Thanks for the feedback Sean. Hey maybe check for wrinkles and keep your shirt tucked in when you are on stage .
The people who hate the awards dinner are the ones who never get on stage. LOL! You're not resigning, you'll get fired before that happens. Yes keep looking for another job as you are nothing but a 9 year loser that can't even get a quota buster award. The reason your still here is you can't get another job. Yes let me say it again, you are a loser!
The people who hate the awards dinner are the ones who never get on stage. LOL! You're not resigning, you'll get fired before that happens. Yes keep looking for another job as you are nothing but a 9 year loser that can't even get a quota buster award. The reason your still here is you can't get another job. Yes let me say it again, you are a loser!
Olympus is swirling it last swirl before zooming down the drain.
Have heard a major reorg is planned around SE/Energy/ Dual. Major rep and mgmt headcount reduction.
Strategy, footprint, focus. Will solve many issues. Say goodbye to "rules" and internal competition. "SE-NERGY will grow with their surgical/ energy technology platforms or starve" is what I have heard.
Tokyo and OAI mgmt has finally come to senses. Or the leeching has become too much to bear.
Guessing this is more about removing GI shared products from SE bag and the problems that has created.
Someone is finally using a brain?[/QUOTE
Guys, its time to start thinking bigger picture.
Find a new career elsewhere. Olympus has never, and will not ever care about your career or advancing your career. It is a dead fucking end. GET OUT NOW.