The rep has not told me anything regarding the Transoma relationship, in fact never mentioned it when it first happened. I am saying that they (MN) have done well in our area and their reporting software/reports are well received. All service companies miss notifications from time to time. All have their good/bad qualities and it is varied from area to area depending on the rep and service. MedNet should be viewed as a ligit competitor. We all know that LW and CN have had their share and speak of lying I can not tell you how many times the LW rep has changed the story on reimbursement and interps and even offering to pay for hook ups of ACT devices. Is that be ethical? We can go point by point all day if you like on every company.
Perhaps I should say that I do not work for ANY monitoring company. And yes, I too can go point-by-point on just about any of the national "players". Mednet may infact be a "legit" competitor in your area (though you never have said waht area you are in) but me thinks that it is much more your percetion than actuality. I have been all over this nation, and have yet to see a MedNet account. Obviously they must have some, but I have NEVER seen one (nor has anyone I know for that matter, and I do know the reps for several monitoring companies in multiple areas). This is not intended as a flame of any sort. What percentage of the local business does MedNet have? How many states does your rep cover?
BTW, I too know of more than one LW rep offering to pay offices for hook-ups, or offering to "work something out" with regards to the hook up fee. Can you say inducement? And let's not even start on the billing issues that eCardio has......