Energy Opportunity

So whoever wrote that Teddy is still with company, HAHAHA!!! And everyone else is looking for opportunities. Just look at the numbers and as top reps like Hage, Rather, Fadem, etc leave/get fired their territories go down the drain!! Hage #22(always top 10), Rather #24 and dropping and Fadem #57 and territory is under quota the most in the country. With leaders like Randy, Nils, Tanner, Kevin, etc. it’s just a matter of time!

Olympus is and always will be the laughing stock of the medical device industry. One disastrous fuckup of a company. Always on probation, and one step from being decommissioned by the DOJ. LMAO

How can a company have 12 managers and 60 territories/reps? 1 mgr/5 reps, HaHa!! And 10 of the 12 mgrs SUCK!!! What a waste of money! They bring absolutely NOTHING to the table!! Suck ups to Tanner and Kevin who are suck ups to the MOST worthless of all, Randy!!!

How can a company have 12 managers and 60 territories/reps? 1 mgr/5 reps, HaHa!! And 10 of the 12 mgrs SUCK!!! What a waste of money! They bring absolutely NOTHING to the table!! Suck ups to Tanner and Kevin who are suck ups to the MOST worthless of all, Randy!!!

Because the PHUCKTARD management structure has built a babysitter/paper pusher role known as the RVP.
As if this is some sort of status within the company. Usually it means, that the individual kissed the right ass, or cannot, or will not sell. Most of them are very lazy and are narcissists that appear on the surface to be confident. This is actually false, they have a veneer of confidence, coupled with HUGE insecurity and inferiority complexes. Who would actually take a job like that? A loner, who cant sell, and who doesn't mind being a bitch boy for their perspective AVP. Worst job at Olympus.
Congratulations on making the bottom Olympus.

How many of their top, tenured reps are the going to let go out the door? Hearing of another top one on the way out. Energy division will end up being full of RVPs and ATMs being promoted to TM in a very difficult sales environment.

Do any of you really need to ask any of these questions about Olympus?
Anyone who has worked or currently works for Olympus fully understands how dysfunctional and inept Olympus really is. Working for Olympus is like being locked in the basement of an alcoholic family and being forced to follow the ridiculous culture and rules of said alcoholic family.
The only reason management exists is to push profit to Japan and squirrel away as much pension for their own ass, as humanely possible.

This is why Olympus will never change, and why the could give an F about you or your service to Olympus.
Get out while you still have a soul.

This is the armpit of Olympus. No one wants you guys any way . If you were with Gyrus you made way too much money, and most of those guys are already gone !So shut up get in line or leave We dont want you anyway

You may think that we don’t work as hard as you do in your division, you are very wrong. We are driven and are very passionate about this business. We are never invited in like Urology or GI. We fight for every single evaluation. Our division was destroyed by Mr 212 and Corky. They must have been a plant from Medtronic or J and J as they did everything possible to destroy who we were. In addition, the half a billion dollar fine from the DOJ has impacted the business. No investment in R & D, keeping nothing on the shelves, and decreasing the commissions to increase the P and decrease the lost. The recovery will be long, Don’t blame Energy

There are lots of reasons why energy sucks and it all started with Randy taking over and making the worst hirings ever and getting rid of/running off good people! Ryan sucked, Sean(Randy’s guy) was worse, Tanner, Kevin, etc ALL are horrible
mgrs!!! Top reps will continue to leave as $150-175,000 won’t keep them with little upside. You get what you pay for!!!

There are lots of reasons why energy sucks and it all started with Randy taking over and making the worst hirings ever and getting rid of/running off good people! Ryan sucked, Sean(Randy’s guy) was worse, Tanner, Kevin, etc ALL are horrible
mgrs!!! Top reps will continue to leave as $150-175,000 won’t keep them with little upside. You get what you pay for!!!

The downfall of energy and to an extent all the other Surgical businesses here are due to Randy for sure. He hired a bunch of yes men as his BUVPs that are marginal at best and have no charisma or leadership and motivational skills. He thought he could cut comp and micromanage all these highly successful reps and expect the same success as when Charlie was running the business. Major Fail! Firing Todd Frese was the beginning of the end for Energy. Don’t be surprised to see us all merged with a combination of GYN or SE by end of the year. Randy has never succeeded in sales or management, but has done great aligning with the Keymed regime. Short sighted leadership by fear has led us down a dark tunnel that we will not escaped. This is the year it will all come to light. Energy another down year and can’t stop the bleeding. Urology has peaked and now fighting to hold onto bipolar and hope that they can get some Quanta business while holding off all the disposable flexible scopes hitting the market. ENT keeps growing but at what point do they run out of huge capital deals. SE can’t figure it out year after year with great technology. And GYN is such a small piece as a start up, the will die with the number for CTE. Bad moves the last 3 years by Randy will finally be his nail in the coffin

Can’t wait to see July numbers after such a horrible June. How long will Tokyo let Randy, Manisha, Tanner and Dingleberry drive this division into the ground? Wake up Tokyo!!!

MR 212 and his Minions has a chance to create a culture of winning! They lost the window! This is the most unhealthy place to work within the Oly umbrella. Leadership ,just look and say no more. Kevin and Tanner probably the 2 most insignificant people in energy. You guys have zero respect from us and really have no idea how to motivate people> Drew, you are a liar and not to be trusted. Vinny, you need to go back you don't belong in your area. Bob, he is really the only person who at least tries to fight for his people. The gyn division will be amusing to watch!CTE is the answer, no scopes are the answer, this place will fall soon. Dallas, 2nd guessing yourself I'm sure

And anyone who has been with Olympus for 3+ years aren’t far behind a Doug, Teddy, Pete, etc. it’s obvious Olympus mgt doesn’t care. They want to hire newbies and pay them squat. Tanner, Kevin, Drew, Vinny are pathetic and the rest, except for Bob, just suck up to keep their jobs! It’s a real shame!!

How sad is it that Olympus Energy lets their top reps walk out the door. Teddy, and now Doug. If you think they are dispensable, wait and see how much value they brought to this organization. The sales In those regions will drop and because management has created a culture of not valuing their greatest asset, their people, the division will fail. Teddy and Doug may you have a new management team who values you, promotes you and makes you feel your are an important member of their team.

How sad is it that Olympus Energy lets their top reps walk out the door. Teddy, and now Doug. If you think they are dispensable, wait and see how much value they brought to this organization. The sales In those regions will drop and because management has created a culture of not valuing their greatest asset, their people, the division will fail. Teddy and Doug may you have a new management team who values you, promotes you and makes you feel your are an important member of their team.

Olympus is now officially down the sewer.
The only thing keeping Olympus afloat is GI. Many divisions either in the red or zero growth. Olympus is done! Filled with negative and cancerous management fueled only by greed and pension vacuuming!
Get out now!

Frazier, Evans, Dougherty, Smecker, Steinhaus are about the only long timers left that are any good. How long before they leave? Won’t be long before there are more mgrs than reps!!