Ecat or New Devices

What I am saying is, you sell what you have not what you don't. You never have everything in your product, you never have the "perfect" product. Use your skills to sell your product and service. Oh my!! We have crappy managers, Coreventis has the better product, we get no support. Telzuit did have an MCT device, just a lot of people didn't know it. We still have the best total package. You're like a politician selling the fear factor. I bet you are running short of your quota.

And yes, I know the difference between 1 lead and 3 leads. Come on.

cha-ching. just took one of CN's largest accounts. this is almost too easy competing against CN. thank you to Randy and the rest of the idiots that run the company with their primary concern being sold. keep cutting expenses so you'll look more sexy while your service goes down to tubes. by the way, when are they going to announce the Philips deal?

cha-ching. just took one of CN's largest accounts. this is almost too easy competing against CN. thank you to Randy and the rest of the idiots that run the company with their primary concern being sold. keep cutting expenses so you'll look more sexy while your service goes down to tubes. by the way, when are they going to announce the Philips deal?

Shhhhush you. No one is suppose to know yet!

does anybody know what is going on with MedNet? heard 50 employees were let go and several VPs resigned

upper mngmt must be too busy handling the FIRE SALE to return my repeated phone calls. No commish issued for almost 3 mon's now! and my docs are not getting equipment! New ecardio offerring looks good , time for a change.

No commish in 3 months...why the hell are you still there?

done. gave them many chances and tired of hearing the same crap over and over and over about delayed commission and technology updates that never happen. what was once a good solution is no longer. stale, outdated technology & crappy service. few good people in enrollment and customer service guys try too, but that's not enough. delayed commission aside - it was time to move on. the docs I have are eager to move their business. My advice would be to do the same - this fish is fried.

Heard most of upper management that was running the place left because they weren't getting paid either. If your reputation is on the line with clients I would find them another service provider immediately before the bottom completely fall out.

done. gave them many chances and tired of hearing the same crap over and over and over about delayed commission and technology updates that never happen. what was once a good solution is no longer. stale, outdated technology & crappy service. few good people in enrollment and customer service guys try too, but that's not enough. delayed commission aside - it was time to move on. the docs I have are eager to move their business. My advice would be to do the same - this fish is fried.

Spoke with rep yesterdy and is leaving. said that others are in process of doing the same.