Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Oops, paychecks bounced again. But hey, George's house is out of foreclosure. Thanks to all of the loyal suckers bringing in a little money so he could save his mansion on the river!

I am having a bit of a hard time deciding if you are being serious or sarcastic. Did paychecks bounce again?

If they did, people PLEASE do yourself a favor and find new employment. This is insane!!!!

I am so so sorry for those left trying to keep this "Costa Concordia replica" afloat while GH bounces your pay.

No, the paychecks didn't bounce. BUT, George, is behind, again on repaying our bonuses. George- we want our money NOW. And we want our Loyalty Bonus for sticking with your ass to cover YOUR company. you owe us. We also want interest on the Loan we have been giving you. You told us we would be paid up by Last October. Then the end of the year. Then it was June of 2014. Now you are behind again. We haven't forgotten. You are full of broken promises. How can you expect any of us to work hard for you? WE AREN'T. numbers are down and that's because you aren't treating us well. We wont work hard for you until you Pay us our loyalty and our bonuses and reimburse us for the PC trip that you didn't take us on because of your mistakes. We were working hard and you were not, and now we have been punished.
Lets all strike until we get our rightfully owed money.

No, the paychecks didn't bounce. BUT, George, is behind, again on repaying our bonuses. George- we want our money NOW. And we want our Loyalty Bonus for sticking with your ass to cover YOUR company. you owe us. We also want interest on the Loan we have been giving you. You told us we would be paid up by Last October. Then the end of the year. Then it was June of 2014. Now you are behind again. We haven't forgotten. You are full of broken promises. How can you expect any of us to work hard for you? WE AREN'T. numbers are down and that's because you aren't treating us well. We wont work hard for you until you Pay us our loyalty and our bonuses and reimburse us for the PC trip that you didn't take us on because of your mistakes. We were working hard and you were not, and now we have been punished.
Lets all strike until we get our rightfully owed money.

I agree. We need to strike or something to show him we are serious. We want our money now!

I agree. We need to strike or something to show him we are serious. We want our money now!

If we don't strike to get our money we can always put a lein on this "awesome" business to collect the money that we earned. It is in writing. If enough of us do it I think he may get the point. Enough is enough already!

Attention Sales Consultants: Because George was late on our last paycheck by one day, and then didn't send out our June Expense check on time ( a day late per "Payroll", but suck it, that's 3 Days late!), and is now behind on paying our bonuses, I propose that we fit our patients on paper, because they come first, and hold our contracts because we don't get paid on time anyway, we get pooped on with our bonuses (these "Adjustments" are a joke!) and George wants 3000 confirmations this month. Well guess what??! I want my dental insurance back, my interest on the loan we gave you, my bonus paid in full, my expenses on time, and our loyalty award for sticking with your ass for a year, even after you have defaulted on all of the "promises" you said to us. I applaud the consulatants for sending out emails to George on Friday stating our frustration regarding bonuses and expenses being late. And direct deposit. George, a false update on Monday is not going to raise the morale. That's already gone. We want our money and then you will get competent employees working again. So lets fit and hold!!!
One last thing-how many of us have been paid for our missing "weeks" pay? I went back through George's past emails and it turns out that its a TWO WEEK DISCREPANCY! Its not 1. We all need to start asking these hard questions to get what is rightfully ours. Who wants to miss out on 2 weeks of pay when we already miss out on every other kind of pay? Please let me know who has been paid for either a week, 2 weeks of pay, or not paid at all for this discrepancy so we can fix it.

This coming from a sales associate who probably knew the Medicare law, yet kept reaping the financial rewards, perhaps knowingly violating the law, who blasts the CEO and blames him for everything, and continually whines about the back pay and bonus money. Have you no shame, Honet?

Honey, you are the definition of cognitive dissonance.

Get a grip. Chillax and move on. There's nothing to see here. Go forth and prosper on your own. Leave these good people alone to do their job and attend to their patients.

This coming from a sales associate who probably knew the Medicare law, yet kept reaping the financial rewards, perhaps knowingly violating the law, who blasts the CEO and blames him for everything, and continually whines about the back pay and bonus money. Have you no shame, Honet?

Honey, you are the definition of cognitive dissonance.

Get a grip. Chillax and move on. There's nothing to see here. Go forth and prosper on your own. Leave these good people alone to do their job and attend to their patients.

No honey, I did not reap any of the ill gotten gains from Dynasuck or GH..I did my job and I did it well. I quit before GH could steal money from me as he has done to 500 people.

GH is the only one to blame for this whole mess and you are just as stupid for backing him up. You will both burn in Hell!!!!!

Drop dead!! Do us all a favor!!!

Quit whining Honey.
Seriously, get a job and move on.

Do you think this is the only company on the planet to layoff people? Oh, woe is me.

You'll be a much happier person if you move on, stop posting your drivel, and put all your efforts into your job.


Quit whining Honey.
Seriously, get a job and move on.

Do you think this is the only company on the planet to layoff people? Oh, woe is me.

You'll be a much happier person if you move on, stop posting your drivel, and put all your efforts into your job.


No not the only company to lay off 500 people, however this is the first company I have ever heard of where the owner of the company lied and bull shitted his way into letting everyone think that things were better.

This is the first company I have heard of where the owner is now being sued for violating 500 employees rights. The only owner that I have heard of that hasn't paid those 500 people every dime they are entitled to for working for such a bastard and it is now coming up on 1 full year. The only company where the owner has taken NO OWNERSHIP of his own criminal actions. The only company that is STILL bouncing paychecks, not paying the sales consultants for work they are doing and giving every bull shit lie he can think of as an excuse.

As for me...honey I am quite happy :D :D I have a job I love, a company that cares about their employees and their patients, paychecks don't bounce, bonuses, car allowance and expenses are paid, vacation, sick leave and personal time are allowed, health, dental, vision and a prescription insurance are paid and offered to everyone including part-time employees, tuition reimbursement for those employees who want to further their education, and a retirement package are all offered as part of their benefits.

What does Dynasuck offer?

Oh that's right...he offers excuses, bounced paychecks and fake ass promises. Oh yes I want those qualities in my boss.