Sales culture

Always enjoy a good roasting.
Hey Michael from Sales Ops...

Here's a proposition for you.
How about you cut your pay as much as you cut ours and then we will ALL shut the fuck up.

That will never fucking happen.
Think about that as each and every post/lash hits you in the ass.

How are you so obtuse and corporate that you don't understand that you are taking money from hard working families?

We bust our tails in Urology, and all management treats us like dirt. You guys suck!

Great post! This is a terrible company to be a sales rep for.
It's time for everyone to start getting the resumes dusted off and think about a better lifestyle. Olympus is so dysfunctional...

Starting Monday:
2 emails per day will be sent to Hiroyuki...

Attention all sales reps.
What we need now is for all of you to step up and share your stories about commission theft with Hiroyuki!

I know this is mainly urology.
ENT here. This Sales Ops Dick guy, really pissed off some folks in Urology. The company is just going to sit back and allow all of this negative posts to exist out here on the web? Really?

If this stuff is true, which it probably is, then Olympus needs to get rid of this Sales Ops clown... Our customers are reading this stuff.
Two customers this week have already referenced Olympus on Cafepharma regarding this sales ops dick guy...

One of my docs was laughing today. When I asked him what was so funny, he said, Things look pretty bad at Olympus, and he laughed about the nickname Sales Ops Dick. This guy is becoming a household name on Cafepharma. Everyone is reading these posts. When will Olympus get rid of this guy, so we can go back to selling and stop reading these posts? It's obvious that this guy has screwed the sales force.

It's a really bad company.
The way that organization treats its employees is downright embarrassing. Please think about this before accepting an offer with Olympus. Why do you think so many threads have been ripped down? Most of the reps are on their way out. Truly disgusting employer. Just google Olympus & corruption. The results literally explode.

How are you Urology TM's liking your new LOW LOW commission payouts the past two months? Get used to it, you will be making a boatload less this year than last year. I am in charge of audits and see all of this sales ass fucking first hand. You can thank Sales Ops Dick and your local AVP for this raping of your commission. When will you guys and girls grow a set and stand up to management? It's time that we all walked out. Any takers?

How are you Urology TM's liking your new LOW LOW commission payouts the past two months? Get used to it, you will be making a boatload less this year than last year. I am in charge of audits and see all of this sales ass fucking first hand. You can thank Sales Ops Dick and your local AVP for this raping of your commission. When will you guys and girls grow a set and stand up to management? It's time that we all walked out. Any takers?

It's not just urology

Word on the street is that Olympus is selling the ENT & Energy divisions. Together they have ruined the overall revenue pipeline for OCA. Going forward OCA will cut Urology to 5%-8% commission and GI will get severe commission cuts this coming April. You will never make anymore $ with Olympus, but OCA will work you to the bone. I can't wait to see the look on all of the AVP's faces when our market share plummets!

Word on the street is that Olympus is selling the ENT & Energy divisions. Together they have ruined the overall revenue pipeline for OCA. Going forward OCA will cut Urology to 5%-8% commission and GI will get severe commission cuts this coming April. You will never make anymore $ with Olympus, but OCA will work you to the bone. I can't wait to see the look on all of the AVP's faces when our market share plummets!
You are a liar and an instigator with no credibiity. Stop it! I work in upstream and know first hand the significant investments being made to both. If they is the case why did I increase my team, my budget and projects on my road map. You could not be more wrong and need to give it a rest.

Really? You work in upstream? You guys are the most retarded marketing group ever invented. True flounders of the industry. Who do you believe? Douchebag management who cuts your pay every fucking year, and lies through their teeth, or someone who wants to let the reps know when it's time to hit the road. Fuck Olympus. It's probably one of the worst, and most unethical
Medical Device companies in the industry. Stay if you want, but you were warned you fools!
You haven't had products to sell in two years wake up assholes!

Upstream dickhead
Are you really going to argue and battle back against hundreds of not a thousand disgruntled and disrespected TM's. Olympus Management and Marketing lie, cheat, and steal from our reps day in and day out. FUCK YOU!
Watch and learn. We are all on our way out! What a shithole operation.

You are a liar and an instigator with no credibiity. Stop it! I work in upstream and know first hand the significant investments being made to both. If they is the case why did I increase my team, my budget and projects on my road map. You could not be more wrong and need to give it a rest.

How are "dieg0" sales? Is anyone buying that overpriced gimmick?!?!!! Lol

Upstream dickhead
Are you really going to argue and battle back against hundreds of not a thousand disgruntled and disrespected TM's. Olympus Management and Marketing lie, cheat, and steal from our reps day in and day out. FUCK YOU!
Watch and learn. We are all on our way out! What a shithole operation.
Don't let the door hit ya, especially as the first round of CAP plans come out after first quarter. We may help you find the door.