Empire Surgical job - scam or legit

Dirky scam is finallly over.

He told all his reps in a proiavte meeting the EMPIRE is OVER!!!!!!

He built up this fake huge "Empire" to let it all crumble to the ground. No body feels bad because everyone in corporate thinks he is a disgusting monster.

His PEPPER failed!

His Empire failed!!


MITEK is a lot smarter than we all thought.


As someone who knows Dirk please explain how Empire failed?? They didn't fail sales that's for sure.You may not like him or his methods but to say he and Empire is a failure? Maybe you can dedact that in your next post and just type 'I don't like Dirk' Be nice to yourself.

Anyone else feeling capable today??? I know I am. Dirk prepared me to kick ass like I am doing. Selling water purifiers gave me thick skin and prepared me for the real world of medical sales. All you haters can laugh all you want, I'm kicking ass and taking names, and business. So laugh all you want. Most of you are all jealous of Dirks success. He's humble and wouldn't say but he got paid nicely to be bought out.

Anyone else feeling capable today??? I know I am. Dirk prepared me to kick ass like I am doing. Selling water purifiers gave me thick skin and prepared me for the real world of medical sales. All you haters can laugh all you want, I'm kicking ass and taking names, and business. So laugh all you want. Most of you are all jealous of Dirks success. He's humble and wouldn't say but he got paid nicely to be bought out.

From a good authority, he got 3 mil and had to sign non compete

He was the FIRST one to take the buyout!!! Usually great captains go down with the ship. He was the FIRST to jump ship and leave all his reps to scramble.

DIRK is a COWARD and a FAILURE. He was very lucky to have some TALENTED employees to help his EMPIRE grow. He is a wannabe TONY ROBBINS that never sold anything. He talked a good game but never delivered anything but TALK.

This guy is the biggest LIAR around I would love to see him walk into a office and actually sell something. He is like a CULT LEADER and still has a few lackeys left that believe LOL.

I heard he has screwed over HIS TOP GUYS, His BEST FRIEND, so why wouldn't he screw YOU over!!



Wow.Nasty people.How did he screw his friend and top people? Arthrex is talking to a lot of the agents and their reps.Why wouldn't Dirk sit back and wait it out to join his team ?
Praise for removing him................. Let's wait and see how this plays down the road

My bet is that this plays out fine for Dirk and Anthony.What visco injection product will Dirk be taking the OV customers to? Zero praise to Mitek on this one.where did the business go? Fahhhgeddahboudit

Who will admit they handled it wrong when the sales evaporate? Nobody will.They want control and will fold Mitek into recon.horrible mistake? No problem at all numbers reset year over year.

Where did all the CAP-able videos go?

Who are you going to align yourself with, Who is the difference, Who meets at 5 am?........... Who is the solution

That video was my favorite and in the end pretty much summed up what a walking contradiction that guy was.

Who shuts the door, closes shop and slams it on you as soon as they write a check?

20 guys up and 20 guys down.

YTD 22% growth for Mitek in US…..FMS Tubing back, seems a bit more positive start to the year than the negative picture re Empire and the dealers stepping aside….?

going to watch the youtube video again….worth a laugh!

Dirk never sold anything, what a joke. Dirk cut his teeth as a rep like everyone else. The haters on this thread are obviously chump losers Dirk and/or Empire took business from.

"Good authority" what Dirk got huh..well this is an anonymous thread so come on who/what is the "authority? I wont hold my breath.

Re: Empire Surgical job - scam or legit - dirk gorman

dirk gorman sucks and is a scam

I agree. Dirk is a scam and never sold anything. He cut his teeth how? He sold some implants at Joint Disease? He gave that up and sold nothing after that.

He took of advantage of his top talent and did not reward anyone but himself in the monster buyout he got. He should be embarasssed he ruined his name in the industry all his former reps are talking about him. Some legacy!!

Re: Empire Surgical job - scam or legit - dirk gorman

I agree. Dirk is a scam and never sold anything. He cut his teeth how? He sold some implants at Joint Disease? He gave that up and sold nothing after that.

He took of advantage of his top talent and did not reward anyone but himself in the monster buyout he got. He should be embarasssed he ruined his name in the industry all his former reps are talking about him. Some legacy!!

what do you consider a monster buyout? LOL

Dirk was a Mitek sales rep back in the day. Why all the sour grapes over his buyout? Mitek was taking the sales force direct. What was he supposed to do, get nothing? It is sad and even a little amusing all of the hate directed at one man. Obviously he made an impact. In all likelihood several of you haters are people Empire canned over the years; not good enough to play in the big leagues. Maybe if you focused on yourself a little more instead of obsessing over someone else you would be better at life. Otherwise, well Arthrex will hire anybody..

Dirk was a Mitek sales rep back in the day. Why all the sour grapes over his buyout? Mitek was taking the sales force direct. What was he supposed to do, get nothing? It is sad and even a little amusing all of the hate directed at one man. Obviously he made an impact. In all likelihood several of you haters are people Empire canned over the years; not good enough to play in the big leagues. Maybe if you focused on yourself a little more instead of obsessing over someone else you would be better at life. Otherwise, well Arthrex will hire anybody..

Big buy out..OOOH, he got 400k. And you consider Mitek the big leagues?? HAHAHAHAHA, what planet you live on?