Empire Surgical job - scam or legit

Dirk Gorman revels in associating with consultants like Pat Donohue of Five Canadian Geese. Wonder if their wives know what those 2 slick bastards did to that girl at SUNY B.

Dirk is no where to be found besides cafe pharma message boards. Allergy testing business with his lackeys??

I feel bad for Zito , Andreas, Rich, Tamer.. They worked hard for this cult leader and Im sure they got NOTHING from him but a good ole pat on the back if that!

Is Dirk gorman the next Bill Cosby!! What did he do to the girl at Suny B?


I know Andreas, and he has nothing but good things to say about Dirk Gorman. Bro, it's time to move past the fact you were not good enough to cut it at Empire. Hey the world needs vacuum cleaner salesmen too. Let go of the bitterness. Move on with life.

Dirk is a fraud, his company failed period the end. Say whatever you want but if Empire was doing the numbers they were expected to do there card would have been pulled. Now the top reps have gone to work for Gotham. One would think smart move but upon further inspection you go from one crazy over zealous leader to what??? Well that what is Erik Grzan and Matt Rowe. One can't spell Gotham and the other is socially inept. To be honest between the two of them you have maybe and I say this seriously , maybe on fully functioning brain. They look good on paper cause they rape and steal talent. But the smart reps will see the two for what they are and leave.

You're an idiot. Empire lose the Mitek line because JNJ decided to return to a direct sales force. Only the distributorships that carried both the total joint line along with Mitek didnt lose the line. It had zero to do with how a particular agency was or was not performing. You might try having a clue what you are talking about, you know, for the change if for no other reason.

You're an idiot. Empire lose the Mitek line because JNJ decided to return to a direct sales force. Only the distributorships that carried both the total joint line along with Mitek didnt lose the line. It had zero to do with how a particular agency was or was not performing. You might try having a clue what you are talking about, you know, for the change if for no other reason.

Hey Pal,

I do have a clue. Sounds like your the one who bought into Dirks bullshit and left with holding your dick in your hand. News flash, Gotham crushed you fucks and shit all over you. Reason being they are in the OR while you guys are at meetings listening to some fool talk about how great his he is and how his system works the best. Bottom line, your numbers and revenue declined and that's why you chain got pulled.

Particularly love the posts that begin with "Hey pal".

Never worked for Gorman. Not located in New York. What I do know is Empire consistently ranked among the top Mitek distributors, so I'm going to go ahead and call BS on Gotham putting Empire out of business. After all the very fact that you are obviously so full of bitterness speaks to the fact that Empire kicked your ass. Why else would Dirk be living rent free inside your head? And no, pal, you quite obviously do not have a clue. Fortunately high IQ is not an Arthrex requirement. It seems as long as you have the requisite shaved head, goatee, and GED you're good to go. Empire lost Mitek for the same reason every other distributor in the United States did. Now, even though I enjoy train wrecks as much as anyone, this is my last post on the subject.

Just saw the videos. What a joke. DePuy did cut ties with all Mitek only distributors so can't really hold that against him. What you can hold against him is being a DBag with a huge ego. Don't work in the area and sell recon not sports but I feel sorry for the reps who had to deal with that.

Dirk Gorman is a a tool. Have you seen this fool on you tube??? No wonder why his company failed. He was to busy making self help video's whole Arthrex was gobbling up there business. Hey Dirk you simple fuck tell me how's pepper working now with your unemployed ass. What's your newest bullshit scheme?? Hold on... Wait for it... Pain cream... Really Dirk fucking pain cream.. Your a piker take your ass back home and let the real big boys like Arthrex clean up.. Fucking loser

Fuck Dirk he and his team never hustled harder than Gotham. He was more interested in self promotion than anything else. Now where is empire? Out of business. You do not get your distributorship pulled if your doing sales and crushing goals. People on this forum can say all they want about empire but that's the truth. The few solid salesmen when empire imploded went to Gotham. That's not a surprise now is it? That's because Gotham runs the city no pun intended.