Most everyone has moved on except for one misguided soul who portends to be Mother Theresa to feed her alter ego. The bank suits are settled, the company is debt-free and is now hiring. Not all 500 employees were slackers, but let's face the truth, some were justifiably let go.
There's nothing to see here. You were right to let it go, get a job, and move on. Congratulations.
First off, since you want to throw stones at glass houses..spell the woman's name correctly. It is spelled Teresa.
Secondly, Mother Teresa was an amazing woman so thank you for the reference. Unfortunately, I am nowhere close to being Mother Teresa since I am standing my ground for 1 cause. And whether you think it's because of an alter ego is your opinion. But let's just put this out there..opinions are like assholes and everyone has one and sometimes it stinks..which is your case.
Yes DSI is hiring..that is amazing since maybe these poor sales reps that they are hiring can bring in enough money to pay the other 500 people who have been waiting for 9 months.
Moving on, well yes I have done that and I will have you know my new job is AMAZING!!! I collect a paycheck every 2 weeks that doesn't bounce, I have amazing benefits for myself and my family AND I get to help people who are not as fortunate as I am. That doesn't mean that I cannot stand up for what is right.
What GH did to 500+ people was in so many ways cold, heartless, uncaring and most of all illegal. He lied to everyone for months saying that the company was doing so well blah blah blah... honey, it was all BS. He should have been truthful with everyone from the start but nope he can't do that since he wanted to suck everything he possible could from those employees and then by way of a letter or even worse an e-mail 500+ people were shown the door. People became homeless because of this man, other people could not afford their cancer medicine or the chemo treatments because of this man and still even more people ended up having to get assistance from Social Services because of this man.
So, your opinion of this man might be that he is up there next to God because you may have kept your but my opinion of him is that he is a crooked self-centered thief that has stolen from the Federal Government and from 500 former employees and should be locked up with all of the other criminals out there.
And the truth is, whether your opinion of me or anyone else that was laid off is that we were slackers and deserved to be laid off doesn't matter. What matters is that GH has not paid every last person every dime that they are owed. And apparently, that goes with the current employees from the looks of this board.
So now it's your turn to go on about your business because nobody really cares what you think, just as you don't care what I think. Your opinion of me means less than nothing to me since you are a coward who can post anonymously all day long but you are too shallow to tell me who you really are because chances are, I probably assisted you and I was just as nice to you as I could possibly be and you don't want me to find out what a real backstabber you are.