Sales culture

It's no mystery that working for Olympus in sales is a recipe for depression and alcoholism. Hell, I know 4 or 5 people that started smoking while working here to deal with the stress.
We are finally seeing the resignations rolling in.

FYI:prospective Interviewees
Do not apply for these openings. Olympus is a terrible company to work for. Managers are liars and phony assholes. You were warned!

I never understand the "managers are phony" bla, bla bla comments.

I have to say that almost every manager I've met in this company are good people, with a solid understanding of the business.

Now, the company itself is FUBAR. So many issues that it cant get its head on straight. Creating problems to fix problems, and doing it as poorly as possible.

But shut up with the petty manager arguments, its just stupid.

Why bother even digesting and discussing this? We all know for a FACT that this company is riddled with cancerous and insecure Kool Aid drinking douchebag management.
Are you fucking serious? We have an RVP that takes showers with his own make reps in NY, and you assholes are going to try and paint pictures of stability and competence within the RVP ranks? Joke!
This company has more secrets and corruption than any company in history. Idiots!

You all stay at OCA because you are slaves and company drones!
We have trained you to be pussies that can't stand on your own two feet.
By 2019 you will be paying us to sell our products while we are out on the golf course eating a steak salad and smoking a cigar.
The more we treat sales like shit, the harder they will work.
Fuck you Sales.

SOD :>)

It's no mystery that working for Olympus in sales is a recipe for depression and alcoholism. Hell, I know 4 or 5 people that started smoking while working here to deal with the stress.
We are finally seeing the resignations rolling in.

FYI:prospective Interviewees
Do not apply for these openings. Olympus is a terrible company to work for. Managers are liars and phony assholes. You were warned!


These posts from the reps at Olympus are extremely disturbing and show just how dysfunctional it is to work for Olympus Corporation of America.
We really need to fire this Sales Ops Dick guy in Southborough Mass.
Start there and continue cleaning like Trump is doing.

TOXIC ! Energy Division should be sold off . To much money invested with no upside. Our leader ,the inspiring Sean Moore has not delivered on anything he said he would. The only thing he has done is plagarize others ideas to sound like he knows what he is doing. He has never had success anywhere! Yet he thinks pad and pencils will give leverage . Well, looks like Ethicon has solved that issue.

Olympus is a disgusting company. Please ask your RVP about the new comp plan for Urology for April 1. Many RVP's saw this new shit plan last week, and will not tell you unless you press. I'm not even waiting until April to resign. This place is truly awful.
5% bottom tier commission.

Endotherapy division has 13 open territories out of 99. Almost half of the division has turned over since April 2016

At plan is only $135k per year plus Olympus expects 15% growth. Growth targets are so ridiculous that only 20% of the territories will make their plan this year.

NYC and surrounding boroughs, arguably one of the largest GI markets in the country, doesn't have an endo therapy rep. And they haven't been able to fill those positions cause Olympus doesn't pay its reps
What a joke.
Only more reps are leaving.
Last year this time there were over 120 reps. So about 30% of the reps are gone. Some will say part of that is due to the reorganization. Regardless, is that the type of company you want to associate yourself with?
Terrible culture, management sucks, yes callaghan I'm calling you and all your little butt buddies out. And the pay continues to decline.
Enough said

Who will be resigning this week???
Let's get those resignations rolling in people!!! Time to leave all positions Unfilled. OCA is a terribly dysfunctional organization. Get out now!!!

I think there are already several resignations in sales this week. Lets pump those numbers up people!
This place will be a ghost town by May 1st!

Hands down the worst sales organization I have ever witnessed. Honestly, top management does nothing to improve things. They only sit on their asses and collect salary. Reps are blamed for everything. Pay is half of what it was 5 years ago. Run from this place as quickly as you can.

Do not apply for or interview for OCA Sales jobs. It is a terrible company.
You will be very very sorry if you do.
Stay away at all cost!

Fuck Olympus. It's a cesspool.
Everyone is stealing commissions and selling into other people's territories. Total dishonesty. I'm telling you to steer clear of this shit mill!

Olympus is imploding. Huge meetings in CV tomorrow. Lots of firings coming.
It's almost funny that it took this fucking long.


everyone in my region and actually the company hates my RVP. He's one of those former Boston guys. That bald-headed asshole, thinks he's so cool. Well guess what buddy, I'll be giving notice soon, so you'll have another spot that you can't fill

Anyone else resigning that you know of?
We need to get a mass exodus going here to really hurt these fuckers where it counts. The pocket book.