Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Nancy thinks saying it over and over makes it true. Poor baby boo boo. Without new leadership this is a sinking ship, mark my words. Oh, and take your damn meds, you need a lot of them.

Re: Dynasplint is the BEST

Business as usual, happy employees, and satisfied patients
There's nothing to see here folks
Move on.

All is good.

Obviously, the trolls who were fired cannot read
They are just a miserable lot of disgruntled employees
The above statement stands on its own

Move on, there's nothing to see here

Re: Dynasplint is the BEST

Obviously, the trolls who were fired cannot read
They are just a miserable lot of disgruntled employees
The above statement stands on its own

Move on, there's nothing to see here
The miserable disgruntled ones are the employees that are still there! They are never sure of a paycheck and love being lied to on a daily basis. Most of them don't go out into the field secondary to being the laughing stock of the industry. I am the happiest I have been in forever. stress is down, and I know I am getting a huge check every 2 weeks. I won't even mention my monthly commission checks. People there are great jobs out there! I know it maybe hard to get out now because of the stigma of this company, but it is well worth your time to run

Miserable troll, fired by DSi, has nothing better to do than put down current employees and badmouthing his former employer.

Nothing to see here folks other than jealous, ex-employees ranting because they were fired or laid off.

Move on.

We got busted for Medicare fraud in excess of $20 million.

Do not trust this person's statements as they are obviously not in the know. Our Medicare number was reinstated and we are currently submitting claims.

Yes, there is a current lawsuit but things are actually looking pretty decent from Dynasplint's standpoint.