free money...dummy.
Now, shine my shoes boy !!!
Rich Dweeb hates Watson,
So of course he works for them!!
Geezuz Christ, Doofus !!!!!
I get paid - don't work.
Doofus ? You really wrote that ????
Now, get my coffee !!!!!