Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I got it, so you work as like a PR person for GH right worshipper? FYI - you suck. Nothing but lies out of your ignorant ass. You remind me of Nancy Pelosi, never know what bs is going to come out of her.

She is an idiot who always looks surprised. Your logic matches up well with hers since she has none. This all makes sense now, I feel for your pathetic ass. Keep that smile, we all know.

Attention Sales Consultants: Because George was late on our last paycheck by one day, and then didn't send out our June Expense check on time ( a day late per "Payroll", but suck it, that's 3 Days late!), and is now behind on paying our bonuses, I propose that we fit our patients on paper, because they come first, and hold our contracts because we don't get paid on time anyway, we get pooped on with our bonuses (these "Adjustments" are a joke!) and George wants 3000 confirmations this month. Well guess what??! I want my dental insurance back, my interest on the loan we gave you, my bonus paid in full, my expenses on time, and our loyalty award for sticking with your ass for a year, even after you have defaulted on all of the "promises" you said to us. I applaud the consulatants for sending out emails to George on Friday stating our frustration regarding bonuses and expenses being late. And direct deposit. George, a false update on Monday is not going to raise the morale. That's already gone. We want our money and then you will get competent employees working again. So lets fit and hold!!!
One last thing-how many of us have been paid for our missing "weeks" pay? I went back through George's past emails and it turns out that its a TWO WEEK DISCREPANCY! Its not 1. We all need to start asking these hard questions to get what is rightfully ours. Who wants to miss out on 2 weeks of pay when we already miss out on every other kind of pay? Please let me know who has been paid for either a week, 2 weeks of pay, or not paid at all for this discrepancy so we can fix it.

So r we going to strike or hold all of our contracts until we r paid. I am not working very hard but any fittings I have done are on paper and I have
Not sent them in. We need to band together.

celebrity net worth website, are you freaking kidding me. You are a big waste of time. Have your buddy GH make everyone whole and we won't even have to deal with you anymore. It will give you more time to work on your pathetic life. By the way, isn't Pelosi the one who said, "We have to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it"? That was just ingenious....

celebrity net worth website, are you freaking kidding me. You are a big waste of time. Have your buddy GH make everyone whole and we won't even have to deal with you anymore. It will give you more time to work on your pathetic life. By the way, isn't Pelosi the one who said, "We have to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it"? That was just ingenious....

Hey genius, you dragged Pelosi into this and besides, Obama is fixing any links in the Affordable Health Care Act via presidential order. Go back to work or watching Fox News or whatever it is that you do with your time. If she wasn't so smart, why are you claiming you're destitute while she has a cool $100,000,000 net worth? Shame on you for demeaning an American patriot.

Pigs are flying and the Turtles are ruling the planet.

Dumb b*tch. You're incessant whining is getting old.

Hey genius, you dragged Pelosi into this and besides, Obama is fixing any links in the Affordable Health Care Act via presidential order. Go back to work or watching Fox News or whatever it is that you do with your time. If she wasn't so smart, why are you claiming you're destitute while she has a cool $100,000,000 net worth? Shame on you for demeaning an American patriot.

Pigs are flying and the Turtles are ruling the planet.

Dumb b*tch. You're incessant whining is getting old.

I have a serious question I would like to ask you..when people ask you what you do for a living do you tell them you suck d*ck for a living? With as f'ed up in the head as you are I cannot believe that any reputable company would hire you so you must be a street walker.

Keep taking those meds and your outlook will improve.
God Bless your little heart sweetie.
I can forgive you.

The Flying Pigs and Turtle suggest you chill.

Honey I have nothing to be forgiven for..I am not the one who stole money from their employees, insurance companies, patients or the federal government. That would be GH & Dynasuck.

If anyone needs forgiving, I would have to tell you to look in the mirror.

And that pig sure did taste good when I made my family breakfast this morning.

Hey GHOST worshipper, did you see Pelosi get owned on the House floor. Reminds me of you getting owned on your ignorant comments. Not sure how you can keep defending the actions of GH and dsi.

God Bless your little hearts.

You just don't understand that I simply stated that GH did a lot of good, was charitable, took care if employees, fed a lot of families and when the business took an unfortunate turn, people like you turned on him. Did he make mistakes? Apparently, based on your comments. However, I believe he has a good conscience and a big heart, and over time, intended to make everyone whole. He's been fighting a tough battle, and with the help of dedicated employees, paid the banks off! That says a lot about the 200 employees still there who are trying to feed the families. They're good people.

As for those laid off, SOME probably were under performers. It's a simple fact of life that companies do file for bankruptcy, layoff employees, and go out of business. If you were laid off, grow a pair, get a job, and move on with your life. All the angst expressed here is unhealthy. And, your bellyaching and trashing of DH does no good for the hardworking, dedicated employees working their butts off. Or the patients who need and deserve the devices.

I'll pray for your soul, Honey, so you can find peace and enjoyment in your life.
God bless your little heart, Sweetie.

One last thing, you conservative r*****s are clueless and why you continue to lose elections.
Nancy Pelosi is an American hero who cares about the middle class and poor people.
The Dems will gain the House this year and win the presidency again with Hilliary and Bill back in the WH. Chew on that for awhile, Honey.

God Bless your little hearts.

You just don't understand that I simply stated that GH did a lot of good, was charitable, took care if employees, fed a lot of families and when the business took an unfortunate turn, people like you turned on him. Did he make mistakes? Apparently, based on your comments. However, I believe he has a good conscience and a big heart, and over time, intended to make everyone whole. He's been fighting a tough battle, and with the help of dedicated employees, paid the banks off! That says a lot about the 200 employees still there who are trying to feed the families. They're good people.

As for those laid off, SOME probably were under performers. It's a simple fact of life that companies do file for bankruptcy, layoff employees, and go out of business. If you were laid off, grow a pair, get a job, and move on with your life. All the angst expressed here is unhealthy. And, your bellyaching and trashing of DH does no good for the hardworking, dedicated employees working their butts off. Or the patients who need and deserve the devices.

I'll pray for your soul, Honey, so you can find peace and enjoyment in your life.
God bless your little heart, Sweetie.

One last thing, you conservative r*****s are clueless and why you continue to lose elections.
Nancy Pelosi is an American hero who cares about the middle class and poor people.
The Dems will gain the House this year and win the presidency again with Hilliary and Bill back in the WH. Chew on that for awhile, Honey.

What you fail to understand is that 500+ people were laid off after GH told a bunch of BS lies that everything was all well and fine. Those same 500+ people are still waiting for GH to pay them for the work they did for him and his company. It doesn't matter if they were slacking or not.

That is absolutely NONE of your business. That was between their direct supervisor and the employee.

GH still needs to pay wages that are owed to them. And apparently from the posts from the CURRENT employees, they still are NOT being paid.

How many people do you know that work for free?

I actually feel really bad for the current employees who did stick it out and are still being screwed by him.

It makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE who is in the White House or how much money Pelosi's net worth is...they do not owe these 500+ current and past employees wages GH & Dynasuck DO!!!

And for you to sit here and degrade, belittle and use your condescending attitude telling them to suck it up makes you just as much of a cocksucker as GH.

Redundant??? Honey, take your meds, chill.... Your ignorant ass is the redundant irrelevant one. You have been owned over and over again on this post just like girl Nancy. This is your choice to sit here and defend GH's lies. There is no excuse. Keep that smile, ignorance is bliss. How's that for redundant.