I don't have an issue with electric vehicles but making sweeping commentary like "the time is right" and a one size fits all approach is realistic or workable for the entire multinational fleet shows a lot of bias, ignorance, and naivete.Totally false. There was an expert committee formed last June to research EVs and present a plan of action to management. The collective decision, which included sales management, was to proceed forward with EVs. The time is right for electric cars - in fact the time is critical.
The timing is not yet right for those in mamy countries including the US who don't reside in big metro areas that lack adequate EV infrastructure and make frequent long trips to visit customers and conduct business. It will become a logistical nightmare for a significant portion of field based employees and create safety issues as well.
Hopefully, common sense prevails, freedback (reality) is heard, and the powers that be acknowledge the fact that EV vehicles are not yet ready for primetime in many areas. That day is coming but technology and infrastructure still has a ways to go to get there.