Electric vehicle garage fire

I think there is finally an end to this nonsense on the horizon. Both Ford and Volkswagen have closed their EV factories because there simply isn't enough demand for the vehicles. Trump will kill they national mandate on Day 1. Without government incentives propping it up this whole thing will collapse overnight.

Think of the money AZ wasted on this.
Why would he kill ED'S when he is beholden now to Elon Musk for getting elected? Trump is beholden to a lot of people and will now make political decisions based on repaying favors. He has never really stood for anything, just whatever may be popular at the time and provide power and adulation.

Why would he kill ED'S when he is beholden now to Elon Musk for getting elected? Trump is beholden to a lot of people and will now make political decisions based on repaying favors. He has never really stood for anything, just whatever may be popular at the time and provide power and adulation.
Musk has said publicly he is against EV mandates, because we don't have the power generation and charging infrastructure to support it.

Nice try.

Why would he kill ED'S when he is beholden now to Elon Musk for getting elected? Trump is beholden to a lot of people and will now make political decisions based on repaying favors. He has never really stood for anything, just whatever may be popular at the time and provide power and adulation.

That's scary that you believe that.

Who cares! The whole idea of EV’s is nothing more than virtue signaling when you really break it all down. It solves nothing in the grand scheme of transportation and environment and actually creates more issues than what it is intended to replace. Unfortunately, until the higher-ups pay enough “stupid tax” and feel the economic pain from their misguided attempts at “saving the world” we’ll have to bear the brunt of their ignorance.

Musk has said publicly he is against EV mandates, because we don't have the power generation and charging infrastructure to support it.

Nice try.
Trump does not like the pharma industry and is going to cost many thousands of people their jobs in the next four years. If you haven't figured that out by now given his plan to appoint a nut job, conspiracy theorist like RFK Jr. head of HHS with the mandate to "go wild" with the nation's healthcare, you aren't paying attention and have no clue what Trump truly is.

He is not the business friendly guy many of you think unless you happen to be in the real estate, construction, or manufacturing industries. He is a populist that panders to the mob and whatever way the winds of the day blow.

He is going to cause much worse inflation with his misguided, extreme protectionist ideas. Reckless tariffs on ALL imports and possibly gutting industries like pharma that employ hundreds of thousands of people in this country are not going to help the economy. Don't shoot the messenger.

So the sickest, fattest country in the world with a life expectancy that ranks 42nd in the developed world wants to try something different? The country with food additives used no where else but here? All meat that's sold in the US has to be sprayed with citric acid that's generated from mold spores. We are the only country in the world that does that.

Please help me understand why vacant territory sales are as good or better than rep territories?!?! Is the pharma rep business model a charade? Should we do a JV with Jimmy Johns and fire the reps? Eliminating field sales will significantly reduce AZ's carbon footprint. We need to fully embrace AI-generated marketing/sales initiatives.

Please help me understand why vacant territory sales are as good or better than rep territories?!?! Is the pharma rep business model a charade? Should we do a JV with Jimmy Johns and fire the reps? Eliminating field sales will significantly reduce AZ's carbon footprint. We need to fully embrace AI-generated marketing/sales initiatives.
As a PSS, I agree. I am enslaved to a decent salary even though my "impact" footprint continues to decline because of strong anti-pharma protocols with the targeted physicians within these systems. A once solid career has become (sadly) a joke.

Rich people hog the energy and want the 99% to drive these shitty cars, risk garage fires, and feel guilty about their negligible impact on the environment?
While they take their private jets to climate change conferences touting the perceived dangers of climate change. We can't use global warming phraseology anymore since those numbers have been refuted. Climates always change so that fits the narrative better. Wake up. This is all about $ and control.

I have seen this time and time again. The only explanation I have is this industry is like Vegas. The house always wins…

Please help me understand why vacant territory sales are as good or better than rep territories?!?! Is the pharma rep business model a charade? Should we do a JV with Jimmy Johns and fire the reps? Eliminating field sales will significantly reduce AZ's carbon footprint. We need to fully embrace AI-generated marketing/sales initiatives.