Team Esperion, thank you for hanging in there during a difficult time. We're doing a fine job of navigating through turbulent waters that we couldn't have foreseen. Scripts have begun to pick up at a faster pace than even we expected during this time, with more coming every day.
I'm pleased that we've had, for the most part, a very positive attitude coming into this, and coming out of it. I think we can dismiss without any further argument the lone poster who feels he was slighted by not getting a position with the company. Interestingly enough, though he interviewed fairly weak, he still really wanted to work here. Now it seems all he can do is trash the company, individuals, sales, etc. He has no idea of what our internal calls sound like and you can tell he just likes to take cheap shots. As he tries to engage in what he calls scientific discussions, it won't be worth any of our time. There's a reason he didn't get the job and one of those reasons is easy for all to see. Our interview process has been proven. Other companies are implementing the same process. Everyone can easily see how we dodged hiring a potential poor employee. Know that the process worked.
We will continue to stay focused and positive. We will continue to win. Please don't waste time with those who are filled with anger and just want to create turmoil. Thank you for being professional. Things are opening up and we will have an excellent but delayed launch.
Onward and upward Esperion