
This company is pissing off a lot of cardiology reps. I thought they were lying when they says they were bringing in three reps per territory. It appears that most territories have three candidates and one is being sent home with a “thanks but no thanks” message, and one is being strung along until the main Vadodara accepts. I hope they realize a lot of the rejected candidates are wondering why exactly they gave this company two days of their lives for this! Put another way, when the inevitable vacancy arises, have they pissed off two of the top reps in that area? The dozen reps that I know that have been rejected are all either upset or pissed. None are thinking “gosh. I’m glad I got the chance to interview.” They are thinking “WTF!” Probably not wise, Esperion!

But this is " Scientific" hiring process.

Ive got one for you. During interview manger asks for rankings. Here's my new question i will ask of any hiring manager after I answer that question. "Can I see what your last rating was? Can I take a look at your previous 3 years of reviews? Can I call your superior?"

I've done some background search on several of these "regional" managers. The ones Ive seen look like they were either let go, were going to be let go, or just plain old didnt do well. They certainly are job hoppers-a sure tell sign of problems. Then they have the fucking balls to as us about our rankings and reviews.

This is a piss poor, no class organization who will terrorize their new employees with unrealistic sales quotas. With a less than stellar drug. Think Zetia. Good luck to you folks. You have a bunch of clowns running the show, none of them knowing what to do next.

Scientific process.

TO ALL THOSE STILL INTERVIEWING!! Here’s the key to an offer...walk in to the conference room and present a one page, one line “business plan.” It reads:
‘I _________(first name) _______(last name), commit to 500 scripts per week during the first 30 days of launch regardless of indication, MC coverage, territory alignment, HCP names, budget and sample allocation.’

Guaranteed an offer on the spot.

Scientific hiring process.

Oh God yes. Same exact bullshit that happened in LA. You my friend are being strung along while they take your experience, relationships, and any other valuable information they can in order to hire a less tenured, less expensive millennial. Thats the exact same verbiage that I heard.

I had one of the busiest cardiologists look at BA. His comment? "That's it?"
End of story

Scientific hiring process.

Was at a recent "hiring event". Was downsized at Regeneron and agressively recruited to attend. Ended up just filling a spot as there was no way they were going to pay me what I needed- they ended up hiring a candidate with limited CV experience for much less $$. Pretty sure I dodged a bullit. Several red flags: 1. Product: yeah, its "new" and "novel", but it's also uproven, with no compelling clinical data AND it's really just a Zetia knock off- the efficacy is no better. Lots of talk about the fixed dose combo, but they are initially launching the mono product only....if that bombs, will the fdc will follow? This drug will be going head-to-head with generic statins (the most proven drug class ever), ezetimibe (very well establsihed), PCSK9i- Amgen and Repatha, and soon, inclisiran, from Novartis- 2x/year, very cost effective, and the agent cardiologists are really waiting for. Sounds like an uphill battle- espeically for a start-up with limited $ and resources. 2. Process: the interview process was completely superficial- very little about the drug, clinical data (not much there) or disease state (other than something we already know: lots of people aren't at their LDL goals). Had 2 interviews and all they wanted to know was what I was going to do on day one, including the names of clinics and doctors I would call on, and, how many scripts I would bring in the first week, month and at 90 days. They want you to believe the culture won't be "big pharma" or about "metrics", but that's exectly what it will be- the pressure is going to be constant and intense. Furthermore, during the second interview, with a couple dudes who were supposed to be "regional" or "national" managers, they were feverishly writing down doctors names as I said them. When was the last time this happened to you in an interview? Lame? Desparate? Unprofessional? All of the above. 3. Company: from everyhting I can tell, they barely have enough capital to launch, and they are going to need huge Rx volume out of the gate to keep it going. Keep in mind- new company, one drug, competing in a crowded, highly competitive, highly clinical, cost sensitive space. Finally, and maybe most importantly, the whole thing is being run by LAWYERS- a handful of people who have invested (supposedly) 10 years of their lives into this thing. Bottom line: they want their time and money back ASAP, and they'll do/say anything to get the company to the point where they can sell it off, and that will be that. My take: be afriad and stay away.

Scientific hiring process.

Thanks for posting. That was a complete shit show of an interview process. Very primary care mindset. Was very embarrassed that I was recruited heavily for this only for my territory expertise, business plans, contacts, managed care, KOL''s, speaker lists, wanting advice on the shape of a territory etc. All a good learning experience as next time I would get up just leave when I was in holding pen and undercover people were in pen with us trying to extract information from us. The scientific process was a joke

Thanks for posting. That was a complete shit show of an interview process. Very primary care mindset. Was very embarrassed that I was recruited heavily for this only for my territory expertise, business plans, contacts, managed care, KOL''s, speaker lists, wanting advice on the shape of a territory etc. All a good learning experience as next time I would get up just leave when I was in holding pen and undercover people were in pen with us trying to extract information from us. The scientific process was a joke
The only part of the interview process that qualified as a shit show was your participation. You suck shit balls and live in mommy’s trailer. You are a liar and don’t deserve to be in the industry. You can only dream of being a lipid specialist, it is an unattainable goal for you shit brains. You are a stupid arrogant jackass that will NEVER be a part of this great company. Go crawl back in your hole and die.

I interviewed at your company, didn’t get hired. I’ve since landed my dream job and am very happy. I’ve read these threads because I have time on my hands and I can tell you that I’m so happy I didn’t end up here. Such foul language, narcissistic posts. Not sure who is worse, the TTPW guy or ,whatever his initials are, or the guy who keeps responding to him. They are both bitter losers, the only difference is one is employed and the other isn’t. If I was Esperion I would be highly embarrassed by this employee and would fire him/her immediately. Such a waste of energy on their parts. You grown adults should be ashamed. Yes, I put you both in the same disgusting category.