Energy Opportunity

They're not going to fill them because everyone knows OCA is squeezing all profits they can to make short-term numbers look better for street, forsaken long-term viability. They should've eliminated most management positions years ago, and used those dollars to offer aggregate spend discounts/rebates to hospital IDN's, academic centers to broaden market penetration amongst all divisions. In other words, listen to customers/reps as to what being a hospital partner means. Lets face it, managers manage such small volumes, they have nothing better to do than pester reps with reports and SFA. Stupid!! Real stupid! Why is there a need for so many middle managers to roll-up reports? Couldn't a sales analyst do that? Eliminate at least 20 managers, and save 1.5-2 mil a year. Use that cash to offer aggregate spend offerings to hospital partners!!!

They're not going to fill them because everyone knows OCA is squeezing all profits they can to make short-term numbers look better for street, forsaken long-term viability. They should've eliminated most management positions years ago, and used those dollars to offer aggregate spend discounts/rebates to hospital IDN's, academic centers to broaden market penetration amongst all divisions. In other words, listen to customers/reps as to what being a hospital partner means. Lets face it, managers manage such small volumes, they have nothing better to do than pester reps with reports and SFA. Stupid!! Real stupid! Why is there a need for so many middle managers to roll-up reports? Couldn't a sales analyst do that? Eliminate at least 20 managers, and save 1.5-2 mil a year. Use that cash to offer aggregate spend offerings to hospital partners!!!

20 RVP’s = $5,000,000
Can you believe what a waste 20 management positions are?

they don't make that much! Base is 150, so say 200 but with PIF now that will go down as well. THE WORST POSITION IN COMPANY!Zero decision-making ability, zero help from inside. Paper pushers and CRM dta collectors

WOW!! Just heard rumor Teddy Hage may be leaving! They’ll keep all the overpaid management and let great reps walk, CRAZY!! If it’s true, that should be a real wake-up call but management still won’t get it!

Wow! Someone had good info on this rumor. Heard today he is gone! Can't believe upper management will let their superstar talent walk out the door and keep paying all the overpaid RVP and AVPs that only push paperwork and don't help getting any sales.

Wow! Someone had good info on this rumor. Heard today he is gone! Can't believe upper management will let their superstar talent walk out the door and keep paying all the overpaid RVP and AVPs that only push paperwork and don't help getting any sales.

this is so bullshit and full of shit. teddy is still with Olympus in another RVP role. So if you were an actual OLY EE you would know this.....fake device news....going on here.

bipolar safety dinners happening all around the country. Meeting will be rigged and recorded, and inducements will be recorded and sent to DOJ.
Doctors are sick and tired of Olympus and their corrupt practices....

bipolar safety dinners happening all around the country. Meeting will be rigged and recorded, and inducements will be recorded and sent to DOJ.
Doctors are sick and tired of Olympus and their corrupt practices....

nice try you loser, really, don't you have anything better to do then come on here and make up shit.

nice try you loser, really, don't you have anything better to do then come on here and make up shit.

You obviously aren't out working or doing your job. There are Olympus Bipolar Safety dinners happening all over the country right now. Open your fucking eyes and ears.
This is happening because our business is being taken.

This may be fake news, but so far we have 92,000 views.
If I was selling newspapers at $2 a piece I would have $184,000 in my pocket.
Wow, that is what Olympus sales reps used to make before the Olympus DPA was signed, and Todd Usen began asking people to switch their watch to the other wrist.
OCA is probably the worst medical device gig in the business.
Run by absolute imbeciles.

Douchebag Central!

As bad as it is we could still have the men of slime around . Yes, Tanner the guy who says nothing and has zero ideas is still here , however we could have the BIG HEAD and Mr 212 still here . This 2 created a culture well we know .

most OCA reps have secondary 1099 income coming in. There is no way that you can support a family by working for OCA as a TM any longer. Absolute joke!e
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Does anyone actually still work for Olympus? Heard there was 15 more resignations in sales last week.
Are you kidding me? This place is awful.
OCA is all about micromanagement, excel spreadsheets, and activities.
What a fucking joke. If you actually want to sell, go elswhere.

Freedman had a side Gig while he was RVP. Karna got him and git him good

I heard the Urology ranks are emptying out. Peeps are really pissed that their repair and bipolar business are under attack. Lots of business being lost, with no new products to boot!
Just one more reason for all of us to walk out of OCA folks!

This place is a feudal enterprise!

How many times will Olympus completely turnover?
I don't recognize anyone anymore. I think this is directly related to our dogshit comp plan that Sales Ops Shithead implemented.

Todd Usen & Nils.
Both of you are fucking fired!!!

How many times will Olympus completely turnover?
I don't recognize anyone anymore. I think this is directly related to our dogshit comp plan that Sales Ops Shithead implemented.

Todd Usen & Nils.
Both of you are fucking fired!!!

You don't recognize anyone because you don't work here jackass. You've been fired for your incompetence and ability to not sell a damn thing....