
Why would we trust a shit for brains non-employee? Back at it again with all your free time eh trailer trash poster boy? We'll look forward to announcements on Friday

Who would look forward to being furloughed and eventually laid off? I’m serious whoever left a job to come here has made the worst decision in their career.

If you came here from unemployment, I get it. But looks like you are heading back that way!!

“My Heart will go on!!”

Alan just getting out of a full day of mtgs in AnnArbor. He is looking as dejected as I’ve ever seen him. Shoulders slumped, sweating, walking funny. Not looking good, looking terrible.

Time will tell, as it always does. I launched Lipitor and had responsibility for it all the way to LOE. This is not a Lipitor. And no, I’m not one of those old tired people that didn’t get hired, I didn’t apply, I’m retired. I really have gone back-and-forth as to exactly how this product might fit in. I really don’t see primary care using any of this drug at least not for the first 18-24 months. Obviously statins are first line, then add Zetia. Very few primary care providers are really fixed focused on the goals per se; if they had a patient on a mid range statin & Zetia and had reduced LDL by 50% they would feel just fine about it, no action required. Yes, there are statin intolerant patients; about 15%. Work arounds include switching to a hydrophilic statin adding CoQ10, or reducing statin dose and adding zetia. These strategies often work. PCPs will not interchange BA for zetia.
You MAY get some use from specialists; the good ones are more resolute in reaching below 70 LDLs. The same strategies apply regarding statins and zetia; if not at goal then I could see them adding BA.... maybe, or go to PCSK9 - These have been underutilized due to cost and Rx hassles, only 1/3 of PAs get approved and then only 1/2 of those patients actually buy the drug. Your saving grace may be cost-ease of use vs PCSK9s assuming you can get some plans to cover it (it will be step therapy for sure). But again its really tack hammer compared to Lipitor,Crestor, PCSK9s ,it wont get the job done for most specialists. Consider a CHD patient with starting LDL of 150. This would be a relatively mild patient. They are proven to be truly statin intolerant, So the choice is zetia + BA or PCSK9. Zetia/BA will reduce LDL by 40%, patient is not at goal. PCSK9 is 57%- patient at goal... No brainer.

I really do not see this drug fitting in very well. Time will tell, as it always does. I’m glad I’m not responsible for this.

This is the best analysis that I have seen on ESPR. Seems that there will be big challenges with the Launch.

CB, could you comment on this?

None of us want to hear from CB. Ita bad enough of calls an emails. He hasn't got a clue of LDL market. The previous post was a good analysis of what BA best case scenario is for future. No offense but CB is full of it.

This company stinks. I was desperate for job so I've nobody to blame. Just hoping I can land something as soon as this pandemic settles down. This is mind numbing listening to people at this company.

This company stinks. I was desperate for job so I've nobody to blame. Just hoping I can land something as soon as this pandemic settles down. This is mind numbing listening to people at this company.

Look at the positive. You were hired through a " Scientific Process ", so other Pharma Companies will be clamoring to hire you.

Alan just left the all day mtgs in AnnArbor without even having taken a lunch hour. He looks more dejected than I have ever seen him. This is looking nothing if not good. It has been decided that he will stay in AnnArbor through Friday untIl Friday night even if that means working until the night. This is looking worse than bad.

thats right. Totally scientific process. the same process that got your sorry ass out of the way with your fucking made up results. whats this im reading? this you TT?

"for what its worth-i know who the poster boy is. we both interviewed on the same day and we both know each other. I got the job and he didn't. He was there and thought he had it nailed. Maybe this gives me and him away, but lets just say that for all his complaining about, well, everything, he is not well liked in the offices he calls on, and he was on a PIP. Whatever the process we employed worked like a charm in this particular situation."

Sorry about that. Unemployment line pretty tough now, eh?

thats right. Totally scientific process. the same process that got your sorry ass out of the way with your fucking made up results. whats this im reading? this you TT?

"for what its worth-i know who the poster boy is. we both interviewed on the same day and we both know each other. I got the job and he didn't. He was there and thought he had it nailed. Maybe this gives me and him away, but lets just say that for all his complaining about, well, everything, he is not well liked in the offices he calls on, and he was on a PIP. Whatever the process we employed worked like a charm in this particular situation."

Sorry about that. Unemployment line pretty tough now, eh?

Wrong person dipshit. Jesus you think your smart. You've got no fucking idea who this is. You failed again. This.has been a hoot watching you think you were so sure you knew who this was. Esperion got a real prize with you.