EndoCapsule sales position


Consider it almost a specialty sales position selling capsule endoscopy into GI physician offices and some hospitals.

EC is the #2 player (by a very large margin) behind Given's capsule system.

There is value in the system, but its a matter of taking away from a very large installed base of equipment and knowlege of the software system that the docs use to read the capsule.

The EC rep can partner with the Medical Products sales rep (now an EAM) to leverage the capsule hardware into large capital deals and make it more financially appealing to hospitals.

The reps cover large territories of several states each. I think there may be less than 10 reps throughout the country.

Seems to be a starter position compared to the other divisions, but there is money to be made.

Any new updates regarding EndoCapsule sales positions? I have endo sales experience and I am considering applying for an open position. Have they made any dent into Given's dominance?

I don't think this new division is focusing much on capsule right now. Maybe more when the new model comes out. I hear that EndoChoice is also launching a capsule system soon. Knowing how they do business, they'll be a low cost competitor.

Any new updates regarding EndoCapsule sales positions? I have endo sales experience and I am considering applying for an open position. Have they made any dent into Given's dominance?

Given has the market because that's all who's made product for the market. Given patented their method of image transmission to the receiver that the patient wears. They sued Olympus on the grounds that Olympus infringed on that patent. Some sort of agreement was drawn up as Olympus was allowed to sell the capsule…just not actively market it. That's why you don't see any Olympus reps pressing the capsule or including it in any deals with scopes or therapy products. I'm not sure about EndoChoice coming out with a capsule but I do know Medivators is marketing and selling a capsule now in the US that is has had drawn popularity internationally. Given, now being owned by Covidien, is pretty ripe to have some market share taken from it. I'd just make certain to check into Olympus' plan for whatever capsule they now have and how they'll be able to sell it.