Just dissolve the energy division and invest money in profitable surgical business units.
This is exactly what needs to be done. Losing money every year for the company while losing all their top talent. All that is left is a bunch of worthless, unproven reps and managers being led by 2 garbage AVPs that are nothing more than yes men which don’t know anything about sales, just processes.
They should just merge it with the video division since it is the same call point and drop the dead weight reps from each division. Keep the top reps and save all the overhead of the associate level garbage reps that should be in the TM positions they are in. Then make the GYN division just a spin off under Urology like the SMS division so they will actually be able to leverage the strong URO rep relationships and work together with someone focusing on the GYN sale. They don’t have enough in their bag to be a real division and actually be competitive.
Energy is dead and if they thinks they are going to get out of the year over year losses they have been stuck in, think again. Spin it off or sell it!