Hey numb nut; I cause you great
Well, sure you do, Dweeb !
But not nearly as much as
I bring down on you !!!
Hey numb nut; I cause you great
Well, sure you do, Dweeb !
But not nearly as much as
I bring down on you !!!
This is a comeback?
Babies have better replies.
Prognosis - not good.
This is extremely creepy if the same person has continuously kept this up for so long. Very, very creepy.
Don't be stupid, Dweeb!
I own your insipid self !
I rule and you drool !
Oh wow; insipid.
A big word for a half wit.
Now; kneel at my feet !!
Wow. Semicolons.
Totally wrong use of them !
Par for a Dolt, though !!!
Such a sad retort.
But, not bad for a r*****.
Kiss my pinky ring !!!
You are a legend!
In your own mind. Just a 'bag
To everyone else !!!
You are a zero.
True, legendary that's me.
Your Haikus are crap !!!
Speaking of poor crap,
What's up with your 2nd line?
Second grade English !!!
Wow. Semicolons.
Totally wrong use of them !
Par for a Dolt, though !!!
I am your hero.
You embarrass your daddy.
You yearn to be me.
Swollen and itchy.
You are like a hemorrhoid.
Go lay down and die.
Yeah. You're SO boring !
Douchebag/Cracker is no way
To go through life, son !!!
Your reply is weak.
Tool, you are so pathetic.
Kneel before me, NOW !!!
It's like you're a Sap !
It's like you don't know you're beat !
You have shit for brains !!!
Again, so damn weak.
Admit that I own your ass.
You sad sack douchebag !!!!!
I'm sorry, douchebag.
Calling me a douchebag,
Is just wrong, douchebag !!!
I'm sorry, douchebag.
Calling me a douchebag,
Is just wrong, douchebag !!!